History of Photo Test 1

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When and where was the Daguerreotype first shown?

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When and where was the Daguerreotype first shown?

August 19th, 1839 in the Academy of Science and Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, France

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  • Photographic technique named after Louis Daguerre

  • Creates an image by using silver/silver-coated copper plate in a camera obscura

  • Can’t make copies

  • Long process

  • “One and Done”

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Calotype (aka Talbotype)

  • Photographic process named after William Henry Fox Talbot

  • Patented in 1841

  • Creates a negative image by using paper coated with silver chloride

  • Capable of creating multiple copies

  • “Minus Many”

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Camera Obscura

  • “Dark Room”

  • dark room with a hole/lens in a wall that projects an image of the outside world inside.

  • Eventually became a box of the photographic camera.

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Wet Plate/Collodion Negative Process

  • Photographic process invented by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851

  • Glass plates sensitized to light with collodion mixed with light-sensitive silver salts

  • Patent-free and was more popular than daguerreotypes and calotypes by 1860s

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What is collodion made of?

  • Ether

  • Guncotton

  • Alcohol

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Albumen Print

  • Printing Process

  • Coating paper with eggwhite to print photographs

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What is a Heliograph?

  • The earliest form of photography made by Niepce

  • Produces an image by placing a light-sensitive paper bitumen of Judea and asphalt in a contact frame

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  • Cheap photographic process invented by Prof. Hamilton Smith in 1853

  • Renders images on thin, lightweight sheets of iron

  • Popular during Civil War

  • “Cheap and iron"

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  • aka “card photograph” in US

  • invented in 1854 by Andre Disderi

  • Small photo portrait mounted on cardboard backing the size of a visiting card

  • Sometimes has multiple photos on sheet

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Camera lucida

  • “Light room”

  • Tool used by artists to project a scene onto a drawing board

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What is a Woodburytype?

  • Method of printing photographs for book illustrations

  • Invented in 1866 by Walter Bently Woodbury

  • Technique:

    • Copies a negative of photographic using gelatin film sensitized with potassium bichromate when exposed. Is then dipped in hot/warm water and pressed.

    • Thickness of gelatin resulted in different tones to the image.

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Direct Positive Process

  • Invented by Hippolyte Bayard

  • Captures an image without a negative

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Cyanotype Process

  • Photographic Process invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842

  • Uses iron salts to produce a deep blue image

  • Source of blueprints

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Who brought the Daguerreotype process to the US?

Samuel Morse

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  • Photographic process invented by James Cutting

  • aka “Collodion Positive”

  • Glass exposed in camera using light-sensitive collodion and back of glass coated with black varnish or dark backing to give it a 'positive’ look

  • Popular in the mid-19th century

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  • Photographic technique to give the illusion of depth using a stereoscope

  • Two images taken from slightly different angles printed onto one card

  • Access to:

    • Information

    • Travel

    • Education

    • Entertainment

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Who invented the first stereoscope?

Charles Wheatstone in 1832

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Historic Monuments Commission

  • Buildings that were considered cultural achievements

  • Agency hired Missions Heliographiques to list buildings that should be photographed

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Wax Paper Process

  • Photographic process invented by Gustave Le Gray

  • Kept the paper sensitive for two weeks and allows the photographer to develop it after a week of exposure

  • Apply heated wax to the developed negative in order to increase printing transparency and lessen the visibility of the paper

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Who invented the Safe Light? What was it for?

Jean-Francois-Antoine Cluadet. Used for darkroom processing

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What was a commonality with early daguerreotypes?

The subjects seen in a portrait would be dead before the daguerreotype was complete. Many infants and children were often seen in these post-mortem photographs because of high mortality rates then

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Joseph Nicephore Niepce

  • “Inventor” of photography

  • View from the Window in 1827

  • Died before he could see the daguerreotype (first public photograph process)

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Louis Daguerre

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The Missions Heliographiques

  • Edouard Baldus

  • Hippolyte Bayard

  • Gustave Le Gray

  • Henri Le Secq

  • O. Mestral

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Who made collecting photographs popular in Britain?

Queen Elizabeth

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Who created the modern stereoscope?

Oliver Wendell Holmes

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