Group 0 elements are called the noble gases and include the elements helium, neon and argon(and a few others)
They all have eight electrons in their outer energy level, apart from helium which has two, giving them a full outer shell
As their outer shell is energetically stable they don’t need to give up or gain electrons to become more stable
This means they are more or less inert-they don’t react with much at all
They exist as monatomic gases-single atoms not bonded to each other
All elements in Group 0 are colourless gases at room temperature
As the noble gases are inert they’re non flammable
They won’t set on fire
There are patterns in the properties of the noble gases
The boiling point of the noble gases increase as you move down the group along with increasing relativeatomic mass
The increase in boiling point is due to an increase in the number of electrons in each atom leading to greater intermolecularforces between them which need to be overcome
In the exam you may be given the boiling point of one noble gas and asked to estimate the value for another one
Neon is a gas at 25C. Predict what state helium is at this temperature
Helium has a lower boiling point than neon as it is further up the group