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Recruitment and selection

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Recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the process of finding, selecting, and hiring suitable candidates for specific a job position within a company

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Internal recruitment

When a vacancy is filled by an existing employee of the business.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Internal recruitment

Pros - Saves time and money- no need for advertising and interviewing, knows business’ ways of working(Jargon), Motivating for other employees to see their colleagues being promoted- urging them to work hard

Cons - No new skills and ideas coming into the business, Jealousy among co-workers

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External recruitment

a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business.

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Job description

Outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do the job

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Job specification

Outlines the requirements, qualifications, skills and expertise required by an employee

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Advantages of part-time employment OR Disadvantages of full-time employment

  • more flexible hours of work

  • easier to ask employees just to work at busy times

  • easier to extend business opening/operating hours by working evenings or at weekends

  • works lesser hours so employee is willing to accept lower pay

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Disadvantages of part-time employment OR Advantages of full-time employment

  • less likely to be trained because the workers see the job as temporary

  • takes longer to recruit two part-time workers than one full-time worker

  • can be less committed to the business/ more likely to leave and go get another job

  • less likely to be promoted because they will not have gained the skills and experience as full-time employees

  • more difficult to communicate with part-time workers when they are not in work- all work at different times.

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On the job training

A form of training that takes place in a real work place setting

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Advantages and disadvantages of on the job training

Pros - Cost-effective, Immediate use of training, gain practical skills.

Cons - Quality of training depends on trainer, Training on the job might disrupt work

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Off the job training

A form of training away from the workplace done by specialists.

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Advantages and disadvantages of off the job training

Pros - Diverse learning methods, Less disruption at work.

Cons - Costly, Less practical application

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Financial rewards

Salary, wages, bonus, commission, promotion.

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Fringe benefits

Free holidays, free healthcare, pension, company vehicles

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Job rotation

When an employee does several tasks within a working day

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Job enrichment

Giving employees more responsibilities and tasks to motivate them.

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Desire to achieve a goal.

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Organizational hierarchy

Levels of responsibility in an organization from lowest to highest.

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When most decisions are decided by the upper levels of an organization.

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Market research

The process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data about a product.

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Purposes of market research

To identify what the customer wants and needs.

To identify gaps in the market.

To reduce risks for a new product launch.

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Market share

The proportion of sales held by one organization in an industry.

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Market analysis

A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the market.

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Market segmentation

Dividing the market into smaller groups of customers with same needs and preferences.

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Mass marketing

A very large market where products with mass appeal are marketed.

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Niche market

A smaller more specialized sector of large market.

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Product-oriented business

Firms produce the product first and then tries to find a market for it.

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Market-oriented business

Firms will conduct market research to see what consumers want and then produce products to satisfy them.

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Primary research

Collection of original data. (Focus groups, Focus groups, Questionnaires)

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Secondary research

Collecting data that already exists. (Books, Internet, reports)

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Setting a high price for a new unique product

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Setting a very low price to attract customers to buy the new product

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Cost plus

Adding a fixed amount to the cost of production

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