iran nigeria

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Who is Nigeria's head of state?

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Who is Nigeria's head of state?


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Describe Nigerian society?

Religious diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity

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Why does Nigeria still have problems providing social services even though it has large oil reserves?

Massive corruption limits the amount of resources redistributed by the government to the people.

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What part of Nigeria adheres to Shari'ah law?

Northern region

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What is the difference between a Shi’ite Muslim and a Sunni Muslim?

Shiites – only descendants of the Prophet Mohammed are his rightful successors.

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Describe Iranian political culture?

It values the community’s welfare above individual rights

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How does Iranian history differ from other nations in the same region?

It was never formally colonized by the European powers

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Who carried out the ouster of Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953?

The U.S. and Great Britain

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Who was Ayatollah Khomeini?

The leader who led the popular Iranian revolution in 1979

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What was the political effect of Iran’s war with Iraq in 1980?

Allowing the Islamists to consolidate their power

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What happens to the needs of a people in a rentier state such as Iran?

Respond to the demands of citizens who would otherwise provide the state’s financial support

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Who selects the president of Iran?

Popular Election every 4 years (Candidates are vetted by the Guardian Council)

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What factors limit the power of the Maijles (legislature)?

It is a unicameral legislature that is elected by universal suffrage.

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What is the major function of the Expediency Council?

To advise the leader when pragmatic considerations, rather than Islam, should guide policy

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What do citizens have to abide by if they want freedom of speech, association, and person?

Their activities are “within the criteria of Islam.”

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Why did the reform movement in Iran stall in 2004?

The Council of guardians disallowed 2,000 of the reform candidates.

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What type of role does religion and religious practice play in the political socialization of the people of Iran?

A divisive role. Most of political socialization occurs primarily through state-controlled educational system and the military

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List some of the non-associational groups found in Iran?

Bazaar merchants, war veterans, families of martyrs, and citizens disabled in the Iran-Iraq war

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What has been the greatest achievement of the Iranian state?

Improvements in the lot of the poor in their country.

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What is the status of Iran with the international community?

It has been isolated because of its support of groups like Hizballah in Lebanon, its anti-Western policies, and its nuclear program

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Describe the role of women in politics in a developing nation?

Traditional cultural values often preclude women from participating in politics.

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Describe the middle class in Iran?

The middle class in Iran is culturally westernized and often hostile to the clergy.

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Who is the head of the judiciary in Iran?

Appointed by the Supreme Leader

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Who has veto power over the legislation passed by the Islamic Consultative assembly?

The Guardian Council and the Supreme Leader

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What is the best description of characterization of the Iranian Revolution in 1979?

A short, relatively nonviolent upheaval supported by the middle class

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Describe Iran’s Islamic republic?

A unitary government with a dual executive whose prerogatives and responsibilities are specified in the Consitution.

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What are the two most powerful policy-making institutions in Iran?

The Islamic Consultative Assembly (maijles) and the Guardian Council

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What part of the Iranian constitution was amended after the death of Khomeini?

Change the selection criteria for Supreme Leader

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How did the Iranian Revolution of 1979 resemble the Chinese revolution of Mao Tse Dong?

The leaders of both revolutions personified charismatic authority.

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Describe democratic consolidation?

That both elites and nonelites be committed to democratization in spite of difficulties

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What is a rentier state?

The economy is heavily supported by state expenditure, while the state receives rent from other countries.

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What institutional arrangements are shared by Iran and China?

A national assembly with only limited powers to oversee the executive and enact laws

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What is the best indicator for a successful transition of power to democracy?

Political actors accept electoral competition, citizen participation, and rule of law.

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What policies were used by China and Nigeria to lessen ethnic tensions?

Allow national government exemptions and quotas for ethnic minorities

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What is the difference between a political party and an interest group?

Political parties, nominate and run candidates for office, while interest groups do not.

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What is the most common strategy used by developing countries to deal with the problem of population growth?

Establishing policies that seek to reduce fertility rates

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Define the term “failed state”?

A state in which law and order persistently breaks down (Nigeria is sometimes considered a failed state)

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Define the concept of nation?

Population with common historical, ethnic, linguistic, and or/religious bonds

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Define a corporatist economic system?

A type of system in which its economic policy is negotiated among government, labor, and industry

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Which type of government or regime has had the greatest increase worldwide since 1970?


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Who were the colonial rulers of Nigeria?


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Where does the name “Nigeria” come from?


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What is meant by “indirect rule”?

Supported the rule of traditional leaders

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Who are the Hausa, the Yoruba, and the Igbo?

Tribes – Hausa in the north, the Yoruba in the West, Igbo in the East

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Why were the Portuguese and the British interested in West Africa?


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Where does political recruitment usually occur in Nigeria?

The military

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What is definition of the “dependency ratio”?

The proportion of non-working population to working population

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What types of groups (from chapters 1-7) have the most influence in Nigeria?

Religious and ethnic groups

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What groups dominate the southern and northern parts of Nigeria?

Islamic in north, Christians in south

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What is the definition of clientelism?


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What is the primary agent of socialization in Nigeria?

The family

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What is the official language of Nigeria?

There is no official language

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Describe the judiciary in Nigeria.

Surprisingly independent

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What is the organization base of most of the political parties in Nigeria?

Ethnic and regional

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What key factor(s) are used to organize a political party in Nigeria?

Personalities and powerful individuals

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Describe the democratization process of Nigeria.

Process interrupted by frequent military intervention

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Why are there a small number of industries concentrated in a few major cities in Nigeria?

Ethnic politics, whereby political decisions override entrepreneurial preferences

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Who is Nigeria’s head of state?


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Describe Nigerian society?

Religious diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity

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Why does Nigeria still have problems providing social services even though it has large oil reserves?

Massive corruption limits the amount of resources redistributed by the government to the people.

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What part of Nigeria adheres to Shari’ah law?

Northern region

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