Angela's Chapter 12 Notes

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War of 1812

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War of 1812

US w/ poorly trained militias; UK were weak; CA was vital

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US captured, center of population & transportation

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US '3-pronged invasion of Canada'

1812; US initiated; attempted to invade Detroit, Niagara, & Lake Champlain, but all defeated after crossing border

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Fort Michilimackinac

US-owned, Commanded upper Great Lakes & S + W Indian areas; captured by UK + CA w/ brilliant defensive ops led by Gen. Issac Brock

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"Old Iron-sides"; American frigates (ships) w/ better sides, firepower, & crews

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Oliver Hazard Perry

US naval officer that built ships on Lake Erie to capture UK fleet victoriously (1813)

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Detroit & Fort Malden

Place where UK forced to withdraw from the Battle of Thames

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General William Henry Harrison

US leader that defeated the UK in the Battle of Thames

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Battle of Thames

October 1813; Initiated and won by the US on land; Harrison overtook the UK in Detroit + Fort Malden

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Defeat of Napoleon

European enemies exiled him (FR) to the Mediterranean isle of Elba; US was affected as he acted as protection when US provoked war + distracted UK force on US; now left alone

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Thomas Macdonough

Commanded an American fleet on the Battle of Plattsburgh

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Battle of Plattsburgh

September 11, 1814; UK initiated overseas, US won; UK attempted to crush NY, but Macdonough unexpectedly turned his ship; affected negotiations of the Anglo-American peace treaty in EU; saved NY from UK Military Control + discontent w/ supporting authorities + Union from dissolution

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Battle of Bladensburg

August 1814; UK initiated and won battle on land; UK forces landed in Chesapeake, US deployed but defeated and afterwards UK burned D.C. buildings

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Francis Scott Key

Detained American by the UK; inspired the SBP while watching the UK fail at capturing Fort McHenry in Baltimore (Sept 1814)

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Andrew Jackson

US Gen; led the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans; Secured a commission to enter Spanish territory & punished Indians; (1818) swept FL borders to hang 2 Indian chiefs + execute 2 British for assisting Indians + seized 2 important Spanish posts and removed Spain's governor

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Battle of Horseshoe Bend

(1814) Battle where US forces under Andrew Jackson defeated the British-allied and Tecumseh-inspired Natives and protected New Orleans

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Battle of New Orleans

January 8, 1815; 3rd British prong-attack overseas, US won; Jackson led sailors including Frenchmen + militiamen; UK made a mistake of a frontier assault; 2K:70 UK-to-US injured ratio in 30 mins; UK increased nationalism

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British blockade

UK navals blocked the east coast from any imports for America; British's raging response to their lost w/ Battle of New Orleans

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Tsar Alexander I

Emperor of RU; proposed mediation (peace solution) between US & UK which led to the Treaty of Ghent, ending War of 1812

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John Quincy Adams

Led the 5-American peacemaker group that went to make the Treaty of Ghent; SECSTATE during Monroe's term

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Henry Clay

one of the 5-American peacemakers that went to make the Treaty of Ghent; created the American System

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Congress of Vienna

1814-15; Meeting for European leaders to reorganize boundaries after Napoleon's exile

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Treaty of Ghent

Xmas Eve, 1814; Ended the War of 1812 w/ the US vs. UK + restored conquered territory

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New England Federalists

War hawks' opponents; opposed to the war

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"Blue Light Federalists"

Nickname for NE Federalists; held the rumor that flashed lanterns on the shore so that blockading British cruisers would be alerted of potential US ships escaping

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Hartford Convention

December 15, 1814-January 5, 1815; Meeting of Federalist states listed and demanded their complaints with Madison's administration, downfall of Federalists

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Hartford Resolutions

demanded financial assistance to compensate lost trade + constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 Congressional votes before an embargo is imposed, new states admitted, or war declared + abolish 3/5 clause + limit POTUS to 1 term + prohibit 2 elect POTUS from the same state

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"Virginia Dynasty"

Describing the 4 consecutive POTUS that were from VA

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Canadian nationalism

Increased stimulus from the War of 1812; Canadians felt betrayed by the Treaty of Ghent and failure to secure an Indian buffer state or Great Lakes

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Rush-Bagot Agreement

1817; limited US and UK naval forces on the Great Lakes; US and CA shared the longest unfortified boundary, 5,527 miles long

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June 1815; Where Napoleon's final defeat was, Europe slumped into a peace of exhaustion

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Bank of the United States

Revived by Congress in 1816 due to the rise in nationalism

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Tariff of 1816

1st tariff in US history; Congress created to protect US companies from UK companies selling goods for cheaper prices in attempt to kill business; 20-25% tax on imports

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The American System

1824; Made by Henry Clay, 3 parts: banking system, protective tariff, & roads + canals

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Introduced in the Amer System; transported raw goofs from the SW to the NE so manufactured goods could be returned; NE opposed due to it decreasing population

