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The workers would rule the country
A self described “holy man,” he claimed to have magical healing powers
Provisional government
Emergency or interim gov set up when a political void bas been created by the collapse of a large gov
Collective farms
Combines large governments owned by farms
Communist party
Political party that seeks to realize the socio economic goals of communism
Salt march
A peaceful protest/non violence in India led by Mohandas K, Gandhi
Theory of relativity
A physical theory about space and time
Coalition government
when no single party won a majority temporary alliance of several parties
Weimar republic
Germany’s new democratic gov was set up in 1919
Benito Mussolini
A newspaper editor and politician promised to rescue italy by reviving its economy and its armed force
Policies formed the german brand of fasicm
British was giving in to an agressor to keep peace
What outcome did Marxists want the proletariat to accomplish
Overthrow the czar where workers ruled the country
what happened during bloody sunday in russia in 1905
200,000 workers approched the winter palace czar ordered troops to fire
What happened during the bolsheivilk revolution in russia in 1917
armed workers stormed the winter palace and took gov
How did lenin restore order in russia in 1921
new economic policy peace followed civil war
what happened during the great purge in russia
Stalin eliminated anyone who threatened him 13 million dead
What did the 5 year plans attempt to accomplish in russia
Economic plans which limited consumer goods
what was the idea behind collective farms in russia
Large government owned farms workers produced food for the state
what was sun yikian known for in china
Leader of revolutionary allianace overthrew the empire
What haooened during the long march in china
Communists marched 6000 miles civil war between nationalists/communists
What happened during the may fourth movement in china
Public outrage after treaty of versailies national movement
What were Towlatt acts in india
Allowed government to jail people without a trial
What was mustafa kemal known for
Led turkish nationalists to overthrow ottoman sutman
what was sigmund fruend known for
Huge influence on psychology much of human behavior is irrantional
what is existentialism
phsilosophy which believes people create meaning through choices in life
What was freidrich nitezsche known for
Argued democracy stified creativity mussondini hitler favored this view
what happened during the great depression
1929 stock market crash led to global depression
what did the new deal accomplish
established by fdr government programs to put people to work
what was the german concept of lebenstraum
living space for germany by taking eastern land
who were the axis powers
germany italy japan
what is isolationism
alerican belief to remain neutral
what was the third reich
german empire during hitlers reign
What happened at the munich conference
1938 peace conference in europe lasted 6 months until hitler invaded