comes from hymn in rig veda that recites orgin of cosmo in sacrifice of cosmic man
Brahmin- priests, scholars
Kshyatriya- warriors, kings, royal/ruling families
Vaishya- merchants, agriculturalists, artisans
Shudra- servants
Untouchables- dalits, harijans
Brahma (creator)
Vishnu (preserver)
Rama- model of the good king, worshipped along with wife sita and monkey god hanuman
Krishna- status as a god slowly revealed in heroic deeds, prone to playing tricks as child in service of the good
Siva (destroyer)
non violence
Very strict
Some monks and nuns wear muhpatti or mouth shiellf to avoid ingesting tiny flies or other life forms
No deliberate killing
Vegetarian diet
Includes verbal insults, approving of a violent act, encouraging of the act, or wanting someone to suffer
all life entails suffering
suffering is caused by desire
removing desire removes suffering
the way to remove suffering is the eightfold path
way of elders
earliest form of buddhism
south and SE asia
focused on preserving original teachings and the Arhat ideal
the Greater Vehicle
more religious, more gods/figures
dominant in China, Korea, Japan
ideal of bodhisattva
Lotus Sutra
india in 7th cent BCE
Dom in tibet, nepal, mongolia
combines mahayana with hindu tantric practices
dalai lamas
buddha taught lower level and higher level truths
used by Mahayana buddhists
2 important themes
Universal accessibility to buddhahood
Need to fit teaching to audience
parable of burning house→ skillful means
used by Mahayana buddhists
believe that buddha has 3 bodies/modes of being
nirmanakaya - transformation body - body of the historical buddha (and of the other buddhas of present and past)
Sambhogakaya- bliss body- this is the buddha worshiped in mahayana, the buddha who teaches the higher doctrines of the sutras
Dharmakaya- truth body- this is the ultimate reality as it truly is and is experienced by enlightened minds. True nature of the buddha
Originated in india
Most popular form of buddhism in east asia
Focuses on the veneration of a celestial buddha
Called the easy path
Emphasizes salvation through the compassionate grace of the Buddha (amitabha)
Amitabha created the pure land as a space of respite from suffering: always keep him in mid and you will be reborn in his pure land
Originated in china
Focuses on meditation, it is their mental disposition
Meditation alone is sufficient, since no distinction between practice and realization
his father keeps him in the palace, surrounds him with sensual pleasures and insulates him from “ anything that could perturb his mind.”
Siddharth engages in pleasures and fathers a son
On an outing the prince encounters 3 disturbing sights
An old man
A diseased man
A corpse
The fourth sight comes later: ascetic
He had not idea such things existed since he was so sheltered
Sights are not self- interpreting. They require the prince's reflection on the experience. He connects them to a more general principle about the nature of reality
Ascetic inspires him to become an ascetic and live that lifestyle
Becomes “awake” to the impermanence and suffering of reality
For 6 yrs he studies with the ascetics trying to mortify the body
Eventually he determines that earring out the body does not produce complete mindfulness
Revokes asceticism and meditates, eventually accepts nourishment from old woman (nandabala) and that is when he attains enlightenment
^ seeks the middle way between sensuality and asceticism
Strengthened by womans gift he sits under the fig tree and has strength to attain enlightenment (at moment of enlightenment, perceives the reality of non self)
Resolves to assist in the freeing of all living beings, spends next 45 years until the end of his life teaching the path to freedom
Jewish philosopher
Transformed judaism
13 jewish dogmas- who is an “israelite” (in good standing) is now determined by belief (not birth or practice)
Reorganized and codified all jewish law
developed new understanding of God and how he is present to believers