Speak 4th Marking Quarter

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  1. Recessive (adj.)

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20 Terms

  1. Recessive (adj.)

tending to go or move backwards

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  1. Natter (v.)

talk casually, especially about unimportant matters

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  1. Barrier (n.)

a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.

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  1. Pacing (v.)

walking at a steady speed back and forth as an expression of one's anxiety or annoyance

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  1. Decomposing (v.)

becoming rotten

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  1. Blight (n.)

Plant disease

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  1. Suffragette (n.)

a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest.

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  1. Incriminate (v.)

to make someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing

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  1. Delinquent (n.)

typically a young person who tends to commit crime

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  1. Coax (v.)

to gradually persuade someone to do something

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  1. Crater (n.)

a large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground

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  1. Exemption (n.)

state of being free from an obligation

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  1. Indoctrination (n.)

the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically

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  1. Perch (v.)

to rest on something

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  1. Indentured (n.)

under contract to serve others

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  1. Banished (v.)

Sent away from a country or place as punishment

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  1. Detonate (v.)

to explode or cause to explode

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  1. Devious (adj.)

showing a skillful use of sneaky tactics to achieve goals

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  1. Retain (v.)

to continue to have something

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  1. Loathsome (adj.)

causing hatred or disgust

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