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Physical processing of environmental stimuli by sense organs.
Psychological process of interpreting sensory information.
Study relating physical stimulus characteristics to perception.
Absolute threshold
Smallest stimulation needed for detection 50% of the time.
Just noticeable difference
Minimum difference needed to detect change 50% of the time.
Top down processing
Perception influenced by expectations and prior knowledge.
Bottom up processing
Constructing perception from individual sensory bits.
Signal detection theory
Response depends on sensitivity and decision criteria.
Sensory adaptation
Diminished sensitivity due to constant stimuli.
Selective attention
Focusing on one specific task or event.
Inattentional blindness
Failure to perceive objects outside focus of attention.
Change blindness
Failure to notice changes in visual details.
Light processed to create an image on the retina.
Light focused in front of the retina.
Light focused beyond the retina's surface.
Cells transforming light into neural signals.
Ganglion cells
Gather information from photoreceptors for processing.
Dorsal pathway
Pathway for processing 'where' visual information.
Ventral pathway
Pathway for processing 'what' visual information.
Visual agnosia
Inability to recognize objects visually.
Inability to recognize familiar faces.
Trichromatic theory
Three cones sensitive to different light wavelengths.
Opponent process theory
Perception of color in opposing pairs.
Monocular depth cues
Depth perception using one eye.
Binocular depth cues
Depth perception using both eyes' perspectives.
Multimodal perception
Concurrent stimulation affects perception across modalities.
McGurk effect
Combining auditory and visual information for speech.
Exceptional sensory experiences triggered by cognition.