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The process of becoming a U.S citizen.
The people in a district represented by Congress.
Bills are potential laws.
The person currently holding office.
Speaker of the House
Leader of the majority party who recognizes who gets to speak and organize committees.
Majority and Minority Leaders
They guide discussion from their side of the aisle and are the first one to speak.
A party disciplinarian who disciplines weak and flaky party members.
House Judiciary Committee
Determines the laws and punishments as well as impeachment charges.
Standing Committee
A permanent committee that focuses on major problems.
Joint Committee
A committee that has members from both the House and Senate.
Select Committee
A temporary committee that focuses on a current issue.
Conference Committee
A committee where members from the House and Senate discuss conflicts within their bills.
Works for the president but collaborates with other groups or organizations.
When at least 60 senators vote to end a filibuster.
Unanimous Consent
The approval of all senators.
A measure used to stall a bill.
Nongermane amendments added to bills for a certain party's favor.
Government healthcare for the elderly.
Healthcare for people who meet certain requirements.
Deficit Spending
When the government takes out loans to pay for something if the budget is too low.
Mandatory Spending
Spending that the government has to fund every year.
Discretionary Spending
Spending of leftover funds from mandatory spending.
Judicial Minimalism
When the court hears fewer cases and takes their time with each case.
The concept of rehearing a case.
Rule of 4
4 of the 9 justices have to agree to accept a case.
Majority Opinion
A reflection of the court's ruling written by the chief justice or a designated justice.
Concurring Opinion
Agreement with the court's decision but for different reasons.
Dissenting Opinion
Judges who vote against a decision explain their views of the law.
Amicus Curiae
Friend of the court; a brief submitted by a third party.
Opinionated articles that explain a publication's view.
10th Amendment
Power is reserved to the states.
11th Amendment
Restricts lawsuits against states.
12th Amendment
Establishes the electoral process for the president and vice president.
13th Amendment
Abolition of slavery and involuntary servitude.
14th Amendment
Guarantees citizenship and equal protection under the law.
15th Amendment
Voting rights for African American men.
Bicameral Congress
The USA’s congressional structure with the House and Senate.
The existing officeholder.
A group of like-minded individuals within the political system.
Redrawing districts to favor a political party.
A tactic used in the Senate to delay or block legislation.
Pork-barrel Spending
Government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district.
Standing Committees
Permanent committees focused on specific policy areas.
Select Committees
Temporary committees formed for a specific purpose.
Conference Committees
Committees formed to reconcile differences in legislation between the House and Senate.
A procedure to end a filibuster and bring debate to a close.
Judicial Review
The power of courts to assess whether a law is constitutional.
Equal Protection Clause
Part of the 14th Amendment ensuring all individuals receive equal protection under the law.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Legislation prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Outlawed literacy tests and other discriminatory voting practices.
Affirmative Action
Policies that take factors such as race or gender into consideration to benefit an underrepresented group.
Social Safety Net
Government programs designed to provide support for the disadvantaged.
Electoral College
The body that formally elects the President and Vice President of the United States.
Ballot Access
The ability of a candidate to appear on the ballot in elections.
Political Socialization
The process by which individuals develop their political beliefs and values.
Public Opinion Polls
Surveys that gauge the sentiments of the public on various issues.
Separation of Powers
Division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another.
Checks and Balances
Mechanisms that allow each branch of government to limit the powers of the others.