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Fluid Mosaic Model
Describes the cell (plasma) membrane as a semi permeable phospholipid bilayer
Semi-permeable: chooses which particles can enter and leave the cell
Phospholipid bilayer permits fat-soluble compounds to cross easily, while larger and water-soluble compounds seek alternative entry
Membrane Dynamics (cell membrane)
Phospholipid move rapidly in plane of membrane through simple diffusion
Lipid rafts;
Flippases: assist in transition or “flip” between layers
Concentrations of membrane proteins are mediated by gene regulation, endocytotic activity and protein insertion
General Membrane Structure and Function
Mainly functions in protecting interior of cell from external environment, intracellular/intercellular communication and transport
Contain proteins within lipid bilayer that act as cellular receptors and signal transduction
Glycoprotein coat: carbohydrates associated with membrane-bound proteins
Lipid Rafts
collections of similar lipids with or without associated proteins that serve as attachment points for other biomolecules; often serve roles in signaling
Membrane Components: Lipids
fatty acids and triglcyerides
phospholipids (glycerophospholipids)
cholesterol and steroids
Fatty acid
carboxylic acids w/ hydrocarbon chain and terminal carboxy
Triglyceridse and Cell Membrane
storage lipids involved in metabolic processes
Unsaturated: increase membrane fluidity
Saturated: decrease membrane fluidity
Humans synthesize only some of fatty acid others are ingested and then incorporated from small intestine via chylomicrons
Phospholipids (glycerophospholipid)
formed from substituting one of the heads of triglyceride with a phosphate group
Used for membrane synthesis
Can produce hydrophilic surface layer on lipoproteins
Can act as secondary messengers in signal transduction
Provide attachment group for water-soluble groups
Sphingolipids (cell membrane)
Similar in structure to phospholipis
contain hydrophilic region and two fatty-acid derived hydrophobic tails
Classes differ in their hydrophilic groups
Choelsterol and Cell Membrane
choleseterol helps produces steroids and stabilizes adjacent phospholipid sand occupies space between them
Prevents formation of crystal structures in the membrane
Increases fluidity at lower temperatures
Limits movement of phospholipids
Decreases fluidity at higher temperatures
Waxes (cell membrane)
Composed of a long fatty acid chain and a long-chain alcohol
Provide stability and rigidity within nonpolar tail region of membrane
Integral Proteins
associate with interior of plasma membrane
Transmembrane proteins: pass completely through lipid bilayer
Embedded proteins: associated with only the interior or exterior surface of the cell membrane
Membrane associated (peripheral) proteins
Bound through electrostatic interactions with lipid bilayer
Are prominent at lipid rafts; may bound to integral proteins
Carbohydrates (cell membrane)
Generally attached to protein molecules on the extracellular surface of cells
Generally hydrophilic, can act as signaling and recognition molecules
Can form glycoprotein coats
EX: differing carbohydrate sequences of ABO antigens (are sphingolipids)
Membrane Receptors
Usually transmembrane proteins
Activate some of the transporters for facilitated diffusion and active transport
May participate in biosignaling
Ex.: G-protein coupled receptors
Cell-cell Junctions
Generally comprised of cell adhesion molecules (CAM) that allow cells to recognize each other
Provide direct pathways of communication, between cells and also to the extracellular matrix
gap junctions
tight juncrtions
Gap Junctions
Allow for direct cell-cell communication and are often found in small bunches together
Are connexons; formed by alignment and interaction of pores composed of six molecules of connexin
Permit water and some solutes directly between cells
Tight junctions
Prevent solutes from leaking into the space between cells via paracellular routes
Found in epithelial tissue and renal tubules; act as watertight junctions that prevent solute leakage;
Can be tight enough to induce a voltage difference
Bind adjacent cells by anchoring to their cytoskeletons
Formed by interactions between transmembrane proteins associated intermediate filaments inside adjacent cells
Primarily found in interface between two layers of epithelial tissue
Passive Transport
