AP Psychology
Unit 9: Social Psychology
princeton review
ap book
ap psychology
philip zimbardo
irving janis
group polarization
social loafing
group dynamics
solomon asch
social impairment
social facilitation
behavior influence
self disclosure
pulralistic ignorance
prosocial behavior
bystander intervention
bystander effect
diffusion of responsibility
combating prejudice
contact theory
world bias
self serving bias
attributional bias'attribution theory
harold kelley
compliance strategies
leon festinger
james carlsmith
central route
peripheral route
mere exposure effect
are evaluative, meaning that our feelings toward such things are necessarily positive or negative.
mere exposure effect
states that the more one is exposed to something, the more one will come to like it.
Central route
to persuasion involves deeply processing the content of the message; what about this potato chip is so much better than all the others?
Peripheral route
on the other hand, involves other aspects of the message including the characteristics of the person imparting the message (the communicator).
Cognitive dissonance theory
is based on the idea that people are motivated to have consistent attitudes and behaviors.
door-in-the-face strategy
argues that after people refuse a large request, they will look more favorably upon a follow-up request that seems, in comparison, much more reasonable.
Norms of reciprocity
are at work when you feel compelled to send money to the charity that sent you free return address labels or when you cast your vote in the student election for the candidate that handed out those delicious chocolate chip cookies.
False-consensus effect
The tendency for people to overestimate the number of people who agree with them.
Self-serving bias
is the tendency to take more credit for good outcomes than for bad ones.
may be either negative or positive and can be applied to virtually any group of people (e.g., racial, ethnic, geographic).
is an undeserved, usually negative, attitude toward a group of people.
the belief that one’s culture (e.g., ethnic, racial) is superior to others, is a specific kind of prejudice.
In-group bias
humans are more helpful or positive towards their own group
contact theory
states that contact between hostile groups will reduce animosity, but only if the groups are made to work toward a goal that benefits all and necessitates the participation of all.
Instrumental aggression
is when the aggressive act is intended to secure a particular end.
Hostile aggression
has no such clear purpose.
bystander intervention
the conditions under which people nearby are more and less likely to help someone in trouble.
Solomon Asch (1951)
conducted one of the most interesting conformity experiments (line length)
social impairment
When the task being observed was a difficult one rather than a simple, well-practiced skill, being watched by others actually hurt performance
Social loafing
is the phenomenon when individuals do not put in as much effort when acting as part of a group as they do when acting alone.
Group polarization
is the tendency of a group to make more extreme decisions than the group members would make individually.
a term coined by Irving Janis, describes the tendency for some groups to make bad decisions.
normative influence
conform to social norms for fear of negative social consequences
informational influence
conform to a group in ambiguous situations because you are unsure what to do
public conformity
conform to fit in but do not change beliefs
private acceptance
someone’s belief is different than others they question if their belief is wrong
Milgram’s Shock Experiment
studied conformity, compliance, and obedience (majority gave all levels of shock and did not defy experimenter)
triangular theory of love
consummate love
passion and intimacy and commitment
companionate love
intimacy and commitment
romantic love
passion and intimacy
loss of personal identity when in groups due to received lack of accountability
Social Dilemma/Tragedy of the Commons
an individual profits from selfishness unless everyone chooses the selfish alternative, in which case the whole group loses (the social trap)
prisoner’s dilemma
competition v. cooperation (best option is always to cooperate)
Zimbardo Experiment
Standford Prison Experiment, explores social roles, major ethical concerns, lasted 6 days then got too out of control
internal attributions
behavior is due to personality, intelligence, abilities, feelings, etc.
external attributions
behavior is caused by environment
actor-observer bias
my negative behaviors are due to environment, others negative behaviors are because of themselves
fundamental attribution error
only focusing on others (negative behavior is because of them, positive behavior is because of their circumstances)
scapegoat theory
the presence of others offers an outlet for anger or other negative emotions to offer someone to blame
just-world hypothesis
tendency to blame the victims for their misfortune so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way
foot in the door technique
start off with something small, then build up to something big
yale attitude change approach
people are most likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasive messages
outgroup homogeneity effect
view an outgroup as all the same whereas the ingroup is seen as more varied
relative deprivation
the amount of desired resources they have is less than other people in their reference group so they feel inferior