Lecture 8: Muscle Structure and Mechanics

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What is the hierarchy of muscle structure?

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What is the hierarchy of muscle structure?

  1. Muscle

  2. Fascicles

  3. Muscle Fibers (Cells)

  4. Myofibrils

  5. Thick and Thin Filaments

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What is the hierarchy of the connective tissue that surrounds muscle?

  1. Epimysium - surrounds the entire muscle

  2. Perimysium - surrounds muscle fascicles (groups of fibers)

  3. Endomysium - surrounds individual muscle fibers

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Of the three connective tissue layers, which layer contributes the most to the resistance to stretch?


All can contribute to tightness, but the perimysium contributes the most

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What is part of the epimysium’s physical make-up and how does it impact its function?

  • Tough outer layer that contains an abundance of collagen

  • This makes it resistant to stretch

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Which of the three layers of connective tissue surrounding a muscle contains blood vessels and nerves?


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The endomysium is just outside of the ___________.

The endomysium is just outside the sarcolemma

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The sarcolemma is the area of…

Metabolic exchange between the capillaries and muscle fibers

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T/F: The endomysium transmits some of the force to the tendon


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What is the basal lamina?

The scaffolding that surrounds the muscle cell

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If the basal lamina is damaged, what is not able to occur?

The muscle is not able to heal properly —> will lose its contractile abilities!!

  • It will not be replaced with muscle

  • It will instead heal/be replaced with CT

    • Scarring / Type I Collagen

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Muscle is ____-nucleated

Muscle is multi-nucleated

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Where are muscle cells located in mature muscle? How do they adapt?

On the outer edges of the muscle

The nuclei adapt at differing rates along the length of the muscle

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Where are satellite cells located? How do these cells replicate?

On the outside of the basal lamina

The cells divide and one daughter cell enters the muscle while the other one remains on the outside

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What type of respiration/metabolism does the mitochondria use?

Aerobic metabolism/respiration

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What does the mitochondria generate?


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How does mitochondria density vary?

Varies depending on the cellular processes of the muscle

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Cytoplasm also allows for ATP generation through…

Anaerobic glycolysis

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What is a byproduct of anaerobic glycolysis?

Lactic acid

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How quickly can we get rid of lactic acid?

~1 hour (quickly!)

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T/F: Lactic acid causes delayed onset muscle soreness

False! Our bodies get rid of lactic acid within ~1 hour (and lactic acid can also be used as an energy source)

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When we say that someone “hits the wall”, what are we referring to?

An individual who ran out of ATP (really only occurs in ultra-marathoners)

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What is a sarcomere?

The contractile unit of a muscle fiber

<p>The contractile unit of a muscle fiber</p>
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Where are the Z-lines and what is their function?

Located at the end of sarcomere with supportive proteins to hold actin and myosin in place

<p>Located at the<strong> end of sarcomere</strong> with supportive proteins to <strong>hold actin and myosin in place</strong></p>
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Where is the A-band?

The space of the sarcomere where both myosin and actin are

<p>The space of the sarcomere <strong>where both myosin and actin are</strong></p>
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Where is the I-band?

The space of the sarcomere where actin is

<p>The space of the sarcomere <strong>where actin is</strong></p>
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During contraction the A-band

Stays the same

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During contraction the I-band


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Sarcomeres have more proteins besides actin and myosin. What is their function?

To stabilize the cell

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With actin and myosin, which is the thin filament and which is the thick filament?

Actin — Thin Filament

Myosin — Thick Filament

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Actin binds with ______ to generate force and _______ the sarcomere.

Actin binds with myosin to generate force and shorten the sarcomere

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What is the function of tropomyosin?

Stabilizes the actin filament

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What is the function of troponin?

Influences the position of tropomyosin with a bond to Ca2+

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What is the position of the Troponin / Tropomyosin complex at rest?

At rest (without Ca2+) the Troponin/Tropomyosin complex is covering up the binding site of myosin

  • Therefore it controls whether or not contraction occurs (also plays a role in controlling the speed of contraction)

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What are the two components of myosin?

  • Heavy chains

  • Light chains

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Where are the heavy chains and light chains located?

Heavy chains are located on the ends of myosin

Light chains are located in the middle of myosin

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What is the function of the heavy chains of myosin?

Molecular motor for muscle contraction

  • This is where the ATP is attaching and where the actin binding site is

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What is the function of the light chains of myosin?

Influences the contraction velocity of the sarcomere

  • Modulates the kinetics of cross-bridge cycling

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Myosin has multiple heavy and light chains, so as actin comes across myosin, its moving ________ and _______.

Myosin has multiple heavy and light chains, so as actin comes across myosin, its moving laterally and twisting

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What is the function of nebulin?

Holds actin in place

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What is titan? What is part of its function?

Titan is a non-contractile protein that provides passive tension within the muscle fiber (helps with stiffness of the muscle)

It also helps hold myosin in place

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What is the function of dystrophin?

