Hoyt Sector Model
Housing Policies
Bid-Rent Theory
The theory that explains how land prices vary with distance from a central business district, influenced by accessibility and demand.
Resource Nodes
Places where towns were formed due to the availability of natural resources.
Micro Districts
Zones of uniform housing that provide worker housing near job sites to improve accessibility and reduce commuting times.
Suburban Sprawl
The expansion of housing, transportation, and commercial development to undeveloped land on the urban periphery.
A geographic boundary where rivers descend from higher elevations to lower ones, often leading to the development of cities due to the availability of water power and transportation.
Rank-Size Rule
A principle that states that in a country or region, the second largest city will be half the size of the largest, the third will be one-third the size, and so on.
Restrictive Covenants
Legal agreements that limit the use of property based on specified conditions, often used to maintain property values and neighborhood character. (often used for racial discrimination purposes)
Bond Levies
Taxes imposed by local governments to raise funds for public projects, such as schools and infrastructure.
Sub-Saharan African City Model
A framework that describes the urban structure of cities in Sub-Saharan Africa, characterized by a central business district, informal settlements, and residential areas reflecting socio-economic stratification.