my antonia - vocab

Coroner - The person who investigates and finds out all the information of one’s death

Essence - The irreplaceable nature and quality of something

Clemency - Leniency

Heathenish - Not religious at all

Venerable - Honorable, respectable, worthy of respect

Livery - A distinctive uniform worn by a group (For example: uniforms for soldiers and jerseys forathletes)

Beneficent - being kind - A trait of a generous person who does things resulting in good

Forestalled - obstructed, delayed

Cultivate - try to acquire or develop a skill OR prepare and use land for crops and gardening

Slavishly - submissive and unoriginally

Destitute - needy, penniless, poor

Obliterated - completely destroyed

Colic - A disease/sickness where you feel pain in your abdomen. of a horse’s intestinal tract that causes difficulty breathing

Insinuatingly - Hinting, suggesting, subtle

Deferred - give way to; accepted another’s will or authority

Autocratic - Relating to a ruler who has absolute power

Blustery - windy, gusty, blowy

Bravado - boldness, showiness

Patroness - a financial supporter

Ardent - devoted, passionate

Solicitous - Considerate attentive

Impetuously - offhandedly, spontaneously

Encumbered - weighed down, overloaded

Bantering - good-humored, playful talk

Droll - curious or unusual which provides dry humor

Hectoring - Talking in a bullying way.

Dapper - Neat and trim in dress and appearance

Mastiff - A dog of a large, strong breed with droopy ears and pendulous lips

Quinsy - Old-fashioned name of the disease Tonsillitis

Drawside - Old-fashioned name for one side of a sloped piece of land (like a riverbed)

Ardent - devoted, passionate

Undulating - smoothly rolling or waving

Uncouth - without manners

Torpor - inactivity, sluggishness

Tintype - type of picture that is created by coating a thin piece of metal with enamel

Laconically - briefly

Emaciated - thin, starved

Arroyo - a gulf, gap

Stupefying - numbling, dulling

Quinsy - a severe inflammation of the throat and tonsils

Notoriety - attention, interest

Sullen - grumpy, gloomy

Gunnysack - a feed bag; sack of rough material

Stifling - oppressive

Vindictive - vengeful

Stark - severe

Remissness - a neglect, lack of concern

Pungent - sharp, biting; stron taste or smell

Gingham - cotton cloth with checks on it

Calcio - soft cotton material, usually with small designs

Lithographs - prints of pictures or paintings

Frontispiece - the page in a book that is opposite the title page

Tallow - animal fat used to make candles

Gelding - A neutered male horse

Pommel - the knob on a saddle, high part of a saddle

Squalls - sudden storms, blasts

Apprehensively - fearfully; with worry

Surly - gruff, short

Boisterously - noisily, energetically

Mottled - dppled, speckled

Fixy - particular, fussy

Acquit - to show, perform, exhibit

Lariat pin - peg used to hold down a tie to restrict animal movement

Petulantly - crossly

Mottled - dappled, speckled

Acquit - to show, perform, exhibit

Intercessor - mediator

Clannish - sticking together in a group

Proprietary - appeasing

Surlily - bad tempered, grumpily

Perfunctory - done whout thinking of

Reticent - reserved, qui

Unmollified - Not calmed or appeaseDemure - shy

Reticent - reserved, quiet

Inveterate - incurable, chronic

Fastidious - fussy, perfect

Assiduously - tirelessly, diligently

Caustic - sarcastic

Disapprobation - disapproval

Parsimonious - miserly

Demurely - meekly

Pertly - lively

Menial - unimportant, tedious

Cowed - intimidated

Ardor - enthusiasm, zeal

Unabashed - unembarrassed