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Wave of mergers between 1897 and 1904 - first billion dollar corporation
united states steel
the socialist party achieved what during the early twentieth cenntury
elected over 1000
gained over 150000 members
gained a million votes for presidential candidate eugene v debs
social dwarnisism
state welfare would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weakest
why were southeners unable to maintain unity in the peoples party
racial conflict
most seriously damaged the knights of labor
haymarket affair
by 1900 the richest ten percent contrtolled
90 percent of the nations wealth
which most directly explains the boost in production of mccormick reapers
interchangable parts
By 1913, the United States produced how much of the world's industrial output?
one third or more than britain france and germany combined
why did mckinley win over william jennings bryan
mickenly was able to outspend bryan by 5 times in 1896
What did populists propose in the omaha platform
Nationalizing the country's railroad and telegraph systems to ensure that essential services would be run in the best interests of the people
monetizing silver
warehouses federally managed subtreasuries wich would extend loans to farmers
Why did william jennings bryan attack the gold standard
he wanted to increase inflation and lower the burden of farmers debts
the final decades on the 19th centyr saw over _____ strikes and lockouts
Taylorism attempted to use scientific principles to better handle which aspect of business?
industrial production
which group was the most radical
the knights of labor
Which group founded the People's Party (also known as the Populists)?
small farmers in the south midwest and great plains
Homestead act after how many years
fronteir thesis
Historian Fredrick Jackson Turner's argument that the continual westward migration into unsettled territory has been the primary force shaping American character and American society
Dawes General Allotment Act
1887 law that divided reservation land into private family plots
percent of women rodeoders
purpose of western cattle drives
To bring cattle to eastern markets, mostly through railroad hubs
how did president lincoln respind to the sioux uprising
he attempted to commute the sentences of captured native americans to maintain peace
Ghost Dance
A ritual the Sioux performed to bring back the buffalo and return the Native American tribes to their land.
Popularity of wild west shows
Tapped into anxieties about men losing their masculinity in the "softer" world of factory and office work, Old west seemed uncomplicated morally, and americans belived that native cultures were disappering and wanted to see their songs and dances
What economic oppportunitu drew migrants to the west
acess of land for agriculture
Most practices and objecsts assosiated with the american cowboys were modifgied from
mexican rhanchers
city that served as a hub connecting the west and east
The Dakota Uprising of 1862 began with what event?
The death of five white settlers at the hands of four young Santee men
How was the transcontinental railroad funded?
Grants and loans from the federal government
what did the United States demand from the comanche leading to the red river war
the united states demanded the comanche lived on government reservations
Which group recieved more land from the government?
Railroad companies
When did the united states begin trading with china
what was the open door policy
A call for all western powers to have equal access to Chinese markets
how did the united states respond to the boxer rebellion in china
president mckingley sent the us army into china without consulting congress
All of the following statements regarding the guano islands act of 1856 are true except
the lesgislation put guano island on a path to statehood that was later rejected
why did president wilson authorize the invasion of veracruz mexico
1. Victoriano huerta executed democratically elected president fransisco madero
2. americans with financial invesments in mexico asked for interventions
3. mexican forces mistakinely arrested american sailors.
first group of people to exploit native lands
a community experiencing a sudden growth in business or population.Business owners earned more than miners did
Homestead act of 1862
this allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres by living on it for five years, improving it and paying about $30
Dawes act
An act that removed Indian land from tribal possesion, redivided it, and distributed it among individual Indian families. Designed to break tribal mentalities and promote individualism.
Frederick Jackson Turner
United States historian who stressed the role of the western frontier in American history (1861-1951)
Henry W Grady
editor of the Atlanta Constitution, who spearheaded a crusade to build a prosperous "New South" centered around Atlanta
Joseph Pulitzer
United States newspaper publisher (born in Hungary) who established the Pulitzer prizes (1847-1911)
Treaty of paris
(1898) treaty that ended the Spanish-American war. Provided that Cuba be free from Spain. The US paid 20 million for the Philippines
The platt amendment
Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble
Liberty of contract
The freedom of employers and workers to negotiate the employment contract, including wages, hours, duties, and conditions, without government interference.
Munn v. Illinois
1877 Supreme Court decision that allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their borders
Wabash V illinois
1886 - Stated that individual states could control trade in their states, but could not regulate railroads coming through them. Congress had exclusive jurisdiction over interstate commerce.
EC knight sugar company
The court ruled that the federal government could only regulate trade, not manufacturing
Loewe v. Lawlor
Outlawed the secondary boycott as a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, found that individual unionists could be liable for damages
Keating Owen act
Prohibited the sale of interstate commerce goods produced by children
Hamer v. Dagenhart
1918- Regulation of production is left entirely, exclusively to the state, even if producing articles that are going into interstate commerce; So a federal law that prohibits shipments of articles made by child labor, violate 10th amendment (later overruled)
Muller V oregon
1908 - Supreme Court upheld Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women as justified by the special state interest in protecting women's health
De jure segregation
segregation by law
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but equal
Marcus Garvey
African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.
Black star line
Shipping line created by Marcus Garvey to get blacks back to Africa.
science dealing with improving hereditary qualities
Sir francis galton
concluded that social statys correlated to superior genetic makeup
Margaret Sanger
United States nurse who campaigned for birth control and planned parenthood. One of the most prominent feminists that promoted eugenics
Compulsive sterilization
Indiana 1907
Progressive goals
1. womens suffrage 2. initiative 3 referendum 4 recall 5 secret ballot 6 anti child labor laws 7 public health reforms 8 direct election of senators
Leon Czolgosz
Killed president McKinley in 1901. He was an anarchist, one who believes in the absence of government.
James B parker
Tackles assasin before he could shoot the president a third time
The square deal
1. Control of corporations 3. consumer protection 4.conservation of natural resources
Northern securities company
A railroad monopoly formed by J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill which violated Sherman Antitrust Act
Muckrackers were
magazine writers who exposed the political and economic evils of the day
Ida Tarbell
A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.
Lincoln steffens
investigated the link between political corruption and business corruption. The shame of the cities
Coal strike of 1902
Strike by the United Coal Workers of America, threatening to shut down the winter coal supply. Theodore Roosevelt intervened federally, and resolved the dispute
Roosevelt corollary
Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
law that regulated the food and patent medicine industries. Led to the creation of the FDA. Required manufacturers to list ingredients on products
Federal meat inspection act of 1907
Mandatory ispection of livestock prior to slaughter
Postmortem ispection of carcasses
Sanitary regulatios for slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants