decreased cough reflex
inhibited lung expansion
mm are not as moist
loss of normal lung recoil
Decreased lung capacity
arthritis causing stiffness of chest wall
scoliosis decreases lung capacity
Problems moving air in and out
chronic bronchitis
admin oxygen
reassure the patient
pursed lip breathing
high fowler's position
Have patient sit forward and apply direct pressure pinching the nose just below the bone for 10-15 min
Cold compress can also help
Disorder where the patient stops breathing several times during sleep
usually the tongue blocking the airway
CPAP machine used at night to treat
inflammation of the lungs
viral less severe than bacterial
people 65 and older can get vaccine
lesions on lung tissue
spread airborne
dx by skin test (if bigger than 5mm = positive)
can be inactive or active in the body
At least four drugs for a long period of time (around 6-9 months)
negative pressure isolation room
-Inflammation of the pleura
sharp and abrupt pain
have patient lie on affected side and splint when coughing
Too much mucus being produced by lungs
impairs lung and ciliary function
no cure
A condition that describes two diseases
chronic bronchitis tx by bronchodilators and anti inflammatory agents
cautiously use oxygen due to dependence
too much mucus that lowers ciliary function
inflamed bronchi