Have axial filaments instead of flagella. They are microaerophilic and slow-growing. They are shaped like a corkscrew.
Gram negative
Ex: Treponema pallidum: causes syphilis, sexually transmitted
Chloroplasts came from these. Oxygenic photosynthesis with aerobic lifestyle. They are capable of nitrogen fixation.
Phycobilisomes: light harvesting antenna. (not membrane bound)
Can produce cyanotoxins.
Gram negative
Gram -
Sp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa - A human opportunistic pathogen: infects airways, urinary tract, buns, wounds, blood infection
Sp. Pseudomonas syringae - water in host plants freeze at night. artificial snow
Gram +
Round cells, grape-like clusters. Common in soil, many are pathogens.
Sp. S aureus - Localized or disseminated skin infections
Can secrete exotoxins
Gram +
Sp. S. pyrogens - mild skin infections / necrotizing fascitis
Sp. S. pneumoniae - pneumococcal infection
Sp. S. sanguinis - dental caries, endocarditis
Sp. S. thermophiles - dairy products
A.k.a Tenericutes
Resistant to penicillin. susceptible to osmotic stress. Detergents. Facultative anaerobic. Rely on the host bc their citric acid cycle is incomplete
(neither gram +/-, no cell wall)
Sp. M. pneumoniae - severe atypical pneumonia
Sp. M. genitalium -genital infection
Gram +
Sp. C. perfringens/C. histolyticum - invasive species, exotoxin producers, also produce many extracellular hydrolyses. Necrosis, Gas gangrene
Sp. C. tetani - low invasively; produces toxin-tetanospasmin - Tetanus: painful muscular spasms, respiratory failure
Sp. C. botulinum - Botulism: ingestion with food - toxin causes flaccid paralytic disease. the most potent toxin.
Gram +
Sp. B. subtilis - non-pathogenic. industrial application: protease and amylase
Sp. B. cereus - food poisoning
Sp. B. anthracis - anthrax. affects all mammals. Pasteur developed vaccine.
Sp. B. thuringiensis - Bt toxin: kills insects! used in making Bt-producing GMO crops (corn)
Gram +
Sp. L. monocytogenes -foodborne pathogen. Causes meningitis in newborns.
Gram -
Sp. V. Cholerae - Cholera: exotoxin, spreads with contaminated water
, shaped
Gram -
Sp. S. enterica Sbsp. enterica-
Enteritis: Contaminated food. Intestinal inflammation.
Typhoid fever. Endotoxins act on the vascular and nervous system. Increased permeability and decreased tone of the blood vessels. Upset thermal regulation, vomiting, and diarrhea.
gram +
3 classes: Actinomycetales, Frankiales, Bifidobacteria
Family: Streptomycetaceae
5 genus: Nicorida, Corynebacterium, C. dipheriae, Mycobacterium, Frankiales, Bfidobacteria
Aerobic bacteria
Pathogens: M. tuberculosis, M. leprae (leprosy)
Thick cell wall (hydrophobic: mycolate layer + peptidoglycan layer). Low growth rate
Gram - (no peptidoglycan wall)
Steals ATP from host cell
Sp. C. trachomatis - eye disease and sexually transmitted chlamydia
Sp. C. pneumoniae- pneumonia
Sp. C.-phila psicarri- psittacosis (birds with white coats)
Gram -
B. ruminicola - ferments starch and pectin in rumen, produces hydrogen gas and CO2
B. fragilis - causes infection if in bloodstream
green + red algae
Amoebozoa: amoeba, slime molds
Holozoa: animals, relatives
Nucletmycetea: fungi, relatives
Eukaryotes belonging to the TSAR group and they include ciliates (such as Paramecium) and Apicomplexa.
Toxoplasma (from alveolata, apicomplexa) is a human pathogen that is commonly transmitted by cat fecal matter to humans. It causes fevers and muscle pain and can damage the central nervous system. For pregnant women toxoplasmosis can be fatal for the fetus.
Leismannia cause Leishmaniasis. The vector for this pathogen are sand flies.
Trypanosoma: T. brucei or T. cruzi.
T. brucei: fatal human sleeping disease. Vector: tse-tse fly
T. cruzei: Chagas disease. Vector: kissing bugs.
Black yeast
Truffles (Tuber spp.)
Morels (Morchella spp.)
Erhot fungi (LSD) etc
Schizosaccahromyces pombe
Saccharomyces ceravisiae
-ssRNA virus
Ebola virus (bat reservoir)
Marburg virus
-ssRNA virus
Measles virus (diarrhea, ear infection, pneumonia)
Mumps virus
-ssRNA virus
Influenza virus
Influenza virus A: infects humans, other mammals, and birds, andcauses all flu pandemics
Influenza virus B: infects humans and seals
Influenza virus C: infects humans, pigs, and dogs
Influenza virus D: infects pigs and cattle
Caused AIDS (immunodeficiency syndrome)
Includes SARS-CoV-2, SARS, and MERS
SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (from bats, no cases since 2004)
MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome (from bats)
SARS-CoV-2: Easy transmission, Asymptomatic transmission
four structural proteins:
S (spike), E (envelope), M (membrane), and N (nucleocapsid) proteins
Ebola (zika) virus
Vector is mosquito
Variola virus - smallpox
Vaccina virus - Active constituent of the vaccine for smallpox
Cowpox virus - The first smallpox vaccine by Jenner
HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus 1) - orolabial herpes
HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2) - genital herpes
varicella zoster virus: chickenpox and shingles
Lipid envelope
Bd fungus: which is responsible for the worldwide decline of amphibians.
Synchytrium fungus: which is responsible for warts on potatoes.
tremellomycetes (jelly fungi)
agaricomycetes (mushrooms, puffballs, polypores).
Includes edible species, species used in fungiculture and toxic species.
Puccinomycota: plant rust. Complicated life cycle.
Ustilaginomycotina: smut fungi. Corn smut is edible.
Includes malassezia which can infect humans and cause hypo or hyperpigmentation on skin. It is yeast-like in nature.
Asexual reproduction: by vegetative spores (conidia), through mycelial fragmentation, or through budding/fission in yeasts.
Deuteromycota: only able toreproduce asexually
Have mating types (heterothallic fungi)
hyphae of two colonies fuse together
some do not (homothallic fungi).
Ascomycota use hooks
Puffballs- mechanical dispersal
bird's nest fungi - use falling water drops
stinkhorn- Attract insects for disperal
Actinobacteria: Streptomyces
Complex secondary metabolism, useful in biotechnology
Can produce Antibiotics: neomycin, streptomycin.