History Final Exam Review

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To deprive of the right to vote.

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Restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply.

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Zoot suit why did it anger so many

It used so much fabric which was needed for the war.

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Manhattan Project what was it

The secret American program to build an atomic bomb.

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Cold war

The ideological and often confrontational conflict between the US and SU between 1946 -1990.

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Iron Curtain

The political and military barrier that isolated Soviet controlled countries of Eastern Europe after WWII.

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Keeping communism within its present territory through diplomatic, economic and military actions.

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To express a formal disapproval of an action.

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Radioactive particles dispersed by a nuclear explosion.

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Due Process

A judicial requirement that laws may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably, and that courts must follow proper procedures and rules when trying cases.

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New frontier

Name given to President Kennedy’s legislative agenda.

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Fourteenth Amendment says what?

“No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of laws”

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Alliance For Progress what was it?

A series of cooperative aid projects with Latin American governments. To improve relations between the U.S. and Latin America.

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Berlin Wall Purpose?

To stop Germans from leaving communist East Germany for West Berlin it also blocked movement between Soviet sector and the rest of the city.

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NAACP supported what?

Since 1909 it has supported court cases aimed at overturning segregation.

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SNCC sent who where and why?

Student volunteers headed South as a part of a voter education project.

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Prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their race.

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Cultural assimilation

The mobilization of the political and economic power of African Americans, especially to compel respect for their rights and to improve their condition.

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Black Panthers called for what

Called for an end to racial oppression and for control of major institutions in the African American community, such as schools, law enforcement, housing, and hospitals.

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Satellite Nation

Nations Politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country. Although not under direct Soviet control, these nations had to remain communist and friendly to the SU. They also had to follow policies that the Soviets approved.

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The willingness to go to the brink of war to force an opponent to back down. Eisenhower relied on brinkmanship on several occasions, but he knew it could not work in all situations. It could prevent war, but it could not prevent communists from staging revolutions within countries.

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Baby boom

The U.S. birthrate exploded after WWII, from 1946-1964. The government encouraged the growth of families by offering generous GI benefits for home purchases. Popular culture celebrated pregnancy, parenthood, and large families.

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Rock N Roll

Rock N Roll was developed from African American rhythm and blues creating a new form of music. It was a loud and heavy beat that made it ideal for dancing, and lyrics about themes that appealed to young people. Many adults condemned Rock N Roll as loud, mindless, and dangerous. In the 1950s it helped create the generation gap.

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Sit in movement

Started on February 1st of 1960 four young African Americans entered woolworth’s department store and sat on the store lunch counter and it was a new mass movement for civil rights.Brought a large number of idealistic and energized college students into the civil rights struggle. Those conducting sit-ins were heckled and harassed. They remained peaceful and their heroic behavior caught the nations attentions

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Black Power

To most, it meant that African Americans should control the social, political and economic direction of their struggle. To a few African Americans it meant physical self defense was acceptable. Black Power stressed pride in African American culture. It emphasized racial distinctiveness rather than adopting 40 dominant cultures. African Americans showed pride in their racial heritage by adopting new “afro” hairstyles.

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Essay Cuban Missile crisis

  • On October 28 1962 an agreement was reached. After secret negotiations, the SU offered to remove its missiles if the U.S. promised not to invade cuba. The U.S. also agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey near the SU border.

    Forced the US and SU to consider the consequences of nuclear war

  • In August 1963 both countries Agreed to a treaty that banned testing nuclear weapons in the air.

  • Exposed soviets military inferiority and prompted a dramatic soviet arms buildup, which the U.S. matched.

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Double V

Campaign to urge readers to support the war to win a double victory over Hitler's racism abroad and racism at home.

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African Americans in Combat – Tuskegee Airmen

In early 1941, the air force created its first African American unit, the 99th Pursuit Squadron, which became known as the Tuskegee Airmen. and they helped win the Battle of Anzio in Italy. Three other Tuskegee squadrons protected American bombers, known as the 332nd fighter group, these squadrons flew 200 such missions w/o losing a single member to enemy aircraft.

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Executive Order 9066

Allowed the war department, to declare any part of the U.S a military zone and to remove people from that zone as needed.

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Korematsu vs. United States

The Supreme Court ruled that the relocation was constitutional because it was based not on race but on "military urgency.

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Bataan Death March - Where?


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Battle of Midway

Turning point in the war. Put Japan on defense for the rest of the war.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The US Navy set up a convoy system. American airplanes and warships began to use new technology, including radar, sonar, and depth charges

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Strategic bombing of Germany

Didn't destroy Germany's economy or undermine morale
Did cause a severe oil shortage and wrecked the railroad system.

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Iwo Jima

The pilots needed an island closer to Japan so the B-29s could refuel.

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Dividing Germany

Germany would be divided into four zones. Great Britain, US, SU, and France each controlling a zone. Stalin, Churchill, and Truman met at the Potsdam conference.

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The Long Telegram

for the administration's policy of containment

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Truman Doctrine - Pledged?

Pledged the US to fight the spread of communism worldwide.

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Marshall Plan - Purpose?

The Marshall Plan would give European nations American aid to rebuild their economies

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NATO - Purpose?

A mutual defense alliance. NATO members agreed to come to the aid of any member who was attacked.

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MacArthur - Wanted to? Truman's response? End result?

MacArthur demanded approval to expand the war against China. Truman said no to MacArthur's demands because he did not want to expand the war to China or to use the atomic bomb. Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination.

