Aboriginal Spirituality

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The Dreaming

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The Dreaming

A metatemporal (past, present, future) concept that links Aboriginal people to the land, spirituality and each other, containing all knowledge and identity.

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Ancestral Spirits

Inhabit the land, plants and animals through totems, guiding relationships through oral tradition.

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A system of moiety that dictations relationships, roles and responsibilities. Kinships established the connection of the Aboriginal people to the land of their ancestors.

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Totems are animals that are believed to have a spiritual connection with individuals or clans. They are considered sacred, with a responsibility to protect, and associated with ancestral beings or creation stories. Totems serve as a source of guidance, protection, and identity for individuals and their communities.

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Ceremonial Life

Rituals relate Aboriginal people to the dreaming and contain: SSC- Symbols, Songs, Chants

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Importance of Ceremonial life

Ceremonial life, including art, stories, ceremonies and dance connect Indigenous people to their ancestor spirits

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Transition from childhood to adulthood contains sacred knowledge, circumcision, seclusion, physical markings and physical testing and people are given a new name and a symbol.

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Rituals + Beliefs about death

A person dies and their spirit returns either to the ancestor spirits or is reincarnated. For this process to happen, ceremony has to take place. At a funeral, Aboriginal people don’t say the person’s name, use smokescreen to stop bad spirits following them and singing and chanting is used to put the person’s spirit to rest.

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Obligations to the land and people

Land is the physical link between people and the Dreaming, and is where ancestor spirits dwell. Aboriginal people see themselves as the custodians of the land.

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Separation from land, kinship groups, culture and language

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Sorry Day

Feb 13 2008 Kevin Rudd gave an apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations.

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Protectionism- 1830’s-1910 definition

Aboriginals forced to abandon culture and live on reserves, taken from parents and trained as servants, put into missionaries, imposed Christian values and teachings

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Assimilation- 1910-1970 definition

Forced integration of Aboriginal people into white society- Stolen Generation a main feature

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Stolen Generation

Aboriginal Protection Act of 1907- removals occurred from 1910-1970. Up to 100,000 children taken, most under 5, forced to live in church/state institutions with some adopted. Most grew up in poor living conditions, suffering suexual abuse, lack of education and loss of language.

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Stolen Generation impacts as adults

Loss of self, insecurity, depression, drug abuse, trouble raising their children. The “Bringing them Home” Report in 1997 called the Stolen Generation a “genocide”

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Effect of separation from land on spirituality

Loss of spiritual identity because the sacred sites and totems are within their land

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Loss of purpose because of a loss of greater connection with the land

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Effect of separation from kinship on spirituality

Loss of spirituality, language

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Loss of identity, and a lack of understanding of belonging.

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Land rights definition

A religious and political movement for Aboriginal people to regain ownership of their land to ensure their spiritualities which are inextricably linked to the land.

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Mabo- 1992

Mer people wanted private ownership over the Murray Islands.

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Mabo was successful, overturning “Terra Nullius.” This became a precedent that helped enact the Land Rights Act

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Native Title- 1993

The rights that Indigenous people have to their lands and waters being recognised by Australia.

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How to claim Native Title


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Social and cultural systems

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Connection and responsibilities to country

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connection to the land

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Wik- 1996

Wik people in Cape York, Queensland- wanted ownership but pastoral leases.

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Wik was successful, saying that pastoral leases and Native Title claims could coexist- however in a dispute the pastoralist wins

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Connection of Land Rights to the Dreaming

Land rights are important to Aboriginal people, as it is bound up in their connection to the Dreaming. Land holds relationships, traditions, rituals and culture, and therefore allows people to understand and experience the Dreaming, giving Aboriginal people their identity

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Reconciliation definition

A return to harmony after the breakdown caused by White Settlement and dispossession

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Christianity and reconciliation

Many Christian Churches have begun to implement Aboriginal practices in their worship, however still need to reconcile their deep involvement with the assimilation and protectionism of Aboriginal people

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Anglicans and reconciliation

Anglicare formed Anglican Reconciliation working groups that provides accomodation and family support to Aboriginals

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Anglican Archbishop of Bunbury apologised last month for the Anglican involvement in massacres of Aboriginal people and the hurt and suffering the church caused.

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Catholics and reconciliation

Celebrate national Reconciliation week at the end of May

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Caritas- a Catholic charity- works with Indigenous Australians on continuing trauma

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Judaism and reconciliation

Stand Up- a Jewish organisation have a program called Kol Halev that spread “Yes” campaign materials on the Voice

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JSA (Jews for Social Action) help Aboriginal people with early literacy, reading programs and after school tutoring.

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