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Steps of Communication
Chemical SIgnal → Reception → transduction → response
Different types of Ligands, Chemical Signals
Steroid Hormone - is a ligand and will bind to intraceullular receptors because it can simple diffuse. ex: tesosterone
Peptide Hormones - it is released by exocytosis and it is received by an extraceullular receptor ex: insulin
Neurotransmitters -
Factors - proteins that are associated with the name -
Intracellular receptors, - accept steroid based hormones - no secondf messenger (the receptor hormone complex can do the things)
ligand-gated ion channels,- in neurons
G protein-coupled receptors-
receptor tyrosine kinases. (enzyme) - monomers → dimer
Receives the specific ligands, and will bind to it
second messenger like cAMP or Caclium ion (smooth ER) - prelavent in muscles
Phosphorylation Cascades - relays protein kinases
enzymes - kinase and phosphatateses
cell grwoth
secretion of molecules
gene expression
alter gene function
Quourum Sensing
The ability of bacteria to sense the presence of other bacteria via secreted chemical signals. This allows the members of the population to match up their activities
created biofilm
What does communication by direct cellular contact entail?
In animal cells, gap junctions connect two cells, allowing them to exchange materials such as signals, vitamins, ions, amino acids, sugars, and water
In plant cells, plasmodesmata connect two cells
Cell-cell contact recognition
Whats its usage
An infected cell will inject a pathogen using phagocytosis and present an antigen with its MHC to a T-Cell
Long vs. Short Distance Communication
Long: -Use of bloodstream
-Involves Endocrine system
Short:-nervous system
-Local signaling
Cell Cycle Stages
Interphase→ Mitosis
G0 nothing happening, “chilling”
Has the G1 (duplication of organels and synthesis of proteins, RNA, etc)
Synthesis - replication of genetic material (DNA Polymerase)
G2 - synthesis if Proteins and RNA and oragnells
Each Phade and their Role
Prophase → metaphase → anaphase → telophase
Prophase- prepare, chromatids condense and pair on their centromeres, nuclear envelope disengrates
Metaphase - sister chromatids align in the middle and microtibles attach
Anaphase - pulling apart - spindles pull apart, kinetocore “handle" that spindles holdon to
Telophase- 2 nuclei are formed
Cytokinesis - the division and cell plates
Sprindles plus microtubles pull apart the sister crhomatids and they attactch to kinetoshore proteins
Checkpoints and Regulation
G1 check - determines wether it should start, activated by a growth factor, adequate reserves, and checks for DNA Damage
G2 - check if all DNA is replicated without errors. For example if there is DNA damage, p53 will; be produced and activate a CDK inhibitor
End Checkpoint Metaphase - make sure that sister chromatids are attached
if failure: then it might go to the apoptosis or back to G0
Cyclin and CDK
Proteins that regulate the cellcycle
Cyklin is a protein that will be made and will bind the CDK to activate the kinases Maturation Promoting Factor
these kinases activate the key enzymes and proteins for cell division etc
cdk is constant, the cyclin is built and broken down
Nervous System
Chemical signal (dendrites) → Electrical action potential (axon) → Chemical (synapse)
Chemical = neurotransmitters
Electrical = ions and their corresponding charges
1: Resting State: Na+ and K+ voltage-gated channels closed. Inside more negative than outside.
2: Depolarization: A stimulus causes Na+ channels to open, and Na+ enters. This depolarizes the membrane. If the depolarization reaches the threshold (about -55 mV), then an action potential occurs
3: Rising Action Potential: Depolarization causes a chain reaction of Na+ channels opening. The influx of Na+ makes the inside of the cell more positive with respect to the outside.
4: Falling Action Potential: The Na+ channels close, and the K+ channels begin to open, causing an outflux of K+ and the inside of the membrane more negative.
5: Undershoot: The Na+ channels are still closed (though unblocked), and the K+ channels are still letting K+ out of the cell. This causes a bit of an undershoot in negative membrane potential, after which the Na+/K+ pump restores the membrane resting potential by pumping K+ in and Na+ out.
Synapses: the end of the axon, the space in between, and the beginning of the dendrites
Neurotransmitters are transmitted & received
Ca2+ releases neurotransmitters, leads to vesicles fusing with the membrane and releasing
presypnatic and post sypnatic
type one diabities signaling
and mutation
-like insulin and glucagon towards sugar stimulus
high blood glucose levels → insulin → lower glucose and put it into the muscles →
low blood glucose → glucagon → break glycogen → increase blood sugar
antigonisitc hoRMONES
Signaling - the insulin binds to receptor and a signaling cascade is sent and then a channel opens allowing the glucose in
mutations that affect it will prevent the glucose intake
positive and negative feedback
protoonco genes and onco genes
tumor supresosr genes
-protoonco genes - normal genes that affect cell growth and proliferation, but can become oncogenes when their expression changes because a mutation
-Tumor supresor prevent too much growth
Cancer is the unsupressed growth or mitosis due to mutations
example: a g-protein is consistently active, or the signal is stuck,
Anchoring junctions
Tight junctions
Gap junctions “communicating”
Protein attatchments and filaments that hold cells together and keep structure
Tightly stitched seams that prevents passage between cells, so they have to go through them Instead - form movement of solutes etc between cells- prevent leaks
Allows transfer of materials, solute, messengers, and connects cytoplasm