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Equisetum telmateia, Riparian plant community
Giant horsetail
Salix breweri, Riparian plant community
Brewer's willow
Ranunculus californicus, Grasslands plant community
California Buttercup
Dipterostemon capitatus, grasslands
Blue dicks
Selaginella bigelovii, Serpentine rock outcrop
Resurrection plant
Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Grasslands plant community
Soap plant
Pinus sabiniana, Foothill woodland plant community
Foothill pine
Quercus douglasii, Foothill woodland plant community
Blue oak
Quercus lobata, Valley oak woodland and oak savannah plant community
Valley oak
Erigonum elongatum, Grassland and Oak savannah plant community
Elongate buckwheat
Arcostaphylos glauca, Chaparral plant community
Bigberry manzanita
Phoradendron leucarpum, parasite on oaks
Oak mistletoe
Sambucus mexicana, Riparian, costal scrub, oak woodland plant community
Blue elderberry
Galium spp. Oak woodland and coastal scrub plant community
Salicornia pacifica, Saltwater marsh plant community
Frankenia salina, Saltwater marsh plant community
Alkali heath
Triglochin concinna, Saltwater marsh plant community
Jaumea carnosa, Saltwater marsh plant community
Salty susan
Limonium californicumm, Saltwater marsh plant community
Sea lavender
Distichlis spicata, Saltwater marsh plant community
Salt grass
Zostera marina, Saltwater marsh plant community
Eel grass
Shoenoplectus americanus
Juncus acutus, both freshwater and saltwater marsh plant community
Spiny rush
Hydrocotyle verticillata, Freshwater marsh plant community
Marsh pennywort
Oenanthe sarmentosa, Freshwater marsh plant community
Marsh parsely
Hesperocyparis macrocarpa, tree plantation
Monterey cyprus
Eucalyptus globulus, tree plantation
Tasmanian bluegum
Ambrosia chamissonis, Pioneer dune plant community
Beach bursage
Croton californicus, Pioneer dune and coastal dune scrub plant community
California croton
Carpobrotus spp. Pioneer dune and anthropogenic plant community
Conicosia puginoniformis
Slender leaved ice plant
Ambronia spp. Pioneer dune plant community
Sand verbena
Camissoniopsis cheranthifolia, Pioneer dune plant community
Dune evening primrose
Cakile maritima, Pioneer dune and anthropogenic plant community
Sea rocket
Erharta calycina, Pioneer dune and anthropogenic plant community
African veldtgrass
Name of seed coating around gymnosperm seeds
What pollinates cycads?
A plant with a bulb or storage unit underground
What is a geophyte?
Annual nongrass species like flowers
What are forbs?
Salt tolerant plant species
What are halophytes?
An Umbo
What is the name of a pinecone point?
A strobilus
What is the botanical name for a pinecone?
The bract on a pinecone is under the pinecone scale
What is the difference between a bract and a scale?
Bract scales and seed scales
What type of scales do pinecones have?
What is a seed cone (female) called?
What is a pollen cone (male) called?
A modified leaf
What is a cone bract?
Where is polllen produced in ephedraceae (mormon tea)?
Butyric acid
What acid is in ginko seeds?
What is the reproductive structure on cycads called?
1-2 genera (Cycas, Epicyas)
How many genera are in cycads?
What is the bundle of needles in pines called?
Two kinds: primary scales and secondary needles
Pines have how many kinds of leaves and what are they called?
Ring scars at node
What distinguishing feature do figs have on their stems?
The syconium
What is the entire fig fruit called?
The fig entrance
What is an ostiole?
A mature ovary wall, often the fruit flesh that we eat
What is the pericarp?
Dehiscent fruits open upon maturity, and an indehiscent fruit doesn't open upon maturity
difference between dehiscent vs indehiscent seeds?
3, endocarp, mesocarp, and exocarp
How many layers does a drupe pericarp have?
A fruit that develops from a single flower with many different carpels, like blackberries
What is an aggregate fruit?