Muscle of facial expression: FRONTALIS
Muscle of facial expression: OCCIPITALIS
Muscle of facial expression: ORBICULARIS ORIS
Muscle of facial expression: ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR
Muscle of facial expression: BUCCINATOR
Muscle of facial expression: PLATYSMA
Muscle of facial expression: ORBICULARIS OCULI
Muscle of facial expression: MENTALIS
Muscles that move the mandible: MASSETER
Muscles that move the mandible: TEMPORALIS
Muscles that move the mandible: INTERNAL PTERYGOID
Muscles that move the mandible: EXTERNAL PTERYGOID
Muscles that move the head: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID
Muscles that move the head: TRAPEZIUS
Muscles that act on the anterior abdominal wall and spine: RECTUS ABDOMINIS
Muscles that act on the anterior abdominal wall and spine: EXTERNAL OBLIQUE
Muscles that act on the anterior abdominal wall and spine: INTERNAL OBLIQUE
Muscles that act on the anterior abdominal wall and spine: TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS
Muscles used in breathing: DIAPHRAGM
Muscles used in breathing: EXTERNAL INTERCOSTALS
Muscles used in breathing: INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS
Muscles that move the shoulder girdle (all insert on scapula): PECTORALIS MINOR
Muscles that move the shoulder girdle (all insert on scapula): LEVATOR SCAPULAE
Muscles that move the shoulder girdle (all insert on scapula): SERRATUS ANTERIOR
Muscles that move the shoulder girdle (all insert on scapula): TRAPEZIUS
Muscles that move the shoulder girdle (all insert on scapula): RHOMBOIDS
Muscles that move humerus: PECTORALIS MAJOR
Muscles that move humerus: LATISSIMUS DORSI
Muscles that move humerus: DELTOID
Muscles that move humerus: Rotator cuff muscles SUPRASPINATUS
Muscles that move humerus: Rotator cuff muscles INFRASPINATUS
Muscles that move humerus: Rotator cuff muscles TERES MAJOR
Muscles that move humerus: Rotator cuff muscles TERES MINOR
Muscles that move humerus: Rotator cuff muscles SUBSCAPULARIS
Muscles that move the forearm: BICEP BRACHII
Muscles that move the forearm: BRACHIALIS
Muscles that move the forearm: BRACHIORADIALIS
Muscles that move the forearm: TRICEPS BRACHII
Muscles that move the forearm: SUPINATOR
Muscles that move the forearm: PRONATOR TERES
Muscles that move the forearm: PRONATOR QUADRATUS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: FLEXOR DIGITORUM
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: FLEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS
Muscles that move the wrist/finger: EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGUS
Muscles that move the vertebral column: THE IIIOCOSTALIS GROUP (LATERAL)
Muscles that move the vertebral column: THE LONGISSIMUS GROUP (INTERMEDIATE)
Muscles that move the vertebral column: THE SPINALIS GROUP (MEDIAL)
Muscles that move the femur: iIIOPSOAS IIIACUS
Muscles that move the femur: IIOPSOAS PSOAS
Muscles that move the femur: GLUTEUS MAXIMUS
Muscles that move the femur: GLUTEUS MEDIUS
Muscles that move the femur:GLUTEUS MINIMUS
under the medius
Muscles that move the femur: ADDUCTORS MAGNUS
Muscles that move the femur: ADDUCTORS LONGUS
Muscles that move the femur: ADDUCTORS BREVIS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg QUADRICEPS FEMORIS: RECTUS FEMORIS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg QUADRICEPS FEMORIS: VASTUS LATERALIS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg QUADRICEPS FEMORIS: VASTUS MEDIALIS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg QUADRICEPS FEMORIS: VASTUS INTERMEDIUS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg The hamstrings: BICEPS FEMORIS
long head
short head
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg The hamstrings: SEMITENDINOSUS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg The hamstrings: SEMIMEMBRANOSUS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg SARTORIUS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg GRACILIS
Muscles that act on knee joint and move the lower leg TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE
Muscles that move the foot and toes Triceps Surae Group: GASTROCNEMIUS
1.medial head 2. lateral head 3. medial head 4. lateral head
Muscles that move the foot and toes Triceps Surae Group: SOLEUS
Muscles that move the foot and toes TIBIALIS ANTERIOR
Muscles that move the foot and toes : TIBIALIS POSTERIOR
Muscles that move the foot and toes: FLEXOR DIGITORUM LONGUS
Muscles that move the foot and toes: EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS
Muscles that move the foot and toes: FLEXOR HAULLUCIS LONGUS
Muscles that move the foot and toes: EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS
thin actin filament
z disc
H zone
z disc 5.thick myosin filaments
I band
A band
I band
M line