14th amendment
Granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized including former slaves, due process and equal protection causes
15th amendment
Prohibited denial voting rights based on race, African American male suffrage
17th amendment
Direct election of senators instead of state legislatures
19th amendment
Prohibited the denial of voting rights based on sex, women’s suffrage
24th amendment
Prohibited poll taxes in federal elections, along with the Voting Rights Act of 1964 eliminated state barriers to African American voting
26th amendment
Set the voting age to 18 in response to the Vietnam war
1st amendment
Freedom of religion, speech, assembly, press, gov petition
4th amendment
protecting people from unreasonable search and seizure
Rational Choice Model
Voters make decisions based on perceived self-interest (ex: voting for candidates promising lower taxes if you’re in a high tax bracket)
Retrospective Voting Model
Voters evaluate past performance of parties/candidates (ex: voting against a party that was in power during an economic downturn)
Prospective Voting Model
Voters make choices based on future predictions and candidate promises
Party-Line/Straight Ticket Voting
Voting consistently for one party across all office as opposed to “split-ticket voting” (ex: voting for judicial offices candidates they don’t know about based on their party affiliation)