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Before the movement west, which Spanish-controlled state did the US conquer?
Who invaded Florida in 1817 and began the First Seminole War?
Andrew Jackson
Which two tribes were collectively known as Seminoles?
Creek and Seminole
After bitter conflict, this treaty exchanged Florida for $5 million, and territorial concessions elsewhere.
Adams-OnĂs Treaty
What broke out from 1835-1842, which temporarily halted the influx of settlers into Florida territory?
Second Seminole War
American action in Florida did these three things, which became the template for future action against Indigenous people.
Seized Indigenous lands, reduced lands available for freedom-seeking enslaved people, and killed or removed Native American peoples.
What legislation granted the president authority to begin treaty negotiations to give Native Americans land in the West in exchange for their lands east of the Mississippi? Which President was in office at the time?
Indian Removal Act of 1830; Andrew Jackson
Why did Jackson believe removal and relocation was acting in the best interest of Native peoples?
They claimed that it would protect Native American communities from outside influences that jeopardized their chances of becoming “civilized” farmers. In other words, this would prevent Americanization and allow their traditions to live on.
Which President forcibly removed Cherokee from the state of Georgia and forced them on the “Trail of Tears” in 1838?
Martin van Buren
Outside of the Cherokee, what other groups, called the “Five Civilized Tribes,” were forcibly removed from their lands east of the MIssissippi River and moved to the Indian territory?
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, and Muscogee.
What war lead to the removal of many Sauk from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota to Kansas?
Black Hawk War (1832)
Which Native group remained too powerful to move in the Southern Plains?
After gaining independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico was looking for settlers to its northern areas to create a buffer between it and who?
What was this northern area of Mexico?
In 1829, Mexico hoped to quell anger and immigration by doing what?
Outlawed slavery and required all new immigrants to convert to Catholicism (mostly ignored)
How did Texans respond to the rise of power of Mexican General Antonio LĂłpez de Santa Anna?
Declared themselves as a separate state within Mexico; after that was rejected, fully declared independence in 1836.
What treaty forced Santa Anna to withdraw his army from Texas and recognize their independence?
Treaty of Velasco
Which US President aimed to annex Texas as a state within the Union?
John Tyler
After Tyler lost the election to James K. Polk, and before the next inauguration, he offered Texas statehood on March 3, 1845. When did Texas accept?
July 4, 1845
Mexico did not agree with the annexation or the southern border, which they claimed was at a different location away from the Rio Grande… where?
Nueces River
After failed attempts to buy the Nueces Strip, Polk sent troops, lead by Zachary Taylor, into the disputed territory, which Mexico saw as an act of aggression and attacked, which Polk used this news to do what?
Declare war on Mexico (Mexican-American War).
What is another name for the Mexican-American War?
Mr. Polk’s War.
In the early fall of 1846, US troops invaded Mexico, and controlled Mexico City within a year. Troops stayed there for four months during negotiations between the two nations, ending with what treaty?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
What did the US get from the treaty?
Land for the future states of California, Utah, Nevada, most of Arizona, parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming (Mexican Cession); Mexico surrendered their claims to Texas and the Nueces Strip, setting the border at the Rio Grande
What did Mexico receive in the treaty?
$15 million.
What added to American gains north of Mexico?
Gadsden Purchase of 1854.
How did the Mexican-American War affect the Civil War?
Military leaders gained first battle experience.
What was the main reason for migration to California in 1849?
Gold Rush of 1849.
Fearful of a Spanish reconquest of South America, John Quincy Adams had a hand in crafting what foreign policy that was triggered by Russians in the Northwest, border disputes with the British in Canada, possibility of Spanish reconquest of South America, and British abolitionism in the Caribbean?
Monroe Doctrine.
What treaty resolved American-British tensions over American plans to construct a Nicaraguan Canal to connect the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850).
What treaty settled minor border disputes between the US and British Canada?
Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842).
What was the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri admitted as a slave state; Maine as a free state; slavery banned north of the 36°30′ line.
