catergory class: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
Pharm Action: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
TREAT mild-moderate IBD as it converts to: 1)Mesalamine- inhibts prostaglandins to decrease intestine inflam 2)Sulfapyriche- can cause adverse effects
Complications: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
nausea, fever, rash, headache, hematologic disorders (agranuloctyosis, hemolytic anemia)
Med Admin: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
oral, monitor stool for intact pill, expect change in skin and urine color
Nurse Interventions:sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
m/r worsening n/v/d- adjust dose or give ER check if body is capable of dissolving ER monitor skin for rash and temp assess if joint pain, monitor CBC
Client Edu: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
take w/ food/water, nausea:lie down, report n/v/d/fever, report joint pain (take anaglesics), m/r s/s hematologic disorders (sore throat, fatigue, infections, dizzy, dyspnea)
Contra: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
sensitive to salicylate/sulfenamides/trimethropin, folate def, megoblastic anemia, agranulocytosis, renal failure, porphiria, GI/urinary obstruct
PC: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
older adults, renal/hepatic dysfunction, blood dyscrasia, asthma, G6PD def
Interactions:sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
iron and antibiotics ^ sulfasalazin absorp sulfasalazin decreases absopr of digoxin
Catergory Class: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
5-HT4 Receptor agonist
Therp Use: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
treatment of IBS in women older than 18 treatment of CIC (chronic idiopathic constipation)
Pharm Action: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
decrease viseral pain, increase peristalsis, increase secretion of water and electrolyes from intes wall activates chorlide channel to ^ excretion of sodium and water
Complications: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
n/v/d, flatuence, headaches
Med admin: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
oral as prescribed, normal 2/day w/food, swallow whole, dont give if diarrhea
Nurse Intervention: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
monitor for n/v/d (stop and notify), monitor for headache and provide mild analgesic
Client Edu: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
take w/food, nausea:lie down, report severe n/v/d (stop and hydrate w/ clear fluid), take OTC for headaches (report if persistent)
Contra: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
severe diarrhea, divericullitis, chrons disease, ulcerative colitis, volvulous, GI obstruct
PC: lubiprostone (Amitiza)
any type of GI disease
Interactions:lubiprostone (Amitiza)
no current known
Catergory Class: loperamide (Imodium)
opioid anti-diarrheal
pharm action: loperamide (Imodium)
Treat diarrhea- smaller, fewer, harder BM decrease peristalsisis, increase absorp of water from feces
complications: loperamide (Imodium)
cardiac arrest, cardiac arrythmias, drowsy, constipation, dry mouth
med admin: loperamide (Imodium)
oral, up to 4 mg (follow loose stool with 2 mg), DO NOT EXCEED 6 mg, stop if diarrhea persists 48 hrs, no possible SA as an analog of opioid merperidine
nursing interventions: loperamide (Imodium)
monitor ambulation (sedation, dizzy, lighthead, drowsy), reccomen low and short dose, monitor for urinary retention (esp older), monitor anticholingeric effects (hard candy, gum, water)
client edu: loperamide (Imodium)
avoid before driving/mental activity, lighthead: sit/lie down, change postion gradually, urinate every 4 hrs and report undesirable changes
Contra: loperamide (Imodium)
less than 2 yo, IBD, advance hepatic disease, glaucoma, severe F+E imbalance, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, diarrhea from poision, ileus/gi bleed
PC: loperamide (Imodium)
ulcerative colitis, R/L dysfunction, prostatic hypertrophy, chemical abuse history
Interactions: loperamide (Imodium)
^ CNS depression: alcohol, antihistamine, sedatives ^ hypertensive crisis: MAOIS ^ cardiac arrhythmia: cimetidine, erythromycin, quinine
Catergory Class: docusate sodium (colace)
stool softener/surfacant laxatives
therp use: docusate sodium (colace)
treat constipation, prevent fecal impact, straining, painful elim
pharm action: docusate sodium (colace)
change surface tension of stool to ^ absopr of water, act on intest wall to decrease absorp of fluid and increase secretion of sodium and water