  • Gives the muscle and musculotendinous junction support

  • Maintains alignment and arrangement of the Z-line

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What is desmin and what is its function?

Desmin is a non-contractile protein that stabilizes the alignment of adjacent sarcomeres

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Generally, non-contractile proteins will…

  1. Generate passive tension when stretched

  2. Provide internal and external support and alignment of muscle fibers

  3. Help transfer the active force of the muscle

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Titan bears most of the _______ load in muscle

Titan bears most of the passive load in muscle

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T/F: Titan is the largest protein ever discovered


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Titan plays a critical role in…

Organizing the developing sarcomere (due to it’s tremendous length)

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Titan is ideally situated to serve as a _______ for altered muscle mechanical conditions such as….

Titan is ideally situated to serve as a “sensor” for altered muscle mechanical conditions such as chronic length change or chronic force change

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Titin is a(n) __________ filament, but unlike actin, myosin, or desmin, which are filaments composed of ___________ molecules, titin is a _________ molecule filament.

Titin is an intramuscular filament, but unlike actin, myosin, or desmin, which are filaments composed of polymerized molecules, titin is a single molecule filament.

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What is PVEK?

Elastic component of titan that is important for maintain stiffness in eccentric contractions

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ATP has to be present for the myosin head to be ________ and for Ca2+ to ________.

ATP has to be present for the myosin head to be cocked and for Ca2+ to leave

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Why/how does rigor mortis occur?

Occurs due to Ca2+ being stuck in the cell (since there is no ATP present to transport it out)

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Muscle is a(n) _________ tissue!

Muscle is an excitable tissue!

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What is the function of the cell membrane?

Prevents or allows ions in or out of the cell by a system of membrane receptors and protein channels

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When would it be appropriate to directly stimulate a muscle contraction (bypassing an alpha motor neuron)?

With a patient who has a spinal cord injury and cannot perceive pain

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What are the three types of protein channels that the membranes of muscle and nerve cells have?

  • Chemical Dependent (Ligand) Channel

  • Voltage Dependent Channel

  • Potassium Channel

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When does a chemical dependent (ligand) channel open?

Opens only when a particular chemical neurotransmitter fits into a very specific receptor (ex. sodium channel)

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When does a voltage dependent channel open?

Opens only when the charge difference across the membrane becomes -50mV

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When does a potassium channel open?

Opens when a specific chemical neurotransmitter fits into a receptor on the outside of the membrane or when the inside voltage reaches +30mV

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What is the resting potential of a cell membrane?

-70 mV (the difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of cell membrane)

<p><strong>-70 mV</strong> (the difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of cell membrane)</p>
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What is occurring during depolarization?

Occurs during the process of an action potential when sodium is rushing into the cell causing the interior to become more positive (about -55mV)

<p>Occurs during the process of an action potential when sodium is rushing into the cell causing the interior to become more positive (about -55mV)</p>
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What is the charge of the action potential?

+30 mV (neural impulse; brief electrical charge that travels down the axon)

<p><strong>+30 mV </strong>(neural impulse; brief electrical charge that travels down the axon)</p>
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What is occurring during repolarization?

Return of the cell to resting state, caused by re-entry of potassium into the cell (while sodium exits the cell)

<p><strong>Return of the cell to resting state,</strong> caused by <strong>re-entry of potassium</strong> into the cell (while sodium exits the cell)</p>
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What is occurring during hyperpolarization?

Movement of membrane potential of a cell away from resting potential in a more negative direction (the refractory period of contraction)

<p>Movement of <strong>membrane potential</strong> of a cell away from resting potential in a <strong>more negative</strong> direction (the <strong>refractory period</strong> of <strong>contraction</strong>)</p>
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When Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, what follows?

  • This exposes the the binding sites on the thin filament (actin)

    • Ca2+ binds to troponin complex

    • Tropomyosin is pulled aside to expose binding site

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What is the contraction cycle?

  1. Exposed binding sites on actin allow the contraction cycle to occur

  2. Cross-bridge binds actin to myosin

  3. Cross bridge pulls actin filament (power stroke)

    • ADP and Phosphate released from myosin

  4. New ATP binds to myosin, causing linkage to release

  5. ATP splits, which provides power to “cock” the myosin cross-bridge

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What occurs during muscle relaxation (at the level of the sarcomere)?

  • Active transport of Ca2+ back into sarcoplasmic reticulum

    • This requires ATP —> makes myosin binding sites unavailable

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What are the steps for muscle contraction? (11 steps)

  1. Motor neuron releases neurotransmitter (Ach)

  2. Neurotransmitter interacts with muscle membrane receptor

  3. Receptors opens sodium channel (allowing Na+ to slowly move into cell)

  4. Movement of Na+ into cell causes the electrical potential to change from -70mV (resting potential) toward an excitatory post-synaptic potential of -50mV (threshold to open voltage channel)

  5. Voltage channels open allowing Na+ to flood the cell, resulting in electrical potential change of +30mV

    • The electrical potential change is depolarization

    • The +30mV is the action potential

  6. This wave of depolarization spreads across the muscle membrane, also depolarizing the T-tubular system

  7. When T-tubules depolarize, Ca+ is released from sarcoplasmic reticuli

  8. Ca+ diffuses throughout muscle cell cytoplasm to interact with troponin causing the tropomyosin on the actin to uncover the myosin-binding sites

  9. Allows myosin cross-bridges on the myosin to interact with myosin-binding sites on the actin molecule pulling the actin and myosin molecules closer to one another

  10. Results in shortening of the myofibril as the stacks of actin and myosin move closer to one anothe

  11. As all the myofibrils in a particular muscle cell shorten, the entire muscle cell contracts

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What is rate coding?

