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point in time when levels of GHG in the atmosphere begin to steadily decline
reduce sources, support sinks, improve society
what are the 3 connected areas that call for global action
what percent of GG emission come from food systems
land use change
what makes up a larger position of GHG emissions in food systems
direct air carbon capture and storage
how can we shift more C back into the slow cycle
particulate matter, ground level ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen compounds, toxic air pollutants, heavy metals, greenhouse gases
what are the 7 forms of atmospheric pollution
particulate matter
categorized by size, big concern for human health, atm deposition- precipitation, particles aerosols, and gases from atm to earth’s surface, can settle on plant leaves, reducing photosynthesis, growth, and productivity
sulfur dioxide
contributes to acid rain, sulfur gas only lasts 5 days in atm, annual flux of S thru atm rivals atm exchange of N, rapidly oxidized to sulfate, condensation nuclei for clouds, make atm more acidic to form acid rain
coal-fired power plants
by the mid-1970s, what was acid rain linked to
what percent of stove-related methane emissions are from loose couplings and fittings between stove and gas lines
true or false
true or false: the amount of leaked methane every year in US homes is approximately the same climate change effect as CO2 from 500 k gasoline powered cars
what is another gas that stoves leak that has long term exposure effects to human respiratory tracts, chronic lung disease, and increased severity of asthma
combustion from cars and stationary sources like electric utilities
sources of NO2 pollution
molecule composed of 3 oxygen atoms, colorless and odorless, present in stratosphere and troposphere, photolysis by sunlight of NO2 and O
ozone depletion potential (ODP)
reduction of ozone concentration in the stratosphere, occurs when ozone depleting substances catalyze ozone destroying reactions, first noticed by scientists in 1970, does NOT contribute to climate change
halon 1301 then CFC12
what substance has the highest ODP
what is most likely to become the largest contributor to ODP in the 21st century
agriculture and fuel combustion
what are the main anthropogenic emissions of N2O
UV splits O2 into O
ozone hole
extensive localized losses, mostly at the Arctic and Antarctic (most severe) but not only at the poles, polar moles due to polar stratospheric clouds and isolation of air masses there in winter that provide surface for reaction to occur, antarctic is below the formation temp
montreal protocol
international treaty to limit production and use of ozone depleting substances, ratified in 1987 and enforced in 1989 by the UN, phased out harmful substances and phased in replacements (HFCs)
nutrient recycling and soil enrichment, habitat diversity and biodiversity enhancement, stimulating seed germination, pest and disease control, reduction of fuel loads and prevention of catastrophic fires, improved forage and habitat for wildlife
what are the main effects of fire
fire adapted ecosystems
enhanced flammability due to retention of fine dead branches, fine biomass, flammable compounds, post fie seed germination, growth and flowering