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What is macro sociology?
study of large populations and institutions. looking for patterns
What is mid-range sociology?
study of social institutions
What is micro sociology?
The study of small groups and patterns of interaction in very small, face-to-face groups, usually no more than 15 members
What is race?
a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important
what is social construction?
an idea or practice that a group of people agree exists
What is historical construction?
rooted upon years of practice
What is colonialism?
the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
What is genocide?
the systematic killing of an entire people
What are the five acts of genocide?
killing members of a group
causing serious bodily harms to members of the group
deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about it physical destruction
imposing measures inteneded to prevent births
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
What is structural violence
refers to systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage individuals
What is the 1882 Chinese Exclusions Act ?
provided an absolute 10-year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the United States. (President Chester A Arthur)
What is the 1917 Immigration Act?
aimed to restrict immigration by imposing literacy tests on immigrants, creating new categories of inadmissible persons, and barring immigration from the Asia-
What is the 1924 Johnson-Reed Act?
creating a new possible status for immigrants: "undocumented."
What is the naturalization law of 1790?
t limited access to U.S. citizenship to white immigrants—in effect, to people from Western Europe—who had resided in the U.S. at least two years and their children under 21 years of age
What is the 1922 Takao Ozawa v. United States case?
he United States Supreme Court found Takao Ozawa, a Japanese American who was born in Japan but had lived in the United States for 20 years, ineligible for naturalization (biologically ineligble
What is the 1923 United States v Bhagat Sing Thind
an Indian Sikh man who identified himself as an Aryan, was ineligible for naturalized citizenship in the United States. (subjective white ineligibility)
What is racialization?
the formation of a new racial identity in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people
What is assimilation?
interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas
What is whiteness?
a cultural, unmarked norm in the U.S
What is birthright citizenship
a legal right to citizenship for all children born in a country's territory, regardless of parentage.
What is naturalization?
the process of becoming a citizen
What was the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case?
enabled segregation as they were "separate but equal
1955 Brown v. Board of Education II
Desegregation with deliberate speed
What is prejudice?
the belief of people belong to distinct races within innate hierarchal differences
What is discrimination?
Biased actions against an individual or group
What is segregation?
separation of the races
What are the Jim Crow Laws?
laws that segregate blacks and whites
What is the Black Lives Matter?
An activist movement originating in the African American community, that campaigns against issues of racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system.
What is racial ideology?
a set of principals and ideas that divide people into racial groups
What is hegomony?
uses their power to illicit the voluntary council of the masses
What is biological racism
the idea that whites are genetically superior to non-whites
What is cultural racism
trying to explain racial ideologies by the culture of subordinate groups
What is new racism?
The idea that cultural differences are immutable, ethnic minorities and immigrants lack sophistication to integrate into liberal societies and their traditional attitudes and values are threats to that order.
What is colorblind racism?
a societys current racial ideology which uses non-racial dynamics to explore racial inequality
What is abstract liberalism?
agreeing that everyone should have equal rights but opposing policies that will help achieve equality
What is minimization of racism?
belittling and not recognize white domination and discrimination by racial groups
What is rhetorical strategy?
ways of expressing ideas that rationalize ones own racial prejudice and discriminatory actions (buffer racist ideas and statements)
What are sociological theories of racism
macro (structural and systemic racism)
mid range (instituional racism
micro (individual racism
What are racial microaggresions?
everyday "insults and racial slights that cumulatively affect the psychological well-being of people of color
What is institutional racism?
Patterns of unequal treatment based on racial characteristics that are built into the institutions and daily operations of society.
What is intersectionality
multiple ways to discriminate against people
What is settler colonialism ?
a form of colonialism that seeks to replace the original population of the colonized territory with a new society of settlers.
What is white privilege
the unearned benefits and advantage inherent in being categorized as white
What is the wage of whiteness?
psychological benefits that whiteworkers received by aligning with the dominant group(white elites), as opposed to developing
What is white person of color?
a person who appears tobe white and yet identifies with a non-white group
What is multiracial
made up of people from several ethnic groups
What is whitening?
the social process of established whites increasingly accepting a racialized group as "white"
What is racialized assimilation?
the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society
What is wealth
The total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts
What are assets?
resources owned by a business
What is residential segregation
separation of racial groups into distinct neighborhoods
What is the ghetto?
neighborhood with a distinct racial makeup (jewish)
What is racially restrictive covenants?
contractualagreements to prevent the sale or lease of property withinan area to people of color
What is Federal Housing Administration
The FHA provides mortgage insurance on loans and they approve leaders throughout the United States and its territories.
What is dissimilarity index
the degree to which Blacks andwhites are evenly spread among neighborhoods incities
What is isolation index
% of Black people in theward/block of the average Black citizen
What is redlining
A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money to purchase or improve property within the boundaries.
What is block busting
When real estate agents convinced white homeowner living near black areas to sell their houses at low prices, preying on fear of blacks moving to neighborhood and causing disturbances. Then houses were sold to black people at high prices
What is steering?
The illegal practice of nudging buyers away or toward a specific area based on the presence or absence of protected class members in the area relative to the buyer
What is the great migration?
Movement of blacks from south to north
What is the neighborhood improvement associations?
whiteneighborhood organizations that prevented Black folks frommoving in the neighborhood. Activities included
What is racial justice?
the creation of a society devoid of racial oppression
What needs to be done to attain racial justice?
recognition, responsibility, reconstruction, reparations
What is recognition
what harms were dobe and to whom
What is responsibility?
who bears responsibility for the harmed/inflicted
what is reconstruction
what action should be taken knowing the harms were inflicted on racial groups
What is reparations
What can be done to repair the damage inflicted what restituion can be offered to the harmed or inflicted
What is Black Joy?
finding the positive nourishment within self and others that is a safe and healing place.
What is civil rights
Individual rights guaranteed by a constitution
What is human rights?
intrinsic rights that protect human life, ensure freedom, and secure personal liberty (universal)
What is capitalism
current economic system centered on private ownership ofproperty
What is patriarchy
social structure of gender
What is white supremacy?
the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.