Frequency of an action potential; the cell must meet a certain threshold to produce a smooth contraction

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<p><strong>The following image represents….</strong></p>

The following image represents….

A muscle contraction after a discrete stimuli

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<p><strong>The following image represents… </strong></p>

The following image represents…

A muscle where the stimuli are delivered more frequently (muscle does not have time to completely relax). Contraction force increases as the individual twitches are more frequent.

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<p><strong>The following image represents…</strong></p>

The following image represents…

A more complete fusion of twitches because the stimulus are delivered as a faster rate (Tetanus). This leads to a smooth continuous contraction of maximal force.

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What is the typical minimum frequency to achieve tetanus?

35 - 50 Hz

(35 Hz for a smaller muscle to 50 Hz for a larger muscle)

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What is a motor unit?

A motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates

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What are the different muscle fiber types?

  • Type I

  • Type IIa

  • Type IIx

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When considering the different muscle fiber types, most muscle is split…

50/50 (composed evenly)

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What muscle fiber type would postural muscles (like the soleus and erector spinae) have?

Type I (slow-twitch)

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T/F: You can change muscle fiber type through training

False; you cannot change muscle fiber type through training, you can only make tissue more aerobic

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What are the characteristics of a Type I muscle fiber?

  • Slow contraction time

  • Small motor neuron size

  • High resistance to fatigue

  • Used for aerobic activity

  • Low force production

  • High mitochondrial, capillary, and oxidative density

  • Low glycolytic capacity

  • Fat is major storage fuel

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What are the characteristics of a Type IIa muscle fiber?

  • Fast contraction time

  • Large motor neuron size

  • Intermediate resistance to fatigue

  • Used for long-term anaerobic activities

  • High force production

  • High mitochondrial, capillary, and oxidative density

  • High glycolytic capacity

  • Phosphocreatine and glycogen are the major storage fuel

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What are the characteristics of a Type IIx muscle fiber?

  • Very fast contraction time

  • Very large motor neuron size

  • Low resistance to fatigue

  • Used for short-term anaerobic activities

  • Very high force production

  • Low mitochondrial, capillary, and oxidative capacity

  • High glycolytic capacity

  • Phosphocreatine and glycogen are major storage fuel

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What is Henneman’s Size Principle?

Increased force demands leads to increased number of motor units to be activated through either:

  1. Increased amount/number of motor units

  2. Increased frequency of motor unit firing

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In what order are the different muscle fiber types typically recruited (according to Henneman’s Size Principle)?

Type I —> Type IIa —> Type IIx

(however, does not always work this way, think about if were are going to do a sprint, all would be recruited simultaneously)

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When does Henneman’s Size Principle not really apply?

When we have to perform an activity with power and intensity

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What is muscle architecture?

  • Arrangement of fibers relative to the axis of force generation

  • Fiber diameter is similar (regardless of the muscle)

  • Design of muscle

    • How does the muscle produce force?

    • How is the muscle able to generate torque?

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T/F: Muscle mass is always directly related to the functional aspect of the muscle


Muscle mass may or may not be directly related to any functional aspect of the muscle (large muscle does not always = advantage)

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What is the best way to estimate the amount of force a muscle can produce?

Arrangement of fibers is most critical part of understanding force production of a muscle

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What is muscle length?

The distance measured from the proximal tendon to the distal tendon

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What is fiber length? In comparison to the muscle, how long is it typically?

  • Measurement of a single fiber length

  • ~1/3 length of entire muscle

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What is pennation angle?

The angle between the tendon and the fiber orientation

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What is the typical pennation angle?

Usually between 0 - 30 degrees

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How does pennation angle affect the amount of force of a muscle?

  • Force generated will be less along the tendon

  • BUT, design allows us to pack more muscle into cross sectional area → so overall force production is greater (than a fusiform muscle of equal size)

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What is the physiological cross-sectional area?

The amount of active proteins available to produce a contraction

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How is the physiological cross-sectional area measured?

Measured by perpendicularly cutting through the muscle fibers

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Physiological cross sectional area is proportional to…

Maximal force production

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What are the three types of pennation forms?

  • Unipennate

  • Bipennate

  • Multipennate

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T/F: PSCA will almost always be greater than CSA


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What is fusiform muscle built for?


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What is pennate muscle built for?

Force production

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