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hasty generalization
something that involves time, making assumptions over far few examples
sweeping genrelization
Begging the question
phrase the argument where the conclusion seems obvious
false dilemma
assumes that there are only two possible results, when there are many
false authority
authority not authorized or justified, a basketball ref being a baseball ump
false cause
one cause is claimed, when there could be other causes
different meanings of a word are used in the argument
the structure of the sentence leads to the possibility of making an incorrect inference
high school team won state, so they are the best team. Therefore each, player must be the best at their position
you cant buy anything for a penny, so you cant buy anything for 1000 pennies
ad hominen
attack on a personal quality, while it has nothing to do with the argument they are making
strawman fallacy
purposely misrepresent the argument to make it seem incorrect/immoral
appeal to force
of course it is better if you donât agree Ill fire you
appeal to people
most people agree with me, so how can you not agree
appeal to pity
person asks for pity
appeal to ignorance
no one knows the truth, so why should I be held responsible for not knowing the truth