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Korean War - Four major participants and the sides they were on. Result of the war?

The major participants in the Korean War were North Korea, South Korea, the United States (with SK), and China (with NK). Result: July 1953 an armistice was signed, containment but no win.

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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Charged with?

Charged with spying for the Soviets

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Red Scare - What happened in 1949 and why?

The Red Scare grew stronger because
1.) SU successfully tested an atomic bomb
2.) China fell to communism

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Senator Joseph McCarthy - In February 1950 what did he say?

In February 1950, McCarthy said that he had a list of 205 Communists who worked in the State Department

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NASA - Established by who and why?

Eisenhower established NASA to begin developing a civilian space program for the US

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Return to Peacetime Economy - GI Bill?

Boosted the economy

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American Abundance - What did Americans begin to do and why? Advertising?

WIth more disposable income than ever, Americans began spending on new consumer goods. Advertising became the US's fastest growing industry

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Levittown - What was it?

Levittown, NY, was a planned residential community and one of the earliest of the mass-produced suburbs

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Flexible response - JFK pushed for what? Why?

To allow for a more "flexible response", JFK pushed for a buildup of troops and conventional weapons.

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Space race - JFK's main goal?

Beat the Soviets in the space race and keep the world thinking that communist is not better than capitalism

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Cuban missile crisis - October 22, 1962

On October 22, 1962, JFK announced that the Soviet Union had placed long-range nuclear missiles in Cuba

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JFK's death - Who killed JFK

Lee Harvey Oswald

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Plessy vs. Ferguson - Established?

Established the "separate but equal" doctrine

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Brown vs. Board of Education - Threatened?

Threatened the entire system of segregation

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Montgomery bus boycott - Why? Involved?

Occurred because Rosa Parks was arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. African American leaders were involved.

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MLK - Believed what about segregation?

Believed the only moral way to end segregation and racism was through nonviolent passive resistance.

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Freedom Riders - vocab word

name given to a group of people who traveled to the South in 1961 to protest the South's refusal to integrate bus terminals

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SNCC - 1964?

In 1964, the KKK murdered three SNCC workers with the complicity of local officials in Mississippi

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Kennedy and Civil Rights - Why did he act slowly?

To not anger Southern senators

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"Letter From a Birmingham Jail" - What did it produce?

An eloquent defense of nonviolent protest

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Ku Klux Klan - September 15, 1963? End result?

On September 15, 1963, the KKK bombed Birmingham's Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing four young girls. News reports of these attacks on children led to greater support for the civil rights movement

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Selma March - Why was Selma chosen for a protest march?

Selma, Alabama, was chosen as the focal point for the campaign for voting rights. African Americans made up a majority of Selma's population, but they made up only 3 percent of the registered voters

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Malcolm X - Became?

Malcolm X became a symbol of the black power movement

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Agent Orange - vocab word

A chemical defoliant used to clear Vietnamese jungles during the Vietnam War

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Geneva Accord - Who was in control of the North? When the French left the US? In 1956 Ngo Diem refused? Why?

Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh controlled North Vietnam. When the French left, the US became the principal protector of the new government in the South. In 1956, Diem refused to permit the elections, fearing Ho Chi Minh would win.

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American Involvement Deepens - Why did the Vietcong continue to grow more powerful? By 1961?

The Vietcong continued to grow more powerful because many Vietnamese opposed Diem's government. By 1961, the VC had established control over much of the countryside.

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Overthrow of Diem - Why did Diem become more unpopular?

He discriminated against Buddhism.

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Gulf of Tonkin - March 1965 troops?

In March 1965, LBJ ordered the first combat troops into Vietnam

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Bloody Stalemate - What did the VC use and why? What were they able to do?

VC used ambushes, booby traps, and other guerrilla tactics. They were able to blend in with the general public and then quickly vanish

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Search and Destroy - What was underestimated? Misjudged? Guerrillas had no?

VC's strength was underestimated, enemy's stamina was misjudged. Guerrillas had no intention of surrendering, and were willing to accept huge losses

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Ho Chi Minh Trail - What did LBJ fear? What type of war was the US fighting? How was our military measuring progress?

LBJ feared that directly attacking North Vietnam would bring China into the war, as it did in Korea. The US was fighting a war of attrition -- defeating enemy forces by wearing them down. Our military began measuring progress in the war by the number of enemy dead.

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Antiwar Movement - Vietnam was the first? Which created?

Vietnam was the first television war which created a credibility gap because they had a hard time believing LBJ about the war.

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Anger at the draft - Until 1969? Who was more likely to go? Minorities? Many draftees burned? Moved?

Until 1969 college students could often defer military service until after graduation. Young people from working-class families unable to afford college were more likely to be drafted. Many draftees burned their draft cards, and moved to a different country.

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Invasion of Cambodia - Why?

To destroy Vietcong military bases there

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Pentagon Papers - They revealed?

Revealed details about decisions to expand the war, and confirmed what many had long believed: the government hadn't been honest with them

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US Pulls out of the War - January 28, 1973?

Both sides agreed to end the war

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Domino Effect - March 1975? April 30, 1975?

In March 1975, the North Vietnamese army invaded South Vietnam. On April 30, 1975, the North Vietnamese captured Saigon.

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War's human toll - Cost to the US? Dead? Why many wanted to forget?

$173 billion in direct costs. Approximately 58,000 American soldiers died. Estimated 1 million North and South Vietnamese soldiers died, as did millions more civilians. Wanted to forget because many people considered the war a defeat.

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