APUSH Period 3 Part 1 IDs

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French/Huron and Shawnee Tribes

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French/Huron and Shawnee Tribes

Indians situated around the Great Lakes/Ohio River Valley area that allied with the French

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English/Iroquois Tribes

Indians situated around the Eastern Woodlands region that are allied with the British colonists through the Covenant Chain

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George Washington

A military general that led an expedition across the Ohio River to determine native status and later led the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War and became America's first president

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Fort Duquesne

A major military seat for the French along the Ohio River Valley that Edward Braddock failed to claim, however, its later fall due to William Pitt's financial regiment support marked the end of the French and Indian War

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Edward Braddock

A British military leader that failed to claim Fort Duquesne leading to colonist belief that they could better lead themselves

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Albany Congress

Colonial representatives met together to discuss the French and Indian War, created the Albany Plan of Union that discussed joining colonies under Ben Franklin's Join or Die idea

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Seven Year's War/French and Indian War

A series of conflicts between English and French and Indians over the Ohio River Valley area

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Treaty of Paris 1763

The treaty that ended the French and Indian War that ended in English victory and claiming of the Ohio River Valley, but also put on England the debt and responsibility of using it

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England secured an early victory against Nova Scotia in the French and Indian war that displaced the Acadian Indians, some of which escaped to Southern Louisiana to form Cajun culture

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Pontiac's Rebellion

A Native American war led by Pontiac, an Ottawa tribe leader, that killed four hundred soldiers and 2,000 settlers due to efforts to expulse whites from their land in the Ohio River Valley

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Proclamation of 1763

British law that forbid further white settlement west of the Appalachians due to the fear of Indian rebellion and loss of control

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Vice Admiralty Courts

Courts for smugglers or violators of the navigation acts without a jury and with one judge where smugglers must prove their innocence and if found guilty, they went to jail, and the judge gets 5% of their cargo while the rest goes to the crown

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Writs of Assistance

General search warrant, allows the government to search your property at any time without evidence or probable cause

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Sugar Act

An act that prohibited the smuggling of molasses

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Stamp Act

Created by chancellor Grenville of Britain, tax for 1 penny on every single page of a document

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External Tax

Taxes to regulate commerce, paid by merchants not by consumers

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Internal Tax

Taxes that directly charge consumers based on what they buy for gaining government profit

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Virtual Representation

British argument against taxation without representation, states that parliament represents all British

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Loyal Nine

A group of middle class artisans that joined in a secret society in the later summer of 1765 that fought the Stamp Act

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Sons of Liberty

A group of radical thinkers who fought against the stamp act in radical ways (demonstrations, violence) known to protest "taxation without representation"

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Stamp Act Congress

In 1765, the first major coordinated action by the colonies against Britain for boycotting the Stamp Act, fought for taxation with representation

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Declaratory Act

British act passed in 1766 that stated that Britain has the right at any time to place any taxes for any reason

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John Locke

A major enlightenment thinker responsible for writing his "Two Treatises of Government" that focused on advocating for natural rights, popular sovereignty, and a social contract and later became the inspiration and foundation for the Constitution

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Republican Government

A form of government where the people are the main source of power through voting and other public participation

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Townshend Acts

In 1766, new indirect taxes on tea, glass, and paper passed by Britain that take power away from colonial legislature by paying crown officials in the colonies and making them independent of colonial legislature

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Samuel Adams

Radical Revolutionary thinker who created the Sons of Liberty, the Boston Tea Party, and the Committees of Correspondence

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Clergy and Protest

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Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer

A series of 12 essays written by John Dickenson that argued against the Townshend Acts for because of taxation without representation and because of the lack of paper and glass manufacturing in the colonies

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John Dickenson

A Pennsylvania landowner who wrote "Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer" who argued against the Townshend Acts

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Patrick Henry

One of Virginia's leading independence advocates, who helped create the First Continental Congress and won election to that body representing Virginia, also created the "Give me Liberty or Death" speech

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Spinning Bees/Clubs

Women's way of protesting against British taxes by spinning clothes instead of buying clothes

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Committees of Correspondence

Coordinated letter writing of how to protect against Britain

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Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts

British response to the Boston Tea Party that resulted in the closure of Boston harbor (port bill), the revocation of Massachusetts charter (Massachusetts Government Act), making all British officers tried in Britain (Administration of Justice Act), the Quartering act, which made military live in your house at any time, and the Quebec Act, which made Catholicism ok in New France and Ohio Territory

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First Continental Congress

Meets in Philadelphia, first government of Colonies except Georgia, said that they were going to ignore the coercive acts, boycott all British goods, stop exporting goods to Britain, send a letter to the King

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Boston Massacre

Colonists start antagonizing British soldiers with snowballs, soldiers were intimidated and fired, killed 5 people, defended and acquitted by John Adams

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Crispus Attucks

A free black man killed in the Boston Massacre, the first man killed in the massacre, maybe first causality of the revolutionary war

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Paxton Boys

Active in the 1760s in Pennsylvania where western farmers who murdered Indians without consequence

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Green Mountain Boys

New Hampshire colonists clashing with New York colonists over land

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North Carolina western farmers who felt like Eastern elites were taking advantage of them through taxes

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Dunmore's War

Westerners in Virginia who ran into conflict with Indians by pushing onwards to the west

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Liberty Affair

John Hancock's ship got a large fine for smuggling, riot later ensues

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Gaspe Affair

British custom ship that came to enforce smuggling, crashes off the coast of Rhode Island, then set on fire by the colonists

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Tea Act

A tax on tea that also provided exclusive rights to the British East India Company to ship tea, prompts the Boston Tea Party response

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Boston Tea Party

A revolt planned by the Sons of Liberty, disguise themselves as Native Americans, jump onto ships and through away millions of dollars in tea in protest of the Tea Act

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Lexington & Concord

First shots of the Revolutionary War fired in April 1775 in Massachusetts

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Second Continental Congress

In Philadelphia in May, 1775, a meeting of radicals and moderates where the Olive Branch Petition is sent, the Declaration of Independence is created, and the Continental Army led by George Washington is built

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Olive Branch Petition

Document sent by the Second Continental Congress that says we are loyal to the king, but we need a ceasefire in Boston, coercive acts appealed, and the negotiation of rights of colonists

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Common Sense

Document written by Thomas Paine that attacks the monarchy as an institution dangerous to liberty, colonists, and rooted in superstition, says that there is no economic need for British connection, first discussion of independence

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Thomas Paine

Writer of Common Sense, inspires America to start moving toward independence, says that contrary to common sense to be a big country ruled by a tiny island

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Declaration of Independence

Document drafted by Thomas Jefferson in the Second Continental Congress in 1776 as proposed by Henry Lee based upon John Locke and Thomas Paine, establishes American Independence

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