Risk Factor
Protective factor
Personal Factors
Home and Family life
School peer and group
sociocultural environment
legal drug
Illegal drug
is the number one problem drug by almost any standard of measurement
the number of those who abuse it
the number of injuries and injury deaths it causes
the amount of money spent on it
and its social and economic costs to society through broken homes and lost wage.
Physical dependence on alcohol
Loss of control over one’s drinking
Underage drinking
Vehicular accident
Unintentional injuries
Intentional violence
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Increased risks for heart disease
Lung cancer
Chronic obstructive lung disease
Emphysema and other conditions
Re-use of previously prescribed OTC drugs
Giving of one person’s prescription drug to another.
Synthetic marijuana
Narcotics (Opium, Morphine, Heroin)
Cocaine and crack cocaine
Stimulants (Amphetamines)
Depressants (Barbiturates, Benzodiazapines)
Club drugs and designer drugs
Anabolic drugs (Steroids)
Inhalants (psychoactive breathable chemicals)
causes of drug-taking behavior
sources of illicit drugs
drug laws
treatment programs
community organizing skills
cooperation among a vast array of concerned individuals and official and unofficial agencies
primary prevention
secondary prevention
tertiary prevention
programs are aimed at those who have never used drugs, and their goal is to prevent or forestall the initiation of drug use
Drug education programs that stress primary prevention of drug and alcohol use are most appropriate.
Any activity that would reduce the likelihood of primary drug use
raising the price of alcohol
increasing cigarette taxes
arresting a neighborhood drug pusher
Public Policy
The purpose of drug abuse _________ is to
limit the demand for drugs by providing information about drugs and the dangers of drug abuse.
changing attitudes and beliefs about drugs
providing the skills necessary to abstain from drugs
and ultimately changing drug abuse behavior
Control drug use;
To control crime, especially crime related to drug use and drug trafficking—the buying, selling, manufacturing, or transporting of illegal drugs;
To prevent the establishment of crime organizations; and
To protect neighborhoods. Law enforcement is concerned with limiting the supply of drugs in the community by interrupting the source, transit, and distribution of drugs
Community-Based Drug Education Programs
School-Based Drug Education Programs
Workplace-Based Drug Education Programs
Voluntary Health Agencies
A comprehensive strategy
An indirect approach to drug abuse prevention
The goal of empowering youth
A participatory approach
A culturally sensitive orientation
Highly structured activities