In Catilinam 1.1-1.3 Translation

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Our translation of in catilinam 1.1-1.3


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Quō usque tandem abūtēre, Catilīna, patientiā nostrā?

Just exactly how long will you abuse our patience, Catiline?

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Quam diū etiam furor iste tuus nōs ēlūdet?

How long will that madness of yours mock us?

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Quem ad fīnem sēsē effrēnāta iactābit audācia?

To what end will the unbridled audacity throw itself around?

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Nihilne tē, nocturnum praesidium Palātī, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor populī, nihil concursus bonōrum omnium, nihil hic mūnītissimus habendī senātūs locus, nihil hōrum ōra vultūsque mōvērunt?

The night guard at the Palatine, the city’s night-watchman, the fear for the people [objective genitive], the gathering of the all good men, the senate needing to be held [habendi senatus (genitive)] in this very fortified palace, the faces and expressions [hendiadys?] of these men, have not these moved you at all?

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Patēre tua cōnsilia nōn sentīs, cōnstrictam iam hōrum omnium scientiā tenērī coniūrātiōnem tuam nōn vidēs?

Do you not realise [sentis] that [acc/inf] your plans are laid bare, do you not see [vides] that [acc/inf] your conspiracy has been restrained and is being held in check by the knowledge of all these men [=senators]?

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Quid proximā, quid superiōre nocte ēgerīs, ubi fuerīs, quōs convocāverīs, quid cōnsilī cēperīs, quem nostrum ignōrāre arbitrāris?

Do you think that each of us [part.gen.] are ignorant about what you got up to last night, what you got up to the previous night, where you were, with whom you met, which plan you came up with [all perfect subjunctives]?

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Ō tempora, ō mōrēs!

Oh the times, Oh the morals!

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Senātus haec intellegit, cōnsul videt; hic tamen vīvit. Vīvit?

The senate understands this, the consul sees it; this man however is alive. Alive?

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Immō vērō etiam in senātum venit, fit pūblicī cōnsilī particeps, notat et dēsignat oculīs ad caedem ūnum quemque nostrum.

On the contrary, he even comes into the senate, he becomes a partner in the public counsel, he makes note of and indicates with his eyes, each one of us [part.gen.] for murder.

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Nōs autem, fortēs virī, satis facere reī pūblicae vidēmur, sī istīus furōrem ac tēla vitāmus

We however, brave men, [irony/sarcasm] we seem to be doing enough for the republic, if we avoid the madness and weapons of that man [zeugma].

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Ad mortem tē, Catilīna, dūcī iussū cōnsulis iam prīdem oportēbat, in tē cōnferrī pestem quam tū in nōs omnēs iam diū māchināris.

You Catiline ought by now to have been led away to your death, the plague which you have been contriving against us all for a long time now ought to have been brought against you.

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An vērō vir amplissimus, P. Scīpio, pontifex maximus, Ti. Gracchum mediocriter labefactantem statum reī pūblicae prīvātus interfēcit:

But in truth a very distinguished man, Publius Scipio, pontifex maximus, as a private citizen killed Tiberius Grachus while [only] moderately disturbing the state of the Republic:

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Catilīnam orbem terrae caede atque incendiīs vāstāre cupientem nōs cōnsulēs perferēmus?

should we consuls endure Catiline while keenly desiring to destroy the world by means of murder and arson?

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Nam illa nimis antīqua praetereō, quod C. Servīlius Ahāla Sp. Maelium novīs rēbus studentem manū suā occīdit.

For I’ll pass over [praeteritio] those matters which are too ancient, namely that Gaius Servilius Ahala killed Spurus Maelius with his own hands while he was a radical for revolution [novis rebus].

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Fuit, fuit ista quondam in hāc rē pūblicā virtūs ut virī fortēs ācriōribus suppliciīs cīvem perniciōsum quam acerbissimum hostem coercērent.

There used to be, used to be, once upon a time in this republic, such courage [virtus], that brave men would enforce the conformity of a destructive citizen with a harsher punishment than they would the most severe enemy

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Habēmus senātūs cōnsultum in tē, Catilīna, vehemēns et grave, nōn deest reī pūblicae cōnsilium neque auctōritās huius ōrdinis: nōs, nōs, dīcō apertē, cōnsulēs dēsumus.

Against you Catiline we have a resolution of the senate, a powerful and serious one, [asyndeton] it is not the council or the authority of this rank [i.e. senatorial class] which is failing the Republic: we, we, I say openly, are the ones failing the Republic.

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