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Large geographical area with a specific regional climate.
All ecosystems of Earth.
Invasive Species
Non-native species introduced into the environment that threatens the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity.
Resource Partitioning
Division of limited resources among competitors.
Ecological Niche
An organism’s role in an ecosystem.
Made up of all biotic factors interacting with each other and their environment (abiotic factors).
The collection of all the different populations within an ecosystem.
All members of the same or different species living within the same ecosystem or habitat.
Abiotic Factors
Non-living factors that affect organisms.
Biotic Factors
Living factors that affect organisms.
The study of how organisms react with each other.
Terrestrial Biomes
Forests (Tropical, Temperate (Deciduous + Coniferous) Taiga), Tundra, Deserts, Grasslands (Savannas, Praires, Steppes)
Canada’s Four
Taiga/Boreal Forest, Tundra, Grasslands, and Deciduous Forest
Factors Affecting Terrestrial Biomes
Climate (temperature), Sunlight, Precipitation, and Soil
Taiga/ Boreal Forest
Abiotic: Largest, furthest north, has seasons, short summers and long winters
Biotic: Evergreen coniferous trees, crowded canopies, deer, black and grizzly bears, moose, ferns, mosses, lichen
Abiotic: Prairies in temperate zones, rich soil, lots of sunlight, higher temp
Biotic: Tall/mid grasses, rapidly flowering plants, ground squirrels, hats, snakes
Deciduous Forest
Abiotic: Increased sunlight, rich soil, well-defined seasons, year-round precipitation
Biotic: Deciduous (aspen/popular) trees, deer, moose, we
Abiotic: Low temperatures, little precipitation, poor soil, minimal sun during winter, frozen permafrost
Biotic: Short herbs and shrubs, arctic foxes, polar bears
Aquatic Biomes
75% of earth’s surface
Photosynthetic aquatic/oceanic organisms (50% of world’s photosynthesis)
Consumes lots of O2
Regulates weather patterns
Provides fresh water
Interdial Zone
Shoreline where water meets land - attached plants and crustaceans
Pelagic Zone
Open ocean of any depth - Lots of fish
Benthic Zone
Sea floor itself - crustaceans
Photic Zone
Light penetrates up to 200m - Lots of algae/phytoplankton
Aphotic Zone
Depth below 200m - No photosynthesis
Lake Characteristics (Variable)
Amount of sunlight, water temperature, O2 levels (as temp ↑, O2 ↓)
Littoral Zone
Area extended from shore to where plants no longer grow - high biodiversity
Limnetic Zone
Area of open water where there is enough light for photosynthesis to occur.
Profundal Zone
Region beneath limnetic zone where there is not enough light for photosynthesis.
Transitions areas between ecosystems - High biodiversity
Artificial Ecosystems
Ecosystems that are planned and maintained by humans.
Natural Ecosystems
“The wild”
Human Interference
Changes/introduces invasive species and increase conservation efforts
Limiting factors
Abiotic and biotic factors that limit the distribution and size of populations within an ecosystem.
Abiotic Limiting Factors - Terrestrial
Soil, Water Availability, Temperature, Sunlight
Uppermost layer with decaying plant matter
Top soil
Second layer with lots of minerals and humus.
Sub soil
Third layer with not that much humus and larger rock particles
Rocky bottom layer where soil ends
Abiotic Limiting Factors - Aquatic Ecosystems
Chemical Environment: Concentrations of chemicals dissolved
Temperature: Affected by depth
Water Pressure: Increases with depth
Water Density: Increases as temp decreases
Lake Turnover
Seasonal variations cause changes in abiotic conditions of lakes - Spring and fall where layers form
Thermal Stratification
Lower levels of lakes organized in layers
Upper level of lakes - warms up as environment temps increase
Lower level - most dense (4°C)
Between epi and hypo - experiences rapid temp changes with seasons
Biotic Potential
Maximum number of offspring that a species can produce with unlimited resources.
Factors that Affected Biotic Potential
Birth Potential: Max # of offspring per birth event
Survival Capacity: # of offspring that reach reproductive age
Breeding Frequency: # of times a species can reproduce a year
Reproductive Lifespan: Age of sexual maturity + how many years they can reproduce.
Abiotic Limiting Factors - Biotic Potential
Light: Photosynthesis
Temp: Ideal ranges for survival and reproduction
Chem Environment: Fav vs Unfav chemical conditions (pollutants)
Biotic Limiting Factors - Biotic Potential
Food Availability: Indicated by # of producers
Predator Effectiveness: Many vs few + strong vs weak
Ability to Compete: Mating strategies + population density
Carrying Capacity
The max # of individuals of a species that can be supported by an ecosystem.
Law of the Minimum
Nutrient that is in the least supply
Law of Tolerance
An organism can survive within a specific range of an abiotic factor.
