SBI3U Plants

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Plantae Characteristics

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Plantae Characteristics

  • Eukaryotic

  • Multicellular

  • Photosynthetic

  • Cell walls contain cellulose

  • Sexual or asexual reproduction

  • Autotrophic

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Vascular and Non-Vascular Plants

  • Vascular Plants

    • Have vascular vessels to transport food and water

    • Examples: Flowers and trees

  • Non-Vascular Plants

    • Small, simple plants without a vascular system

    • Cannot transport food or water very far

    • Lack roots, have rhizoids

    • Commonly found in moist environments

    • Reproduce sexually by creating single-celled spores or asexually by vegetative propagation

    • Examples: Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts

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Plants with Seeds and Seedless Plants

  • Plants with Seeds

    • Allow plants to reproduce sexually without needing water and provide protection

    • Appeared about 280 million years ago

    • Divided into 2 groups - Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

  • Seedless Plants

    • Do not produce seeds, are dispersed by windblown spores or by water

    • Formed first forests 350 million years ago

    • Examples: Ferns, whisk ferns, club mosses, and horsetails

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Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

  • Angiosperms

    • Flower producing plants

    • The mature seed is surrounded by an ovule (e.g. apple)

    • Hardwoods

    • Trees have broad leaves that usually change colour and die every autumn

  • Gymnosperms

    • AKA naked seeds

    • Non-flower producing plants

    • The seed is not encased by an ovule (e.g. pine cone)

    • Softwoods

    • Usually needles stay green throughout the year

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The Seed

3 Primary Parts:

  • Embryo

    • The young multicellular organism before it emerges from the seed

  • Endosperm

    • A source of stored food (primarily starches)

  • Seed Coat

    • Protective layers that encase the seed

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  • An embryonic leaf in a seed bearing plant

  • The first leaves to appear from a germinating seed

  • Single Cotyledon Embryo

    • Monocot, or Monocotyledonous Plant

  • 2 Cotyledon Embryo

    • Dicot, or Dicotyledonous Plant

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Monocots and Dicots

  • Monocots

    • 1 cotyledon

    • Cotyledon is thin, small and lacks food materials

    • Endosperm present and stores food

  • Dicots

    • 2 cotyledons

    • Cotyledons are fleshy and store food

    • Endosperm absent

  • Key Differences

    • Monocots: 1 cotyledon

    • Dicots: 2 cotyledons

    • Monocots: Energy stored in endosperm

    • Dicots: Food stored in cotyledons

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Monocot and Dicot Characteristics

  • Monocots

    • Vascular Tissue: Scattered

    • Roots: Fibrous

    • Pollen Grain: 1 Opening

    • Flower Petals: Multiples of 3

    • Cotyledons: 1

    • Leaf Venation: Parallel

  • Dicots

    • Vascular Tissue: Arranged in a ring

    • Roots: Taproot

    • Pollen Grain: 3 Openings

    • Flower Petals: Groups of 4 or 5

    • Cotyledons: 2

    • Leaf Venation: Net-like

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Word and Chemical Equation of Photosynthesis

  • Word Equation

    • water + carbon dioxide + sunlight → glucose + oxygen

  • Chemical Equation

    • H2O + CO2 → C6H12O6 + O2

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Overview of Photosynthesis

  • Occurs in the chloroplast

  • Divided into 2 stages

    • Light Reactions

      • Light-Dependent Cycle

    • Calvin Cycle

      • Light-Independent Cycle

      • Dark Cycle

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Light Reactions

  • Takes place in the thylakoid membrane

  • Uses solar energy to:

    • Split water into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen

    • Excite electrons within chlorophyll to set off a series of reactions that create high energy compounds

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Calvin Cycle

  • Takes place within stroma in chloroplasts

  • Uses high energy compounds from light reactions to drive the cycle

  • Carbon dioxide combines with intermediate compounds to form glucose

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  • Required in large amounts

  • Nitrogen (N) - component of proteins, RNA & DNA

  • Phosphorous (P) - component of RNA & DNA

  • Potassium (K) - controls stomata, water intake

  • Calcium (Ca) - development and function of cell walls

  • Magnesium (Mg) - component of chlorophyll

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  • Two types:

    • Organic: from living sources (e.g. manure, bone meal, and compost)

    • Inorganic: produced chemically

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Percent Composition

  • 10-10-20

  • Refers to the percentage of N, P, and K

  • In general:

    • N promotes green growth

    • P promotes root and flower growth

    • K promotes hardiness (e.g. drought resistance)

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  • Required in small amounts

  • Iron (Fe)

