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If the house requested a recess for 3 days - who do they submit it to? -

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If the house requested a recess for 3 days - who do they submit it to? -

the senate

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After a committee member creates a bill, it is presented to the ______ for debate


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Compared to the house of representatives the senate is _______ than the house of representatives

much smaller

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Article 1 section 8

list of expressed powers

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Examples of expressed powers that collect money

things that were defined in congress

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what is the Power to regulate with foreign countries (commerce)

trade (NOT answer choices foreign countries, or bankruptcy)

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what is a filibuster

a delay tactic used only in the senate and its almost unrestricted

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Article 1 section 2 is dealing with a lot of term limits The house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people

term limits, length of service

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a joint committee is when you take members of the house of rep and the senate and put them together Join committees are like conference committees

except that they're temporary

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if the congress makes a car exchange what is it?

Implied power by the federal government

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Gibbons v oden

added transportation of people to commerce,

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This article of the constitution (1, section 8, clause 18) allows congress to do what

allows them to interpret the expressed powers broadly

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when a bill is engrossed that means its put to a vote

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There is a clause inarticle 1 section 2 of the cons that talks ab representation - there must be at least 1 rep per state, equal in population

rapprochement act of 1929

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Map where some states are yellow purple... - shows how many reps each state had New york loses 2 reps, florida gains 2, what does this tell you about the migration

people migrated north to south

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president signing a bill from congress, what's happening next to it

becomes a law once signed

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politician at blooimndale park for a ribbon cutting, what type of role are they doig at that moment (politician doing something)

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