Article VI of the Northwest Ordinance banned slavery north and west of what waterway?
Ohio River.
What part of the Constitution did southerners cite to support slavery?
3/5s Compromise.
What amendments contained arguments against slavery?
10th Amendment, 5th Amendment, no language specifically using the word slave.
Who were 'Doughfaces'?
Northerners friendlier to Southerners than their communities. An accusation that northern Democrats were lap dogs to southern enslavers
Which political party blamed Democrats for defending slavery?
What event illustrated that the federal government was pro-slavery?
Annexation of pro-slavery Texas.
Who were notable former slaves turned Black abolitionists?
Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman.
What proposed legislation aimed to ban slavery expansion into the territories won from Mexico during the Mexican-American War?
Wilmot Proviso. (passed House, failed in Senate)
What new political party emerged to compete with pro-slavery Democrats and Whigs?
Free Soil Party.
After the admissions of Texas and Florida as slave states, which state admission eased the tension for the free soilers?
Wisconsin (1848).
What event did the Free Soilers use to win support in 1848, to try and build a broader coalition for reform?
Seneca Falls Convention.
Who became president in 1848 but died by 1850?
Zachary Taylor.
Who replaced Taylor as president?
Millard Fillmore.
What issue was rising during Fillmore’s presidency?
California, New Mexico, and Utah seeking statehood and there was fear that these states would throw off the power dynamic in Congress.
Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas orchestrated this new agreement that allowed California to enter as a free state, a new, harsher Fugitive Slave Act, ban on the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and the rest of the new states to decide the issue of slavery for themselves (popular sovereignty). What was this called?
Compromise of 1850.
What made the Fugitive Slave Act harsher?
It created special federal commissioners to determine the fate of alleged fugitives without benefit of a jury trial or even court testimony.
What book, published in 1852, moved the antislavery conversation into everyday conversations for northerners?
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Stephen Douglas drafted a bill to organize the Nebraska Territory and cut off the southern chunk to create a new territory. What was that new territory? Why did he want this?
Kansas; To help build the transcontinental railroad.
How would Kansas’ status as slave or free be determined, under the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Popular sovereignty, overturning the Missouri Compromise.
Northerners, such as the New England Emigrant Aid Company, provided guns and other goods for pioneers willing to go to Kansas and establish the territory as WHAT state?
What new political party formed due to antislavery movements in 1854?
Republican Party.
Following a speech before Congress, this Senator was violently beaten with a cane by Representative Preston Brooks because he accused the Representative’s cousin, Senator Andrew Butler, of being pro-slavery so he could have sexual access to Black women.
Charles Sumner.
Pro-slavery raiders attacked Lawrence, Kansas, and in retaliation, radical abolitionist John Brown murdered several pro-slavery Kansans, in this event.
Bleeding Kansas.
Who was the first Republican nominee for President in 1856?
John Charles Frémont.
What were the results of the Kansas vote?
Free state; but the federal government did not recognize the votes and recognized a pro-slavery legislature.
Who won the Election of 1856?
James Buchanan.
What Supreme Court case defined Buchanan's presidency?
Scott v. Sandford; ruled that Black Americans could not be citizens of the United States and therefore could be transported as chattel from any state to another regardless of state law.
Who won the Illinois Senate race of 1858?
Stephen Douglas defeated Republican Abe Lincoln.
What action caused the Buchanan administration to be accused of abuse of power?
Sending troops to fight against Mormon communities in Utah.
Made famous through his actions in Kansas, this abolitionist moved east and planned to raid a federal weapons arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia) to lead a revolt of enslaved people.
John Brown.
The Democrats split their national convention due to the sectional crisis; southern Democrats nominated VP John Breckenridge of Kentucky and northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas of Illinois. Who was the Republican nominee?
Abraham Lincoln.
What percent of the popular vote did Lincoln win in the election? How many electoral votes from the South?
40%; 0.
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
South Carolina.
Which states seceded from the Union?
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas.
Who was elected president of the Confederate States of America?
Jefferson Davis.