Factors that affect population regardless of population density
Ex: Temperature, Dissolved O2 (initial drop), Genetic Diseases, Natural Disasters
Factors that affect population because of population density.
Ex: Water, Predation, Diseases, Food, Dissolved O2 (continues drop), mates
Lake and Pond Succession
Progressive change in the composition of plants and animals in a lake or pond.
Eutrophic Lakes
High nutrient levels, murky water, shallow, sediment buildup, warmer, less O2, increase decay
Oligotrophic Lakes
Low nutrient levels, colder, deep, less sediment, clear water
Dead organic matter will cause the shallow ends of a lake to age. - Occurs when excess nutrients enter lakes causing algal blooms.
Summarize temp and precipitation for every month of the year in a given location.
Biological Oxygen Demand
Amount of dissolved oxygen needs by decomposers to breakdown organic matter in a water sample. - Indicates amount of organic matter in a sample.
Slash and Burn: Bulldozing trees and burning them
Clear Cutting: Removal of all trees for use
Selective Cutting: Removal of certain trees
Species: Number of different species
Genetic: Variation within genetic traits between individuals within a species.
The science of classification according to presumed relationships (genetic and structural) among organisms.
Carl Linnaeus
Developed binomial nomenclature - Genus and Species
Levels of organization - Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species
Three Domain System
Groups of all living organisms into three domains: Archæa, Bacteria (Prokaryotes), and Eukarya (Eukaryotes)
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Prokaryotic, hetero or autotrophs, reproduce asexually, cell wall, live almost everywhere. Ex: Bacteria
Prokaryotic, heterotrophs, live in salt lakes + hot springs, cell wall. Ex: Extremophiles.
Eukaryotic, hetero or autotrophs, reproduce sexually and asexually, no cell wall, aquatic and other habitats. Ex: Aglae (single-celled), protozoa (animal cell-like).
Multicellular, hetero or autotrophs, cell wall, reproduce sexually and asexually, terrestrial. Ex: Mushrooms.
Multicellular, heterotrophs, reproduce sexually and asexually, cell wall, terrestrial. Ex: Moss, angiosperms.
Multicellular, heterotrophs, sexually, terrestrial and aquatic, no cell wall. Ex: You.
The history of evolution of living organisms - Connection and timeline of species evolution. (Starts with most distant ancestor.)
Dichotomous Key
Used to identify and classify organisms and is constructed by a series of two choices, where each choice leads to a new branch.
Study of fossils - Evidence from changing Earth.
Fossil Formation
Organism dies, is buried quickly, minerals replace organic matter and softer parts decompose, erosion occurs to expose fossil.
Radiometric Dating
A numeric age is determined using the decay of naturally occurring radioactive metal in the rocks.
Principle of Superposition
Organisms in the lowest layers are oldest and least complex; Organisms in the highest layers are youngest and most complex.
The study of the geographic distribution of life - Evidence from a changing Earth.
Island Biogeography
Continental: Greatest biodiversity.
Oceanic: Less diversity.
Remote: Endemic species.
The study of embryonic development - Evidence from biology.
Homologous Features
Similar structure, different function, similar origin - Produced through divergent evolution.
Divergent Evolution
Share a common ancestor and the diverged to form a distinct species.
Analogous Features
Similar structure, similar function, different origin - Produced through convergent evolution
Convergent Evolution
Evolved from a different ancestor but similarly due to environmental influences.
Vestigial Structures
Rudimentary structures that serve no known useful function - Tailbone, appendix
Chemical relatedness - All higher organisms share basic biochemistry - Evidence from biology.
Artificial Selection
When humans choose two organisms with desirable characteristics and breed them together.
An advantageous structural or behavioural trait that improves an organism ability to survive and reproduce - Helps it get food, not become food, and reproduce.
Physiological Adaption
Internal body process to regulate and maintain homeostasis. - Temp regulation, producing enzymes.
Behavioural Adaptation
Something an organism does usually in response to some type of external stimulus - Hibernation, migration, phototropism.
That changes in the structure/anatomy of an organism that helps it adapt better to its environment - Grasping fingers, upright posture, fur
The cumulative changes in characteristics of populations of organisms in successive generations - Changes in the gene pool over time.
Changes in the genetic code - Spontaneously or by environment (Before evolution occurs).
Natural Selection
The mechanism of evolution - Survival of the fittest.
Genetic Drift
The change in the frequency of existing gene variations in the population due to random chance.
de Buffon
First to study biogeography and speculated that living things do change over time and said that it was result of the environmental influences or chance.
First to theorize evolution and said structures not used disappear, traits can be developed within one organism’s life then passed on, everything was leading towards perfection, and extinction is false.
Galapagos Finches
13 species of finches with different beak size and shape and body size - Based on the differences in food sources. The different environmental conditions (selective pressures) lead to adaptions.
Three Points of Natural Selection
There exists variation within a population, more offspring are produced than can survive, and population remains within the carrying capacity.