    • Chlorophyll structure and cell respiration

  • Zinc (Zn)

    • Regulation of plant growth and function of chloroplasts

  • Copper (Cu)

    • Reproduction, root metabolism, and cell respiration

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  • Produced in stem, root tip, and buds

  • Promotes elongation (encourages growth)

  • Causes the plant to grow tall and straight

  • Bends stem towards light (+ phototropism)

  • Downward root growth away from light (- phototropism)

  • Prevents leaves from falling

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  • Promotes seed germination

  • Promotes stem and root growth

  • Promotes leaf growth

  • Promotes flower development

  • Increases fruit size

  • They are not produced in the stem tip

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  • Promotes division and differentiation of cells

  • Found in growing areas of plant

  • Promotes seed germination

  • Promotes flowering

  • Prevents aging

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  • Ripens fruit, prompts leaves to change colour, and petals to die off

  • Higher temperatures trigger the production of ethylene

  • The gas is able to travel from cell to cell and plant to plant

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Abscisic Acid

  • Inhibits growth

  • Induces dormancy

  • Causes leaves to fall

  • Involved in opening and closing of stomata as leaves wilt

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  • Plants also change their growth patterns in response to external stimuli

  • Changes in the environment around a plant affect its growth

  • These responses are called tropisms and are controlled by hormones

  • Positive tropism = growth with/towards stimuli

  • Negative tropism = growth away from stimuli

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  • Stems grow toward light (Positive)

  • Roots grow away from light (Negative)

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  • Roots grow with gravity (Positive)

  • Stems grow against gravity (Negative)

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Growth in response to touch (e.g. vines)

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Stem Structure

  • Stems are one of two main structures in vascular plants (the other is the root)

  • Stems are made up of nodes and internodes

    • Nodes hold leaves and buds which grow into branches

    • Internodes are the spaces between nodes

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Stem Functions

  • Support for leaves, flowers, and fruits

  • Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and the phloem

  • Storage of nutrients

  • Production of new living tissue

  • Normal lifespan of plant cells: one-three years

  • Meristems generate new living tissue

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Stem Tissues

There are 3 main tissues:

  • Dermal Tissue

    • Outer surface of stem

    • Used to waterproof, protect, and control gas exchange

  • Ground Tissue

    • AKA fundamental tissue

    • Performs photosynthesis

    • Functions as storage and support

  • Vascular Tissue

    • Provides long distance transport and structural support

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Herbaceous Dicots

  • Stems with primary growth

  • Pith (ground tissue) in the centre

  • Vascular bundles are arranged in a distinct ring around the outside

  • Epidermis and cuticle protect the outside of the stem

  • Limited height due to weight support

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Woody Dicots

  • Secondary growth thickens stem

  • Vascular cambium cell division

  • Secondary xylem (inside) and phloem (outside)

  • Cortex and epidermis destroyed

  • Cork cambium develops cork cells

  • Secondary xylem becomes wood (structural support)

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Tree Rings

  • Cork cambium stops after growing season

  • Growth ring formed

  • Spring: More xylem, larger cells, less dense wood

  • Fall: Fewer, smaller xylem, dense wood (visible ring)

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Monocot Stems

  • Vascular bundles scattered (screaming faces)

  • Rare secondary growth

  • Seldom woody

  • Exceptions: Palm trees and bamboos

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Cell Types of Vascular Tissue

  • Xylem: Tracheids and Vessel Elements

    • Thick walled

    • Dead at maturity

    • Rich in lignin for strength

    • Non-living cells

    • Transport water from roots to leaves

  • Phloem: Sieve Tubes and Companion Cells

    • Live at maturity

    • Contain cytoplasm

    • Living cells

    • Transport sugar from leaves to roots

  • Xylem and phloem form long, continuous tubes

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Plant Structure

  • Root System

  • Shoot System

    • Stem

    • Leaves

    • Flowers

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Root System Functions

  1. Anchors

  2. Absorption (water and nutrients)

  3. Transportation

  4. Storage

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Specialized Root Growth

  • Meristem: new cell growth

  • Root cap: cells produce mucus-like substance that lubricates root movement in soil

  • Root hairs: Increase the surface area for absorption of water and nutrients

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Meristem/Meristematic Cells

  • Unspecialized cells that divide and differentiate into specialized tissue

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Root Structure

  • Epidermis

    • Root hairs increase absorption of water and minerals

  • Cortex

    • Transports water and minerals from epidermis to vascular cylinder

    • Storage of food

    • Endodermis is the inner waxy layer

  • Vascular Cylinder

    • Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves

    • Phloem transports sugars from the leaves to the roots

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Root Types

  • Fibrous roots (Monocots)