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James Madison

4PTH POTUS (1808 + 1812); vetoed Congress votes in giving $1.7M for states' internal improvement as it was unconstitutional

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Erie Canal

1825, NY; forced to proceed with construction of programs on their own due to Madison declining the funds

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James Monroe

5PTH POTUS (1816), won reelection in 1820 + continued VA Dynasty

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"Era of Good Feelings"

Newspaper published to describe Monroe's welcoming positivity for his administration; period of national unity and agreements upon political parties

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Assuming an excessive amount of business risk in speculating something, gleaned over in frontier lands + contributed to the economic panic and effects

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"Wildcat banks"

Western banks that were forced to foreclose mortgages on countless farms due to Panic of 1819 + politically unwise

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Panic of 1819

1st widespread post-constitution economic crisis in the US; brought deflation, depression, bank failures, & unemployment; set back nationalism and hurt the poorer class

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Cumberland Road

1811; 1st federally-funded road that stretched from Maryland to Illinois

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1811; First used on western waters, contributed the new era of upstream navigation

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Land Act of 1820

West demanded cheap transportation; authorized a buyer to purchase eighty virgin acres at a minimum of $1.25/acre in cash

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Tallmadge Amendment

Passed by HOR but failed by Senate: attempt to hold back Missouri as a slave state + restrict anymore slave entries + give freedom to child who are born w/ slaved parents; South slaveholders saw as a threat to sectional balance in N + S as it was a even 11:11 slave state ratio

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Peculiar institution

Another term for slavery and its economic impacts in the South

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Missouri Compromise

Created by Henry Clay for the slavery issues in Missouri; admitted MO as a slave state + bordered the south of MO to ban slaves North

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John Marshall

Chief Justice, bolstered the power of the federal government at the expense of the states

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McCulloch v. Maryland

1819; ML tried to tax Bank of the US's paper money & destroy one of their branches

Result: Bank found constitutional (implied powers & loose construction) and denied MD right to tax Bank

(Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law)

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Loose construction

a broad interpretation of the Constitution, strengthened in McCulloch v. Maryland

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Cohens v. Virginia

1811; the Cohen brothers went to Supreme Court after VA court found them guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets

Result: VA won case, but Marshall then declared Supreme Court's right to review decisions made by state courts

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Gibbons v. Ogden

"steamboat case". 1824; NY tried to give a private company a monopoly on waterborne commerce between NY/NJ (meaning no other companies could use the waterway)

Result: NY lost AND Marshall came to conclusion that only Congress (federal gov) can have control over interstate commerce

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Fletcher v. Peck

1810; GA legislature bribed to give 35 million acres of land to private speculators, they then voided the law and said any claims of it were invalid; Peck then sold the land to Fletcher who later argued that the land sale was invalid and didn't have the right to sell it which broke the contract; then another legislature canceled the unfair transaction

Results: let the state give land to speculators bc 'contracts can't be impaired' and state laws/legislation can't contradict Constitution; contract can't be broken

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Dartmouth College v. Woodward

1819; college chartered by King George III [1769] and NH legislature wanted to change name, Daniel Webster defended the college who didn't want to change it

Results: College wins bc 'original charter (a contract) must stand'; contract can't be broken

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Anglo-American Convention

US + UK signed; allowed NE fishermen to Newfoundland fisheries w/ CA + established Northern border of LA territory + joint occupation of the Oregon Country for 10 years w/o surrendering claims/rights

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West Florida

Claimed and believed to be destined by the US; uninvited US settlers torn down the flag in 1810 → Congress ratified the take in 1812 → small US army seized the region in the War of 1812

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Latin American Democracies/Republics

Revolutions broke out notably in Chile (1810), Venezuela (1811), and Argentina (1816); sudden moves forced Spain to pull troops in FL to contain rebels

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Indians w/ fugitive slaves used FL as a refuge; Jackson punished them

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St. Marks & Pensacola

Seized by Andrew Jackson; 2 important Spanish ports where he removed Spain's governor

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Florida Purchase Treaty

Adam-Onis Treaty, 1819; Spain ceded FL + Spain claims to Oregon in exchange for US abandonment of TX, but US later fight against Mexicans for old land back

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Fort Ross

"Ross" is a corruption of 'Russian," owned by RU when the EU autocrats rebelled

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George Canning

UK Foreign Secretary; UK Foreign secretary, met with US minister in London w/ a proposition to joint the US and UK declaration to claim any acquiring Latin American territory interest + warn EU despots to keep their hands off their republics; US lacked orders and denied

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Monroe Doctrine

1823; Psuhed by Adams, Monroe gave a stern warning to EU powers during SOTU w/ 2 basic features; Noncoloization aimed to keep Russians in the NW to halt; nonintervention w/ affairs within the US or developing Western Hemisphere; EU not happy

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Russo-American Treaty

1824; RU + US set the Southern borders of RU holdings in US at the line of 54 degrees 40', pushed Russia North; Tsar's reply to Monroe's Doctrine

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