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Chapter 8: Matter and Changing of State

8.1-States of Matter

The three states of matter-solid, liquid and gas

  • Materials come in three different forms-solid, liquid and gas.

  • Which state something is at a certain temperature depends on how strong the forces of attraction are between the particles of the material

  • How strong the forces are depends on three things

    • The material(the structure of the substance, and the type of bonds holding the particles together)

    • The temperature

    • The pressure

Particles theory:

  • Solids

    • In solids, there are strong forces of attraction between particles, which holds them close together in fixed positions to form a very regular lattice arrangement

    • The particles don’t move from their positions, so all solids keep a definite shape and volume and don’t flow like liquids

    • The particles vibrate about their positions, the hotter the solid becomes, the more they vibrate(causing solids to expand slightly when heated)

  • Liquids

    • In liquids, there’s a weak force of attraction between the particles

    • They’re randomly arranged and free to move

    • Definite volume but don’t keep a definite shape

    • Constantly moving with a random motion, hotter the liquid faster they move

  • Gases

    • In gases, the force of attraction is very weak

    • Free to move and far apart

    • Constantly moving with a random motion

State symbols tell you the state of a substance in an equation

  • Solid-s

  • Liquid-l

  • Gas-g

  • Aqueous(means dissolved in water)-aq

8.2-Changing State

Substances can change from one state to another

  • Physical changes don’t change the particles-just their arrangement or their energy

    • When a solid is heated, its particles gain more energy

    • This makes the particles vibrate more, which weakens the forces that hold the solid together

    • At a certain temperature, called the melting point the particles have enough energy to break free from their positions, called melting and turns a solid to an liquid

    • When a liquid is heated, again the particles get even more energy

    • This energy makes the particles move faster, which weakens and breaks the bonds holding the liquid together

    • At a certain temperature, called the boiling point, the particles have enough to break their bonds

      • This is evaporating, and the liquid becomes a gas

    • As a gas cools, the particles no longer have enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction between them

    • Bonds form between the particles

    • At the boiling point, so many bonds have formed between the gas particles that the gas becomes a liquid, this is called condensing

    • When a liquid cools, the particles have less energy so move around less

    • There’s not enough energy to overcome the attraction between the particles, so more bonds form between them

    • At the melting point, so many bonds have formed between the particles that they’re held in place

      • The liquid becomes a solid and this is called freezing

Chapter 8: Matter and Changing of State

8.1-States of Matter

The three states of matter-solid, liquid and gas

  • Materials come in three different forms-solid, liquid and gas.

  • Which state something is at a certain temperature depends on how strong the forces of attraction are between the particles of the material

  • How strong the forces are depends on three things

    • The material(the structure of the substance, and the type of bonds holding the particles together)

    • The temperature

    • The pressure

Particles theory:

  • Solids

    • In solids, there are strong forces of attraction between particles, which holds them close together in fixed positions to form a very regular lattice arrangement

    • The particles don’t move from their positions, so all solids keep a definite shape and volume and don’t flow like liquids

    • The particles vibrate about their positions, the hotter the solid becomes, the more they vibrate(causing solids to expand slightly when heated)

  • Liquids

    • In liquids, there’s a weak force of attraction between the particles

    • They’re randomly arranged and free to move

    • Definite volume but don’t keep a definite shape

    • Constantly moving with a random motion, hotter the liquid faster they move

  • Gases

    • In gases, the force of attraction is very weak

    • Free to move and far apart

    • Constantly moving with a random motion

State symbols tell you the state of a substance in an equation

  • Solid-s

  • Liquid-l

  • Gas-g

  • Aqueous(means dissolved in water)-aq

8.2-Changing State

Substances can change from one state to another

  • Physical changes don’t change the particles-just their arrangement or their energy

    • When a solid is heated, its particles gain more energy

    • This makes the particles vibrate more, which weakens the forces that hold the solid together

    • At a certain temperature, called the melting point the particles have enough energy to break free from their positions, called melting and turns a solid to an liquid

    • When a liquid is heated, again the particles get even more energy

    • This energy makes the particles move faster, which weakens and breaks the bonds holding the liquid together

    • At a certain temperature, called the boiling point, the particles have enough to break their bonds

      • This is evaporating, and the liquid becomes a gas

    • As a gas cools, the particles no longer have enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction between them

    • Bonds form between the particles

    • At the boiling point, so many bonds have formed between the gas particles that the gas becomes a liquid, this is called condensing

    • When a liquid cools, the particles have less energy so move around less

    • There’s not enough energy to overcome the attraction between the particles, so more bonds form between them

    • At the melting point, so many bonds have formed between the particles that they’re held in place

      • The liquid becomes a solid and this is called freezing
