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Rhyme Scheme
The pattern of rhymes at the end of each line in a poem, contributing to its structure and form.
Anapest (Anapestic)
A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, with the first two unstressed and the third stressed.
Dactyl (Dactylic)
A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, with the first stressed and the next two unstressed.
Iambic Pentameter
Poetic meter that has 5 metrical feet, each feet's first syllable is unstressed and then second stressed.
A 12-syllable verse with 6 iambs and a caesura after the third iamb
Word at the end of one line is repeated at the beginning of the next line
Directly addressing an absent person or quality
Repetition of similar vowel sounds with different consonants
Elaborate analogy showing parallel between dissimilar things
Repetition of similar consonant sounds in stressed syllables
A poem that provides a vivid description of a scene or work of art
(1) Formal lament on death, focusing on grief and reflection
(2) any lyric in a sorrowful mood that talks about death
Repetition of a word or phrase at the end of clauses
Narrative Poem
Poem telling a story or narrative
Serious lyric poem without a prescribed pattern
Word capturing the sound of what it describes
Repeated phrase or sentence at intervals in a poem
Masculine rhyme
Rhyme falling on the stressed syllable
Rhyme Royal
Seven-line stanza of iambic pentameter rhymed ababbcc
Terza Rima
Three-line stanza rhymed aba, bcb, cdc, etc.
Elaborate verse structure written in blank verse, six stanzas of six lines each followed by a three line stanza.
Final words in the first stanza is repeated in the middle and end of the three lines in the final stanza
Verse form that has 19 lines divided into 5 tercets and 1 quatrain. Some lines are repeated.
Verse narrative meant to be sung, often with refrains and repetition
Humorous verse form with anapestic lines and specific rhyme scheme
Three-line stanza with lines ending in the same rhyme
Five-line stanza of verse
Feminine Rhyme
Rhyme of two syllables, one stressed and one unstressed. Sometimes called double rhyme.
The repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry.
Lyric Poem
Any short poem that presents a single speaker who expresses thoughts and feelings.
Extended Metaphor
An implied analogy, or comparison, that is carried throughout a stanza or an entire poem.
A line with a pause at the end, ends with a punctuation
A brief, often implicit and indirect reference within a literary text to something outside the text
One foot per line
Modulation of stressed and unstressed elements in the flow of speech, often expressed in meter.
Usually a 14 line iambic pentameter poem
A word or group of words is repeated at the beginning of clauses
Blank meter/verse
An un-rhyming verse written in iambic pentameter.
A form of literary art which uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke meanings.
The analysis of a poem's meter, determining the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Fixed Form (Closed Form)
Poems with prescribed structure, including specific rhyme schemes, meter, and line lengths.
Free Verse
Poetry without a regular meter, rhyme scheme and with varying line length
Open Form
Poetry that does not follow a regular pattern of rhyme, meter, and line length
A short pause within a line of poetry, often signaled by punctuation
Running over from one line to the next without stoping
End Rhyme
Rhyme occurring at the end of lines, providing structure and musicality to the poem.
Internal Rhyme
Rhyme occurring within a single line of poetry, enhancing its musical and rhythmic quality.
Slant/Near Rhyme
A near rhyme or half rhyme, where the sounds are similar but not identical, adding complexity to the poem.
Eye Rhyme
Words that look like they should rhyme due to their spelling, but are pronounced differently.
Iamb (Iambic)
A metrical foot consisting of two syllables, with the first unstressed and the second stressed.
Trochee (Trochaic)
A metrical foot consisting of two syllables, with the first stressed and the second unstressed.
Spondee (Spondaic)
A metrical foot consisting of two stressed syllables
Pyrrhic (Pyrrhic)
A metrical foot consisting of two unstressed syllables
A line of verse consisting of two metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of three metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of four metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet
A line of verse consisting of eight metrical feet
(Italian) Petrarchan Sonnet
A sonnet form consisting of an octave with the rhyme scheme abba abba, followed by a sestet.
Spenserian Sonnet
A sonnet form consisting of three quatrains with the rhyme scheme abab bcbc cdcd ee.
Shakespearian Sonnet
A sonnet form consisting of three quatrains and a final couplet, with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg.
The person that the speaker is speaking to
The person who is saying the poem
4 line stanza
8 line stanza
6 line stanza
2 line stanza
Repetition of initial consonant sounds
A group of lines in a poem
Poetic Foot
Basic unit of poetic meter