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4. The 1911 Revolution (October 1911)

The revolution which saw the end of the Qing Dynasty and the creation of the Republic of China


  • Weak Government

    • Regent Chun was inexperienced working on behalf of a 2 year old

  • Failure of Reform

    • reforms had little impact, people wanted quicker outcomes

  • Consequences of Army Reform

    • taxes were raised to fund the reforms => unpopular

  • Yuan Shikai was sacked

    • Chun thought he was becoming too powerful

      => strong enemy + potential alternate leader

  • The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas

    • Sun Yat-sen’s ideas became popular with those studying abroad

  • Nationalisation of Railways

    • owners not fully compensated

    • Qing were ‘partners’ with the ‘foreign devils’


  • Accidental explosion made people think a revolution had started

    => outbreaks of discontent across the country

  • Wuhan soldiers started a mutiny => Double 10th Uprising

    => mutiny spread rapidly

  • Within 6 weeks, all but 3 provinces declared independence

  • Qing recalled General Yuan as Prime Minister to put down the rebellion

    => he switched sides to support it

  • Sun Yat-sen returned from exile to become president of the Republic of China (RoC)


  • 2200 years of imperial rule ended

  • Yuan Shikai replaced Sun Yat-sen as president

    • in return for the removal of the imperial system

  • Forced abdication of Puyi by General Yuan

    => power vacuum

  • Yuan tried to become emperor after having become dictator

  • Army revolted against Yuan

  • Yuan Shikai died

    => power vacuum

4. The 1911 Revolution (October 1911)

The revolution which saw the end of the Qing Dynasty and the creation of the Republic of China


  • Weak Government

    • Regent Chun was inexperienced working on behalf of a 2 year old

  • Failure of Reform

    • reforms had little impact, people wanted quicker outcomes

  • Consequences of Army Reform

    • taxes were raised to fund the reforms => unpopular

  • Yuan Shikai was sacked

    • Chun thought he was becoming too powerful

      => strong enemy + potential alternate leader

  • The Spread of Revolutionary Ideas

    • Sun Yat-sen’s ideas became popular with those studying abroad

  • Nationalisation of Railways

    • owners not fully compensated

    • Qing were ‘partners’ with the ‘foreign devils’


  • Accidental explosion made people think a revolution had started

    => outbreaks of discontent across the country

  • Wuhan soldiers started a mutiny => Double 10th Uprising

    => mutiny spread rapidly

  • Within 6 weeks, all but 3 provinces declared independence

  • Qing recalled General Yuan as Prime Minister to put down the rebellion

    => he switched sides to support it

  • Sun Yat-sen returned from exile to become president of the Republic of China (RoC)


  • 2200 years of imperial rule ended

  • Yuan Shikai replaced Sun Yat-sen as president

    • in return for the removal of the imperial system

  • Forced abdication of Puyi by General Yuan

    => power vacuum

  • Yuan tried to become emperor after having become dictator

  • Army revolted against Yuan

  • Yuan Shikai died

    => power vacuum