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Legally Required to be on radiograph label (4)
Name/address of vet clinic, Patient ID/Name, Date
Info for our radiograph labels (5)
NDSU VTP, Fargo,ND , Anatomy bone, Date, Initials
Lateral views are labeled L or R by the side that is
down on the table
QA/QC tests are performed on (3)
X-ray machine, Dark room, Image receptors
SID for our x-ray machine should =
40 in or 100 cm
SID Marks test is used to
ensure accuracy of SID
Light Field Size test: set collimator to 8 Ă— 10 for example then ? the light field projected onto the table to ensure collimator is ?
measure, accurate
The nine penny test is to ensure
x-ray field is aligned with light field
How to we check our PPE for cracks?
x-ray them
Every individual x-ray machine in specific location needs own ? technique chart
When taking a radiograph, keep as many factor as possible
One way a technique chart is made
series of trial exposures
For trial exposures, ? test radiographs of ? focused over the ? region
3, abdomen, liver
For trial exposures, kVp is estimated using ? and a ? mAs is used for each radiograph
Sante’s rule, different
When making technique chart, mAs will be ? for all measurements 10cm or less. Measurements over 10cm will be ? that mAs.
the same, twice
R/L Lateral View: Thorax - measure:
caudal border of scapula
R/L Lateral View: Thorax - beam center:
caudal border of scapula, between 5th and 6th ribs, or point of strongest heartbeat
R/L Lateral View: Thorax - cranial boundary
thoracic inlet
R/L Lateral View: Thorax - caudal boundary
L1, 1-2 cm past last rib
For Thorax, take exposure at peak of
Signs of good positioning for lateral thorax (3)
rib heads superimposed, intervertebral foramina same size, transverse processes superimposed
VD and DV Thorax - measure:
caudal border of scapula
VD and DV Thorax - bean center:
midline at caudal border of scapula, between 5th and 6th ribs
VD and DV Thorax - cranial boundary
thoracic inlet
VD and DV Thorax - caudal boundary
L1, 1-2 cm past last rib
Signs of good positioning for VD/DV Thorax
sternum/spine superimposed, spinous processes center over vertebral bodies, two sides of ribcage equal in distance
DV view (thorax) has a better visualization of
VD view (thorax) has better visualization of (4)
lung tissue, ventral pulmonary fields, caudal vena cava, mediastinum
When measuring VHS, measure height from
carina to apex
When measuring VHS, measure width from
widest area
When measuring VHS, transfer measurements to vertebrae, starting at the ? edge of ?
cranial, T4
When radiographing long bones, include
joint above and below
For lateral view of a long bone, the affected limb is
down on the table
Common views for long bones (3)
Lateral, CrCd, DP
Common Joint views
Lateral, CrCd
Lateral Elbow Joint - measure:
thickest part of elbow at distal humerus
Lateral Elbow Joint - beam center:
distal humeral condyles
Used a Flexed Lateral view of the elbow for evaluation of
elbow dysplasia
Lateral Radius/Ulna - measure:
distal humerus
Lateral Carpus/Digits - measure:
middle of carpus
Lateral Carpus/Digits - beam center:
distal row of carpal bones
DP Carpus/Digits - measure:
distal row of carpal bones
To extend a limb, push from
behind the elbow
Lateral Abdominal - measure:
caudal aspect of the 13th rib
Lateral Abdominal - beam center for dogs:
over caudal aspect of 13th rib (at L2-3)
Lateral Abdominal - beam center for cats:
2-3 fingers below 13th rib
Lateral Abdominal - cranial border:
caudal aspect of T7
Lateral Abdominal - Caudal border:
greater trochanter
For lateral abdominal positioning, elevate with a foam pad under the
VD/DV Abdominal - measure:
caudal aspect of 13th rib at level of umbilicus
VD/DV Abdominal - beam center for dogs:
midline over caudal aspect of 13th rib at level of umbilicus (L3)
VD/DV Abdominal - beam center for cats:
midline, 2-3 fingers caudal to 13th rib
VD/DV Abdominal - cranial border
T9, diaphragm
VD/DV Abdominal - caudal border
greater trochanter
Take abdominal radiograph at peak of