A perfect black body is an object that absorbs all of the radiation that hits it. No radiation is reflected or transmitted.
All objects emit electromagnetic radiation due to the energy in their thermal energy stores. This radiation isn’t just in the infrared part of the spectrum-it covers a range of wavelength and frequencies. Perfect black bodies are the best possible emitters of radiation
The intensity and distribution of the wavelengths emitted by an object depends on the object’s temperature. Intensity is the power per unit area
As the temperature of an object increases, the intensity of every emitted wavelength increases
However, the intensity increases more rapidly for shorter wavelengths than longer wavelengths. This causes the peak wavelength to decrease
The curves underneath show how the intensity and wavelength distribution of a black body depends in its temperature
The overall temperature of the Earth depends on the amount of radiation it reflects, absorbs and emits
During the day, lots of radiation is transferred to the Earth from the sun and absorbed. This causes an increase in local temperature
At night, less radiation is being absorbed than is being emitted, causing a decrease in the local temperature
Overall, the temperature of the Earth stays fairly constant. You can show the flow of radiation for the Earth on a handy diagram
Changes to the atmosphere can cause a change to the Earth’s overall temperature. If the atmosphere starts tp absorb more radiation without emitting the same amount, the overall temperature will rise until absorption and emission are equal again