Native American Society + Discovery of the Americas
Mayan, Incan, Aztec Empires
Highly organized societies in Central & South America with advanced trade networks and scientific calendars.
Southwest Settlements
Hokokam, Anasanzi, and Pueblos in present-day New Mexico and Arizona developed farming supported by irrigation.
Great Plains
Nomadic hunters and farming tribes in the region relied on buffalo for food, tools, and clothing.
Iroquois Confederation
Political union of five tribes in the Northeast that lived in Mohawk Valley, New York.
Adena-Hopewell Culture
Known for large earthen mounds in the Midwest, particularly at Cahokia near present-day St. Louis, Illinois.
European Exploration
Technological advancements like gunpowder, compass, and improvements in shipbuilding led to European expansion.
Slave Trading
Portugal began trading for slaves from West Africa in the 15th century for sugar plantations.
Columbian Exchange
Exchange of goods, diseases, and ideas between Europe and the Americas, leading to demographic and economic changes.