Sykes-Picot Agreement
A 1916 agreement that redrew the borders of the Ottoman Empire without consulting the local populations, leading to long-term tensions.
Balfour Declaration
A 1917 statement promising Jews a 'national home' in Palestine, increasing conflicts with the Arab population.
The term used by Palestinians to describe the mass displacement of 700,000 Palestinians during the creation of Israel in 1948.
Six-Day War
A 1967 conflict where Israel achieved a swift victory, occupying Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
Yom Kippur War
A 1973 conflict initiated by Egypt and Syria attacking Israel, leading to an oil embargo and economic crisis.
Iranian Revolution (1979)
The overthrow of the Shah of Iran, establishing an Islamic regime and intensifying tensions with the USA and Saudi Arabia.
Arab Spring
Series of uprisings in 2011 across the Arab world demanding democracy and social justice, with mixed outcomes.
Current tensions in the Middle East
Exacerbated by the Gaza blockade, Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and rivalries between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Colonial legacy
The lasting impacts of colonial rule, particularly from European powers in the Middle East, contributing to ongoing conflicts.
Resource conflicts
Disputes primarily over oil resources that fuel geopolitical tensions and instability in the region.