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An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a specific amount of time; signed at 11:00 on 11/11/1918
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty imposed on Germany by the triple entente in 1920 after the end of World War 1
Treaty of Versailles terms
Blame - war guilt clause. Reparations - 6.6 billion pounds by 1984. Army - limited to 100 000 men, conscription was banned, no tanks or subs or aircraft, only 6 battleships, Rhineland to be demilitarised. Territory - Lost Saar, Upper Silesia, Alsace-Lorraine (given back to France) lost colonies in the Middle East and Africa.
The act of making amends
Nazi Party
The far-right racist and anti-Semitic (prejudice against Jews) political party was led by Adolf Hitler. The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party.