Will NOT happen at the same time
ex. “hot or cold?”
could be dependent (A could affect if B happens or not)
P[A] + P[B]= Probability of A OR B
some data overlap
ex. “rainy or sunny (or both)?”
P[A] + P[B]- P[A and B overlap]= Probability of A OR B
Influences the other (“Conditional Probability”)
ex. outside temperatures→ public pool attendance
P[A] × P[B|A]= Probability of A AND B
"Probability of B given that A occured”
A occurring/not occurring does not change the probability of B
ex. outside temperatures → money spent on school supplies
P[A] × P[B]= Probability of A AND B
Order IS important!
n= number of objects
r= number of spots
“how many ways can x objects be organized by size?”
Order IS NOT important!
nCr=n!/(n-r)! × r!
n= number of objects
r= number of spots
“how many ways can this office with y spots be filled by x people?”
equally likely events
what should happen give past data/knowledge
what does happen
current data/knowledge
unimportant to Mr. Cutler
The probability of an event is going to be 0-1 ALWAYS
Sum of every event’s probability must add up to 1
The probability of an event NOT occurring is 1-P(event)
3 1/2. Round everything to three or four decimal places. 0 ≠ 0.0000.