what is symmetry?
most animals have bodies that show symmetry
this means that the body can be cut into 2 halves that have a matching shape
no definitive shape
cannot be cut into matching halves
shaped like a ball or sphere
radical symmetry
has body parts that radiate from a center point
meet their environment equally from all sides
move quite slowly
if they are sessile, their food must float or they must create water currents
bilateral symmetry
1 plane of symmetry
concentration of nerves & sense organs at the anterior end
food capturing structures are usually close to the head
digestive, excretory, & reproductive organs are found closer to the posterior end
a streamline body allows for faster movement
bilateral symmetry planes
right & left side
anterior end = head
posterior end = tail
dorsal surface = back
ventral surface = front
bacteria structure
unicellular prokaryotes
lack organelles
DNA is free in the cytoplasm (no nuclear membrane)
1 um in size (1 millionth of a metre)
shapes of bacteria
round: coccus
rod: bacillus
spiral: spirillum
arrangement of coccal bacteria
single cells: monococcal
pairs of cells: diplococcal
a string of cells: streptococcal
a bunch of cells (like grapes): staphylococcal