4.1 - Technological Innovations: 1450-1750

Historical Development

  • Knowledge, Scientific learning, and technology from Classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds spread, facilitating European technological development and innovation.

  • The developments included the production of new tools, innovations in ship designs, and an improved understanding of regional wind and current patterns – all of which made transoceanic travel and trade possible.


  • Developed by Islamic Scholars

    • Calculates Ramadan and Prayer times

  • Entered Europe through Muslim Spain

    • Portuguese created the Mariners Astrolabe

      • Helped determine latitude by measuring against the sun or known star.


  • Originates in China

  • Embraced by Indian Ocean traders

  • Improved upon in Europe

Lateen Sail


Caravel: Portuguese

  • Based on the Islamic garb used in Islamic Spain

    • (a type of dhow)

    • Dhow- a lateen-rigged ship with one or two masts, used in the Indian Ocean.
