Who took female humans as brides?
“Sons of God” (Male angels)
How many years should humans live?
120 years
Who are the parents of the Nephilim?
Female humans/male angels
What are the Nephilim known for being?
Great Warriors
Why did the Lord regret making human beings?
They were wicked, evil, and sinful
Why does the Lord say he will wipe out?
Humans, birds, and all crawling things
Who finds favor with the Lord?
What does it mean when the text says “Noah walked with God?”
He was a good and righteous man and was friends with God
Who are Noah’s sons?
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
How many sons does Noah have?
What type of wood is the ark made of?
Is the wood used to build the ark real/does it still exist?
No, either the wood no longer exists or they used a different name
What are the dimensions of Noah’s ark?
L- 300 cubits, W- 50 cubits, H- 30 cubits
What is a cubit?
An ancient unit of measurement
What is a covenant?
A promise that goes both ways (win-win, but if one side breaks it, it becomes lose-lose)
Who is to go into the ark in chapter 6?
Noah, his sons, his son’s wives, his wife, all animals, birds, and all things that crawl on the ground
How many types of creatures accompany Noah into the ark (chapter 6)?
2 of every animal, bird, and things that crawl on the ground
How many types of creatures accompany Noah into the ark (chapter 7)?
7 pairs of clean animals and 1 pair of unclean animals
What is a clean animal?
A Kosher animal (can be sacrificed and eaten)
What is an unclean animal?
A non-Kosher animal
When will the flood begin?
Seven days after God talks to Noah
What age was Noah when the flood came upon the Earth?
600 years old
What family members go into the ark with Noah?
His wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives
How many days did it rain (chapter 7)?
What is the significance of the number of days that it rained?
Signifies new growth and challenging tasks
Where do we see the number of days it rained again in the Bible?
Jesus walked for 40 days in the desert, Moses was on Mt. Sanai for 40 days and nights, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years
Who goes into the ark at verse 13?
Noah, his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives
Who shuts the door of the ark?
The Lord
How many cubits higher was the ark than the mountains (verse 20)?
15 cubits
What is killed in the flood (verses 21/22)?
All creatures that moved on Earth: Birds, Humans, tame and wild animals, and all creatures that teemed on the Earth
What happens to the fish?
The text doesn’t say but we can assume they lived
How long was the water on Earth (verse 24a)?
150 days
What does “remember” mean in verse 1 (chapter 8)?
Zachor, which means to remember and make/be present now
What does God make to subside the waters from the Earth?
What are closed so the rain is stopped?
Fountains of the abyss and the floodgates of the sky
Where does the ark come to rest?
Mountains of Ararat
In explaining where the ark rested, what is an indication that this story is not actual history?
Mountains is used as a plural, but there’s only one ark and it didn’t crash, so it couldn't’ve landed on multiple mountains at the same time
How many days took place before Noah popped the hatch open?
What type of bird does Noah let fly first?
What type of bird does Noah fly second?
What does the second bird that Noah releases do?
Comes back
How many days does Noah wait to release another bird after the second one?
What type of bird is the third bird Noah releases?
What does the third bird Noah releases do?
Brings back an olive leaf/branch
How many days does Noah wait to release another bird after the third?
What type of bird is the fourth bird Noah releases?
What does the fourth bird Noah releases do?
Doesn’t come back since it found land to make a nest on
When does the Earth appear dry (verse 14)?
In the second month on the 27th day of the month
What does the Lord tell Noah to do with his family and the animals?
To leave the ark and bring everything and everyone with him
What is the first thing Noah does when he leaves the ark?
Builds an altar and makes an offering of every clean animal
What does the Lord say to himself when he smells the offering?
“Never again will I curse the ground because of human beings, since the desires of the human heart are evil from youth; nor will I ever again strike down every living being, as I have done.”
How are animals’ feelings toward human beings described in verse 2 (chapter 9)?
Fear and dread
What does God allow humans to do at verse 3?
Eat animals
What are humans not allowed to do (verse 4)?
Eat animals with the blood still in them (not literal blood, but if it looks like blood it counts)
Who does God establish the covenant with at verses 9-10?
Noah, his descendants, and all living creatures that were with Noah on the ark
What will never happen again?
A flood to “devastate the Earth”
What is the sign of the covenant?
A rainbow
Who is Ham the father of?
What does Noah plant (verse 20)?
A vineyard
Who is the first son to see Noah drunk and naked?
What does the first son to see Noah drunk and naked do?
Tells his brothers
What do the other brothers do when the first son to see Noah drunk and naked tells them?
They grab a robe for their father and try not to look at him
How does Noah react rot his various sons?
He curses Ham’s son (Canaan), blesses Shem (Canaan is to be his slave), and expands Japheth (he can live among Shem’s tents and Canaan is also his slave)
What is the total number of years that Noah lived?
Who is Eber?
The first Hebrew person, the ancestor of all Hebrews
What does Eber mean?
To be Hebrew
Is the specification of God’s chosen people in the order: Hebrews- to Israelites- to Jewish people?
What are tow things the world is said to have in common?
Language and words
What valley do the people come to (chapter 11)?
The Valley of Shinar
What is the possible meaning of the phrase, “… and so make a name for ourselves…”?
They want to replace God with themselves, they want to be like gods
What concerns the Lord about their constructions (verses 5-6 of chapter 11)?
“Nothing they presume to do will be out of their reach”
What does the Lord confuse in the people?
Their language/words
What is the double meaning of the word Babel?
Confused and Babylon (also means gate of God)
What is the result of the Lord’s actions?
The humans become scattered
What are the two meanings of the story of Babel?
There are many languages because of Babel
We shouldn’t try to replace God with ourselves
What is important about the character of Eber?
He is the first Hebrew
WHo is the father of Abram?
What is significant of Ur of the Chaldeans?
It was Haran’s homeland and is east of Canaan
Who is the father of Lot?
What is the name of Abram’s wife?
How is the wife of Abram described?
Barren and beautiful
Where does Haran intend to take his family?
The land of Canaan
Where does Haran (person) die?
Haran (place)
What does the Lord say he will show Abram (verse one
A land
What is the first promise made to Abram at verse 2?
He will make of hima great nation (lots of descendants)
What is the second promise made to Abram at verse 3?
All families of the Earth will find blessing in him
What is the third promise made to Abram at verse 7?
God will give the land to his descendants
What does Abram build at Shechem?
An altar to the Lord
What is the name of the place next to where Noah builds an altar?
Bethel (hill country)
Why does Abram go to Egypt?
There was a famine in the land
What does Abram ask his wife to do?
Tell the Egyptians she’s his sister
Why does Abram ask his wife to tell the Egyptians that she’s his sister?
Because if they knew they were married, they would kill him and take her
Where is Sarai taken?
Into the Pharaoh’s house
What does Abram acquire while in Egypt
Sheep, oxen, male and female servants (slaves), and male and female donkeys, and camels
What happens to some of the Egyptians?
They are struck with plagues
What are the Pharoah’s orders concerning Abarm?
They send him and his wife away, as well as all their belongings
What story does the Abram story (when he goes to Egypt) foreshadow?
The Joseph story and the Moses?