to modify one’s behavior to accommodate what others are doing
the process by which people use signs, symbols, and behaviors to exchange information and create meaning
relational needs
the essential elements people seek in their relationships with others
instrumental needs
practical, everyday needs
a formal description of a process
action model
a model describing communication as a one-way process
the originator of a thought or idea
to put an idea into language or gesture
verbal or nonverbal elements of communication to which people give meaning
a pathway through which messages are conveyed
the party who interprets the message
to interpret or give meaning to a message
anything that distracts people from listening
interaction model
model describing communication similar to the action model but now with feedback and context
verbal and nonverbal responses to a message
the physical or psychological environment in which communication occurs
transaction model
model describing communication as a process where everyone is a sender and receiver at the same time or interchangeably
channel-rich contexts
communication environments involving many channels at once (e.g. face to face, facetime, video)
channel-lean contexts
communication environments involving few channels at once (e.g. posts, memos, fax)
a representation of an idea
content dimension
literal information that is communicated by a message
relational dimension
signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated (e.g. confiding in someone you trust)
communication about communication
explicit rules
rules that have been clearly stated
implicit rules
rules that have not been clearly articulated but are nonetheless understood (e.g. “bless you”)
intRApersonal communication
communication with oneself
intERpersonal communication
communication that occurs between two people in the context of their relationship
small group communication
communication with approximately 3-20 people
public communication
communication with above 20 people
mass communication
communication to a large audience that is transmitted by media
communication competence
communication that is effective and appropriate for a given situation
awareness of one’s behavior and how it affects others
cognitive complexity
the ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways (e.g. see both sides)
principles that guide judgments about whether something is morally right or wrong