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impact of MNCs on the local economy
local labour and job creation:
creates jobs
opportunity to work full time + regular income + financial security + training + career building
wages and working conditions:
rising wages in locality
demand for workers drives up wage rates
job creation with favourable working conditions
international standards for MNCs
local businesses:
give them new jobs i.e. construction, electricians, suppliers
people taking jobs from MNCs have increased spending power = benefits local businesses by demand
may attract workers from other businesses (better conditions, wages)
competing products supplied
take trade from local rivals
loss of jobs
competition may create pressure reaping long term benefits
local community and environment:
improvements in infrastructure
contributions to local government taxes
help with links in local community
environmental damage
impact of MNCs on the national economy
economic growth
boosts national income
employment created due to FDI
raises living standards
gives work to local suppliers
increased economic growth
higher wages
FDI flows
FDI = amount of money spent on establishing a facility in a foreign country
FDI welcomed into host country due to benefits:
increased income
higher GDP
extra output and employment
raises living standards
increased tax revenue
increased employment
saves benefit money
boosts spending power
range of local suppliers needed may upsize
reduce national debt
lower interest
balance of payments
flow of FDI improves balance of payments
further flow into balance of payment through overseas sales
helps with international trades
helps boost sales of goods overseas
MNCs buying resources from overseas negatively affects balance of payments of host country due to flow of money out of country
negative impact if profits are repatriated to MNC base as they represent flow of money away from host country
technology and skills transfer
horizontal transfer
knowledge transfer across same industry
vertical transfers
forward - businesses in host nation buy from MNC
backward - MNC buys from business in host nation
improves effiency and productivity
makes domestic producers competitive
generates home and abroad sales
reverse engineering
analysing a rival’s product closely
identify features worth copying
poses a threat to MNCs
may be duplicated in domestic markets
increased choice
lower prices
increased competition
economies of scale
low cost = low price
modern and efficient production techniques
improved quality
new technologies
efficient practices
better living standards
employment opportunities
higher incomes
business culture
people employed by MNCs may eventually leave job to start their own business due to:
saved money
developed skills
encouragement by MNCs
create culture of enterprise
changes in corporate culture
tax revenues
MNCs pay taxes to national economy
pay for government spending
are often accused of paying as little tax as possible
avoiding tax on profits by transfer pricing
reduce tax burdens by recording transactions in other countries where tax rates are lower
MNCs are profit seeking and want to minimise tax liabilities
governments assess benefits of attracting investments by offering low taxes against loss of tax revenues