complications: docusate sodium (colace)
diarrhea, mild abd cramps, throat irration, rashes
med admin: docusate sodium (colace)
give w/ at least 8oz fluid, softer stool expected several days (1-3) after initating
Nurse Interventions: docusate sodium (colace)
monitor abd distetnion, pattern of BM assess consistency, color, amount of stool
Client edu: docusate sodium (colace)
report and stop if severe diarrhea, drink 2-3L fluids, increase exercise, increase fiber (bran, fresh fruit, vegetables)
contra: docusate sodium (colace)
GI obstruct/perforation, fecal impact, experiencing n/v, using mineral oil, undiagnosed abd pain
PC: docusate sodium (colace)
suscepetible to developing dependency
Interaction: docusate sodium (colace)
do not admin w/i 2 hrs of any other laxative
catergory class: lactulose
osmotic laxative
therp use: lactulose
lowers level of ammoinium, reliefs constipation
pharm action: lactulose
decrease intestinal production and absorption of ammonia metabolism of it causes laxative effect, and increases uptake of ammonia from colonic bacteria
complications: lactulose
cramping, flautence, diarrhea, increase bowel sounds, bloating
DM: hyperglycemia
med admin: lactulose
oral (syrup), 15-45 mL, 2-4/day
Nursing Interventions: lactulose
periodic electrolyte monitoring, assess for abd distention bowel sounds and movement, assess ammonia levels, assess BG in DM, monitor neuro
Client Edu: lactulose
^ fluid intake, fiber, exercise, notify if pregger/breastfeeding, notify if diarrhea becomes bothersome
Contra: lactulose
PC: lactulose
diabetics, elderly, preggers
Interactions: lactulose
dont use w/ other laxatives decrease effectivess: anti-infectives
Cat Class: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
stimulant lax
Pharm Action: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
stimulate instestinal motility of colon, cause desceased absorption of fluids from intes wall
Complications: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
diarrhea, mild abd cramps, burning sensations, proctitis, abuse/dependence
Contra: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
GI obstruction/perf, anal fissures, ulcerated hemmorhoids, fecal impaction, undignased abd pain, n/v
PC: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
eating disorders
Med Admin: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
oral- 6-12 hrs soft stool, at least 1 hr from drinking milk/antiacids rectal- 15-60 min
Nursing Inter: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
severe diarrhea dehydration, suppository can cause burning, rectal discomfort/bleeding/mucus discharge. Monitor bowel elim pattern
Client Edu: bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
report severe diarrhea,rectal bleeding drink plenty fluids, take high fiber, exercise
Interactions:bisacodyl senna (dulcolax)
antacids or milk, decrease absorp of oral drugs (allow 1 hr between)
Cat Class: psyllium (Metamucil)
Bulk Forming Agents
PharmAction: psyllium (Metamucil)
absorb water to form glutinous mass. Stretch intestinal wall, stimualte peristalsis
Complications psyllium (Metamucil)
esophagheal/intestinal obstruction
contra: psyllium (Metamucil)
esophageal/GI obstruction, intestinal lumen narrowing,fecal impact, dysphagia, n/v, appendicitis, undiagnosed abd pain
Med Admin: psyllium (Metamucil)
give 1-3 times, mix powdered form with 8 oz and drink immediately, can reduce appetite, montior for soft formed stool 1-3 days
Client Edu:psyllium (Metamucil)
take with 8 oz, drink it immedaiely, report diff swallowing, chest pain, absence of BM, diarrhea. Increase exercise and high fiber food
Nursing Inter: psyllium (Metamucil)
take at least with 8 oz of fluid, montior I/O, bowel function, retrosternal pain
Interactions: psyllium (Metamucil)
decrease absoprtion orally ingested meds
Pharm Action: Osmotic Lax
Retains water in intestinal lumen Fecal mass swells, causing peristalsis
Med Admin: Osmotic Lax
Administer powder in 4-8 oz. of water Stool in 2-12 hours-dose dependent
Complications Osmotic Lax
Nausea, bloating, cramping, flatulence, diarrhea (high dosing)
Cat Class Milk of Magnesium
Laxative salt
Pharm Action: Milk of magensium
Salt that attracts & retains water, causing fecal mass to swell and soften Stimulates stretch receptors, increasing peristalsis
Med Admin: Milk of magnesium
orally, Stool in 6-12 hours (low dose), 2-6 hrs (high dose)
Contra: milk of magnesium
renal disease, bowel disorders
Complacitons: Milk of magnesium
Cramping, diarrhea, dehydration (substantial water loss!) CNS toxicity with renal disease