Do not require intracellular energy but use concentration gradients to supply energy for particles to move
simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion
Simple Diffusion
substrate moves down their gradient directly across the membrane
Only freely permeable particles can use this
Potential energy is dissipate as substrate moves down gradient
specific kind of simple diffusion that concerns water;
Moves from region of lower solute concentrations to one of higher solute concentration
Moves from region of higher water concentration to one of lower water concentration
Most notable when solute is impermeable to the membrane
concentration of solutes inside the cell is higher than the surrounding solution
Cell fills w/ water and lyses
concentration of solutes outside the cell is higher than the surrounding solution
Water moves out of cell and cell shrivels
equimolar solute concentration exist outside and inside cell
Prevents net movement of water inside and outside cell
Collagative Property
a physical property of solutions that is dependent on the concentration of dissolved particles but not on the chemical identity of those dissolved particles
ex: oxmostic pressure
Osmotic Pressure
describes the point at which water exerts a sufficient pressure to counterbalance the the tendency of water to flow across a membrane to produce equimolar environments
In cells, is maintained against cell membrane rather force of gravity
Calculating Osmostic Pressure
Equation 8.1
Ⅱ = iMRT
M = molarity of solution
T = absolute temperature (Kelvins)
i= van’t Hoff factor (# of particles obtained from molecule in solution)
iNaCl = 2 (Na+, Cl-)
Iglucose = 1 (does not dissociate)
Failitated Diffusion
Simple diffusion for molecules impermeable to membrane
Requires integral membrane proteins to serve as transporters
example of facilitated diffusion where substrate binds to transport protein, remains in the transporter during conformational change; after which it dissociates from transporter
Occluded state: carrier is not open to either side of phospholipid bilayer and is undergoing conformational change
exist in open or closed conformations and are exposed to both sides of membrane and permit much more rapid diffusion
viable transporters for faciliated diffusion
Active Transport
Results in net movement of a solute against its concentration gradient
Always requires energy but that source of energy varies
Primary Active Transport
uses ATP or another energy molecule to directly power transport of molecules across a membrane
Generally involves use of a transmembrane ATPase
Used in nervous system: maintains membrane potential of neurons
Secondary Active Transport
uses anergy to transport molecules across membrane but is not directly directly coupled to ATP hydrolysis (dissimilar from primary transport)
Harnesses energy released from one particle going down its electrochemical gradient to move another particle up its gradient
Symport: particles move in same direction
Antiport: particles move in opposite directions
Summary of Membrane Transport Processes
cell membrane invaginates and engulfs material to bring it into the cell via a vesicle
Pinocytosis: endocytosis of fluids
Phagocytosis: ingestion of large solids
Veiscle coating proteins initiate invagination
occurs when secretory vesicles fuse with the membrane, releasing material from inside the cell to the extracellular environment
Important to nervous system and extracellular signlaing
Membrane potential (Vm)
Difference in electrical potential across cell membranes
Most cells -40-80mV
Ions may passively diffuse through leak channels so sodium-potssium pumps maintain potential
Calculating Membrane Potential
R = ideal gas constant
T = temperature (K)
Z = charge of the ion
F = Faraday constant
Goldman Hughes Katz Voltage Equation
P = permeabliity of relative ion
Sodium Potassium Pump (Na"+/ K+ ATPase)
Maintain low concentration of sodium ions and high concentration of potassium ions intracellularly
Pumps 3 sodium out for every 2 potassium in
Cells are more permeable to K+ than Na+ because there are more K+ leak channels than Na+ channels
Mitochondrial Membrane Potential
Outer mitochondrial membrane
Highly permeable; many pores allow passage ion/small proteins
Inner mitochondrial membrane
Much more restricted permeability
Has integral proteins along cristae that facilitate events of ATP synthesis and the ETC (electron transport chain)
Does not contain cholesterol