    • Ex. Grasses, wheats

  • Taproots (Dicots)

    • Ex. Dandelions, carrots

  • Adventitious roots (Monocots and Dicots)

    • Ex. Rice, ivy, strawberries

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Root Hairs

  • Osmosis: water absorption process

  • Root cells: hypertonic to soil

  • Passive entry via osmosis

  • Thin root cell walls

  • Large surface area

  • Root depth: soil moisture dependent

  • Hypertonic: Higher solute concentration than adjacent solutions

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Cross Section of Monocot and Dicot Roots

  • Monocots

    • Separate strands of xylem and phloem

  • Dicots

    • Xylem is x-shaped

    • Separate strands of phloem

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Structure and Function (Leaves)

  • Function

    • Photosynthesis

      • Uses carbon dioxide

      • Produces water and glucose

    • Structure

      • Designed to capture maximum light and minimize water loss

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Leaf Tissues

The leaf is composed of 3 main tissues

  1. Dermal Tissues

  2. Vascular Tissues

  3. Ground Tissues

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Dermal Tissues

  • Epidermis: Protective outer layer composed of polygonal cells

  • Defends against injuries and foreign organisms

  • Secretes waxy substance

  • Forms cuticle on leaf’s surface

  • Cuticle unique to terrestrial plants

  • Aids in water retention

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Stomata and Guard Cells

  • Lower epidermis of leaf

  • Microscopic pores: Stomata

  • Stoma: Small Opening

  • Pair of specialized cells: Guard Cells

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Opening and Closing of Stomata

  • Guard cells regulate stomata

  • Control gas exchange and transpiration

  • High solute: water in, guard cells swell. stomata open (day)

  • Low solute: water out, stomata close (night)

  • Environmental factors influence behaviour

  • Hot, dry weather: guard cells close stomata to reduce evaporation

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Vascular Tissues

  • Leaf connected to the plant’s vascular structure

  • Xylem and phloem in stem, branch for leaf supply

  • Veins in leaves consist of xylem and phloem

  • Vascular components extend through the mesophyll

  • Close proximity for photosynthesis

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Ground Tissues

  • Ground tissue in mesophyll

  • Between the upper and lower endodermal layers

  • Predominant cells: parenchyma cells

  • Contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis

  • Mesophyll layers: palisade parenchyma, spongy parenchyma

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Monocot and Dicot leaves

  • Monocots

    • Dumbbell-shaped guard cells

    • Parallel veins

    • No mesophyll differentiation

  • Dicots

    • Kidney-shaped guard cells

    • Reticulate (branched) veins

    • Differentiated mesophyll: palisade, spongy

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Water Transport (Xylem)

  • Root hairs perform absorption of minerals

  • Active transport is the method of mineral absorption

  • Energy is needed for active transport

  • Energy is produced by glucose stored in the roots through cellular respiration

  • Mineral Transport Sequence: soil water, epidermis, cortex, endodermis, xylem

  • Hypertonic condition is created due to active transport

  • Water enters passively due to osmosis

  • Root pressure propels water and minerals up the xylem

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Leaf Pull (Transpiration Pull)

  • Evaporation of water “pulls” on adjacent water molecules

  • Moves up stem via adhesion and cohesion

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Bernoulli’s Principle

  • Breeze blowing by creates low pressure

  • Water and minerals in root in an area of high pressure

  • Movement from high pressure towards low pressure

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Food (Sugar) Transport

  • Sugars actively transported from leaves into xylem

  • Active transport against concentration gradient requires ATP

  • Hypertonic condition is set up in the phloem relative to the xylem

  • Water rushes into phloem passively via osmosis

  • High pressure area created in the phloem relative to the roots

  • Phloem sap pushed down and stored in roots

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Seed Germination

  • Radicle pushes down to form roots

  • Hypocotyl pushes up to form stem

  • Epicotyl and Cotyledon grow upwards to form leaves

  • Seeds require heat and moisture for germination

  • Gibberellin hormone is released

    • Starches are broken down into simple sugars to provide energy for growing embryo

