Church History Final Essay Questions (Separated)

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(Unit 1) #1 Council of Nicaea

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(Unit 1) #1 Council of Nicaea

1st ecumenical council

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(Unit 1) #1 Arianism

Belief Jesus is not God

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(Unit 1) #1 Nicene Creed

Jesus is God

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(Unit 1) #1 1st Council of Constantinople

Revised Nicene Creed

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(Unit 1) #1 Council of Ephesus


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(Unit 2) #2 Bishops

Leadership roles

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(Unit 2) #2 Monasteries

helped feed people and kept the faith alive

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(Unit 2) #2 Barbarian Invasion

Chaos and confusion in civilization

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(Unit 2) #2 What did Monasteries help?

Rebuild a faithful society

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(Unit 3) #3 Filioque

“and son” proceeded from the Father

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(Unit 3) #3 Papal Authority

Filioque, East didn’t consult

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(Unit 3) #3 Iconoclasm

Destruction of religious statues and pictures

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(Unit 3) #3 Photian Schism

a controversy between the two churches. It occurred when the emperor removed Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople refused a high government official of Holy communion.

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(Unit 3) #3 Conflict between…

Pope and Patriarch

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(Unit 3) #3 Infallibility of the pope

Catholics believed they were totally just and powerful) (3 popes became an issue

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(Unit 3) #3 Similarities

Basic beliefs, apostolic succession

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(Unit 3) #4 Renaissance

French for rebirth; period of cultural flourishing based on the rediscovery of classical philosophy

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(Unit 3) #4 Revival of the Culture

 classical Greek and Rome > Gothic

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(Unit 3) #4 Ideas:

art, architecture, literature, philosophy

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(Unit 3) #4 Michelangelo

sculpture of Pieta and painted the Sistine Chapel

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(Unit 3) #4 Fra Angelico

“Angelic Friar”; famous for his charity and faith as for his paintings. Always prayed before painting and was artistically and spiritually intense with each piece.

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(Unit 3) #4 Florence

One of the most prosperous of these city-states, and this prosperity attracted the most talented artists and writers. Dante and his contemporaries, Petrarch and Boccaccio, wrote in the common dialect of Florence and succeeded in establishing it as the standard language of Italy.

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(Unit 4) #5 Objections

selling of indulgences

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(Unit 4) #5 corruption of the clergy

having children, selling bishop positions

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(Unit 4) #5 Sola Scriptura

Bible Alone (& Faith)

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(Unit 4) #5 Justified

Church shouldn’t sell indulgences and clergy shouldn’t be corrupt, grace was necessary for salvation

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(Unit 4) #5 Schism

  • 2 sacraments (baptism and Eucharist)

  • Eucharist Consubstantiation no Transubstantiation

  • Sola Scriptura

  • Hierarchy of Church

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(Unit 4) #6 Saint Francis De Sales

Devout educational nobleman with zeal and talent for evangelizing Protestants . Dr. Of the church bishop of Geneva. Calvinist stronghold. Introduction to the Devout Life - teach lay people how to achieve this simple holiness he preached

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(Unit 4) #6 Vincent de Paul

devoted to serving the poor, sold to slavery, Church charity. Congregation of the Mission Vincentians serving the poor. Daughters of charity

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(Unit 4) #6 St. Jane de Chantal

noblewoman widowed, helped those in need those who faced opposition  against women

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(Unit 5) #7 Saint Barolomé de Casas

combatted against slavery “Defender of the Indians”

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(Unit 5) #7 Bartholemuel de Casas

speak out, Spain, King, talked to Pope

Wrote books exposing the horrible practices of the colonists

  • inspired papal bull, Sublimis Deus, Sublime God, written by the Pope, 

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(Unit 5) #7 King of Spain

outlawed slavery and made them equal of citizens of Spain

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(Unit 5) #7 Pope

treat them like human beings

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(Unit 5) #7 Anton Montesano

Delivered a homily that struck at the foundations of colonial power in the New World, telling the astonished congregation at the Cathedral of Saint Domingo on the Island of Hispaniola that anyone who held natives as slaves could expect eternal damnation.

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(Unit 5) #7 Hernan Cortes

formed alliances with thousands of native peoples who had been conquered by the Aztecs by forming alliances with thousands of native peoples who had been conquered by the Aztecs. Advanced weaponry and military strategies, and the spread of small pox.

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(Unit 5) #7 St. Peter Claver

inspired by the work of Fr. Alonso de Sandoval, a Jesuit who, for the decades before Peter arrived, devoted himself to serving the enslaved people.

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(Unit 5) #8 Fr. Mateo Ricci (China)

  • allowed people to come to them about their faith

    • learned Chinese, dressed and lived as them, put images of the Virgin and Child and describe enough of the Christian religion to explain the picture to curious guests

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(Unit 5) #8 Saint Issac Jogues (Canada)

Joined in the missionary lands of Canada and after 6 years of preaching the Gospel, he was captured by the Iroquois. Brutally tortured and beat, he made it back to France. He went back to Canada and was attacked and martyred by decapitation.  St. Issac’s love for the Native Americans and zeal to proclaim the Gospel was undeterred, along with other French Jesuits as the North American Martyrs

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(Unit 5) #8 Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico)

  • Imprinted on St. Juan Diego’s tilma, the lady symbolized that she was greater than the Aztec sun god, stars covered her mantle in the specific pattern of the constellation Virgo greater than the stars in the sky worshipped by the Aztecs

    • 10 Million Mexican natives converted and human sacrifice came to a stop

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(Unit 5) #8 St. Peter Clavo (Spain)

inspired by the work of Fr. Alonso de Sandoval, a Jesuit who, for the decades before Peter arrived, devoted himself to serving the enslaved people.

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