  • Water absorbed into seeds and seed coat cracks

  • Oxygen diffuses into seeds for gas exchange

  • Radicle emerges and becomes a root

  • Hypocotyl emerges and becomes a stem

  • Cotyledons from temporary leaves

  • True leaves develop and plant matures

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Plant Adaptations

  • Desert

  • Wetlands

  • Fire-prone areas

  • Extreme cold

  • Nutrient-poor soil

  • Shade

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  • Condition

    • Very dry and often very hot or very cold

    • A lot of direct sunlight

    • Sandy or rocky soil that is unable to hold much water

  • Adaptations

    • Hold water in stems

    • No leaves or small ,seasonal leaves to reduce water loss

    • Photosynthetic green stems

    • Long root systems

    • Short life cycle for swift reproduction

    • Germination is initiated by rainfall

    • Hairy leaves to minimize water loss

    • Leaf orientation adjustments to reduce water loss

    • Spines for animal deterrence

    • Waxy coating on stem/leaves to limit water loss

    • Slow growth rate to conserve energy and water

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  • Conditions

    • Water currents

    • Unstable surface for anchorage

    • Reduced access to sunlight

  • Adaptations

    • Floating leaves with stomata on upper surface

    • Chlorophyll on upper epidermis for photosynthesis

    • Hollow stem for buoyancy and diffusion of gases

    • Floating seeds

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Fire-prone areas

  • Conditions

    • Acidic Soil

    • Extreme heat

  • Adaptations

    • Ashes neutralize acidic soil

    • Extreme heat opens tough seed coats (e.g. Jack Pine)

    • Few competitors

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Extreme Cold

  • Conditions

    • Short, cool summers and long, severe winters

    • Permanently frozen soil sublayer

    • Poor drainage and slow evaporation

    • Little precipitation

  • Adaptations

    • Short, low-growing plants due to nutrient scarcity

    • Plants are dark-coloured to maximize solar heat absorption

    • Plants have hair, grow in clumps, and/or have dish-like flowers to for heat retention

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Nutrient-poor Soil

  • Carnivorous

    • Capture, kill, and digest insects

    • Acquire N, P, and K

    • Ex. Venus fly trap, pitcher plants

  • Parasitic

    • Absorb water, minerals, and sugars from xylem and phloem

    • Ex. mistletoe

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  • Early bloom

  • Rapid growth

  • Have broad, thin leaves to catch more sunlight

  • Adapted to make more use of soil nutrients as they get less nutrients from the Sun

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  • Conifers are the most numerous

  • Reproductive Structures

    • Pollen Cones (Male)

    • Seed Cones (Female)

  • Pollen is dispersed by wind

  • Pollen produces sperm when contact is made with seed cone

  • Sperm fertilizes the ovules

  • Zygotes grow into seeds

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  • Reproduce sexually

  • Flower contains reproductive structures

  • Process of reproduction involves 3 steps:

    1. Pollination and Fertilization

    2. Seed Dispersal

    3. Germination

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Structure of Flowers

  • Male Floral Structures = Stamen

  • Female Floral Structures = Pistil (Carpel)

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Structures and Functions

  • Sepal

    • Protects the flower until it opens

  • Flowers

    • Attract animal pollinators to the flower

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Stamen (Male)

  • Anther

    • Produces pollen

    • Contains sperm

  • Filament

    • Holds the anther above the flower

    • Not present in all flowers

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Pistil/Carpel (Female)

  • Stigma

    • Where pollen attaches

  • Style

    • Holds the stigma above the flower

    • Contains pollen tube which pollen goes down to fertilize eggs

  • Ovaries

    • Produce egg inside ovule

    • Ovule becomes a seed

    • Ovary develops into a fruit

  • Receptacle

    • Attaches the flower to the pedicel (or stalk)

  • Pedicel

    • Lifts flower above leaves for access to pollinators

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  • Pollen released from plants, adapted for egg distribution via multiple methods

    • Wind

    • Water

    • Animals (e.g. insects and birds)

  • Algae: unique plant with water-distributed pollen

  • Wind-distributed pollen characteristics

    • Winged for assistance in travel

    • Produced in large volumes due to high likelihood of missing target

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Why are flowers bright colours and smell sweet?

  • Flowers use various methods to attract pollen carriers

    • Bright colours

    • Sweet smells

    • Nectar production

  • Colour-specific attractions

    • Bees: Yellow, white, and purple flowers

    • Hummingbirds: Pink, orange, and red flowers

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  • Pollen uses enzymes to navigate

    • Route: Down pollen tube, through the stigma, to ovules

  • Fertilization process

    • Each ovule is fertilized with a sperm from pollen

  • Sperm (1N) and egg (1N) fusion

    • Result: Zygote (2N)

  • Additional sperm (1N) fuses with a polar nuclei (2N)

    • Result: Endosperm (3N)

  • Endosperm function: feed developing zygote

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Seed Dispersal

  • Wind (e.g. dandelions, maple key0

  • Water (e.g. coconut)

  • Animals externally (e.g. burdock)

  • Animals internally (e.g. ingested fruit seeds)

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